I’m sorry, but this is just WEIRD….
The Washington Post’s executive editor takes time out of his busy schedule to basically say that my book doesn’t include enough positive stuff about Opus Dei
What the actual f**k?
The Washington Post’s executive editor takes time out of his busy schedule to basically say that my book doesn’t include enough positive stuff about Opus Dei
What the actual f**k?
"Why doesn't this book focus on the good works of the Catholic church?"
-Matt Murray
OD's reaction & attempts at negative PR are clearly a compliment to the accuracy of your book and research.
This article (2019) mentions Barr (Opus Dei member), Pompeo & Bannon, all religious zealots with an agenda.
Learn some new words dude.
Honestly, that sort of thing is objectively unknowable. It's asking an author to read people's minds. And he's an editor? Weird.
Democracy died, in darkness.
This dude is prolly a member.
I am sure there are legitimate criticisms about your book cuz we’re human.
But this amounts to - you are mean to Opus Dei.
I'm wanting to send one article or podcast or talk which encapsulates your take on this organisation to a friend who's a genuine Catholic but not well informed about Opus Dei. Hopefully they will buy you book afterwards.
What would you recommend?
This kind of gives the game away.
Is WAPO Fascist much?
We need to remember who stood on the wrong side of history.
Their crazy rulings and the reversal of long-standing precedent are eroding the rule of law and the Constitution.
Project 2025, Opus Dei, and the SCOTUS six, seek to the US into a Theocracy
I'm downloading the kindle version of your book to read over Christmas when we go visit family in Chile.
National Catholic Reporter James Grimaldi Executive Editor
It's difficult or many who are so closely affiliated with a particular denomination to maintain full objectivity.
'Superb' as some may find it, we're all only human&subject to being reflexively defensive about something so close to us.
It described the book as “a sober, fact-based indictment....a succinct and damning account” only last month
Because he was hired by a fascist billionaire who wants cheap, compliant labor.
Pushing fascistic religious organizations goes hand in hand with busting unions.
He’s only been in the job a few months, and last time I looked the Post – which I sincerely respect – seemed to be facing multiple crises
He actually seems to quite like the book – at least in parts
Murray calls it “compelling in some sections….Gore writes with genuine insight and authority”
So what’s his problem, then?
“There is virtually no space devoted to exploring the spiritual lives of Opus Dei members....or the notion that its leaders....might hold sincere convictions”
OK but that's worse
For real, this is such an abuse defense on the executive editor’s part.
“Opus is not a book for the curious Catholic seeking a broad, nuanced understanding of the organization”
Presumably this “broad, nuanced understanding” involves looking past the accusations of trafficking teenage girls brought against Opus Dei recently
Why would he celebrate that, but then seek to downplay my reporting about equally reprehensible abuses