Oh, *clearly* democracy.exe has encountered a fatal error, a)bort (r)etry (f)ail.
There's no unfucking this. Like, even if Trump admitted he was a russian agent sent by putin to end democracy and destroy the US economy manchurian candidate style, the cult would go on. They dumb as hell.
What if Putin publicly exposed his puppet to throw our part in the war into further chaos?
Divide By Zero errors are often caught by the govt as politicians create bogus code every session. So, fatal errors aren't a disaster. Besides, a poor educated citizenry is a state issue, not a federal one.
Rich people in the first Gilded Age didn’t care about children other than their own, and rich people in this new neoliberal Gilded Age don’t care either. They want a stupider and less healthy citizenry.
Let's be clear about this. GOP leadership wants to ban public schools because they want to impose charter schools, which allow them more leeway to discriminate.
GOP voters either agree or think schools are indoctrination.
Leadership of parties benefit from being conflated with their voters.
i dunno, my boomer mom would have preferred i have the kind of brain damage that would have made me a pleasant slave drone and free school lunch meant i didn't get that
Yes, for me it's a super simple litmus test to see if a person has even a molecule of sympathy or empathy- just ask them if they support school lunches. Their answer will tell you everything you need to know.
They claim that Trump wants to put people in place in all these roles, that he can trust. It's just coincidence that he ONLY TRUSTS WHITE PEOPLE. Also no surprise the press secretary is a young pretty blonde woman.
Silver lining is it's an opportunity for anyone with Black Panthery ideas to step in and provide for their community before Con-Agra or Chik-fil-a does it.
We've been brain poisoned into thinking that everything is a zero-sum game, so someone getting something for free is cheating. Everyone should always have to toil and struggle because if you just Work Hard™ you can become mega rich, though thats demonstrably untrue
The GOP don't want clear thinkers. Republicanism doesn't survive without stupidity and ignorance being widespread. They've attacked critical thinking repeatedly over the years.
America literally voted on a UN panel that food isn't a human right so...this just tracks. (Btw they were one of 2 countries that had this stance. Only 2. Everyone else was in agreement it's a fundamental right)
Yes, but I didn't get free lunch 35 years ago, so it's only fair that everyone should suffer for the rest of time. No, it doesn't matter that I didn't need free lunch.
People literally don't believe in society anymore. What was it Thatcher said? "There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families." People genuinely forgot that the state of everyone around them affects them.
Seriously. People claim to be "patriots" (nationalism is gross, but whatever) who want to see the country flourish, and then they turn around and knee cap any chance we have at producing a healthy and well-educated population of informed citizens. It's wildly inconsistent.
Head Start: "provides early education and comprehensive services to children and families in greatest need to prepare them for success in school and later in life."
Here are the 18 states ranked by the most children benefiting from the program. 14 of the 18 voted for Trump in Nov.
Also, for those who might complain that "rich" kids shouldn't be subsidized with a free lunch by taxpayers, most often is cheaper to just give everyone a free lunch than to set up a program to means-test all the kids and then administer it.
Yeah, but if you give it to everyone, you can't foster a sense of resentment between the beneficiaries and the ones who don't quite qualify. And it seems like this is the actual purpose of means testing.
Unfortunately, no brainer is also a descriptor for Donald Trump and his administration...because they don't have any brains just driven by greed and hate.
Unless you're Capital, in which case it's in your interests to keep children hungry, desperate, and unequipped to even recognize their exploitation, much less organize against it.
Free breakfast program is what put the BPP on the Feds radar. America has always sided against hungry kids. Doubly so if they're not American kids, bonus points if they're brown and hungry.
I mean, it's not, though. An uneducated populace is far easier to control. Now, is that evil and shortsighted? Hell yes. But that's certainly part of the game being played.
It’s so unfortunate so many free school lunches don’t meet the nutritional requirement to continue to develop those brains. But that’s probably intentional 🫠
But you dont get it free school lunches wont feed anyone it just means more taxes so that you cant buy the food that you dont need to buy because your taxes cover the food
Folks think it’s about making people stupider but I don’t think that’s the motivation, it’s simply that parents who don’t buy lunch need to be punished for their moral failure of being poor, and if the punishment is their child being hungry so be it
This is an easy win. Here is the play. Always make it about feeding kids. If your opponent wants to make an issue about something else (spending, debt, means testing, etc.), you DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THIER ARGUMENT. Only "Why do you hate children? Why are you trying to take food out of their mouths?"
Key question: Is it really in everyone's interest though? Or are there a class of people who think resources, opportunities and success are for a select few?
Milton Friedman's last OpEd, if I'm not mistaken, was in support of charter schools - the first step towards privatization of education.
@kedseconomist.com has a fantastic series on this subject going into detail on why it's a "no brainer" that addresses several layers of this issue. Here is a link to her six part series: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8Y1UdAm.
Idk why ppl dont point out obvious benefits like lower grocery bills and more time in the morning if you dont have to prep meals for your kids. Feel like thats a great way to encourage ppl to have more babies, but not like thats a stated GOP goal or anything
And keep the 2% milk. Give them whole milk. Less sugar, more nutritious. I worked in a predominantly hispanic school district and the food wasn’t healthy. The problem was home diet.
If they’re going to arrest parents when their kids play hooky then they don’t want to feed the kids. Fucking all authority just for the purpose of making common people subordinates.
This is exactly how they manufacture their base. If you want to understand why young voters are skewing to the right, then look no further than the all-out war that conservatives have waged on public education.
The takeaway is "Studies investigating [cognitive ability versus cognitive styles] generally reveal lower cognitive ability to be associated with stronger endorsement of right-wing ideological attitudes and greater prejudice."
I’m in my 40s and I can tell you that “vaccinate and feed your kids” wasn’t a controversial or divisive thing to say before 2015 no matter who you said it to. Now some MAGA chode will pull a gun on you just for suggesting it.
It's not in the interests of fascists, who are threatened by the notion of free thought. They want us to be happy that we're just Epsilons, they want us content to veg out in front of the televisor. They don't just want it - they need it.
Why? So they can grow to write computer code for large language models that don't require protectionist laws to hoard microchips and countless gigawatts of electricity and oceans of water?
I don't think repugs believe the children's brain development is a good thing. They are actively curtailing what and how they learn. As long as they can soak up the preferred dogma, that's good enough.
Well then the first thing we need to do is look at the food we are providing them. The stuff they sent home during covid was gross. Nothing fresh, healthy, or even taste good.
had universal lunch all throughout elementary school while I lived in Korea. the worst part was that they forced us to eat all of it before we could leave. it's a better problem to have than starving kids
Free for all children irrespective of economic status, it's so sad it's not a no-brainer norm in richest country on planet which routinely wastes humongous amounts of perfectly good food.
Who is stupid, now? 😄
There's no unfucking this. Like, even if Trump admitted he was a russian agent sent by putin to end democracy and destroy the US economy manchurian candidate style, the cult would go on. They dumb as hell.
Divide By Zero errors are often caught by the govt as politicians create bogus code every session. So, fatal errors aren't a disaster. Besides, a poor educated citizenry is a state issue, not a federal one.
GOP voters either agree or think schools are indoctrination.
Leadership of parties benefit from being conflated with their voters.
The discrimination they're seeking is just a creative way to break Brown v Board in a world where they can't find a way to repeal it.
You're right to say that it's also a huge financial win for the oligarchy.
Critical thinkers with well-developed brains aren't part of the plan.
Mandate that kids be in school? Then you damn well better feed them--and good food, not crap.
Not that MAGAts care about anyone else.
The unnecessary cruelty and suffering while these kids grow up is just an added benefit for these sick fukcs.
Here are the 18 states ranked by the most children benefiting from the program. 14 of the 18 voted for Trump in Nov.
One way to identify a criminal government that is an enemy of the people is by their opposition to having an educated population.
or corporations for that matter
Milton Friedman's last OpEd, if I'm not mistaken, was in support of charter schools - the first step towards privatization of education.
WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO BE TAKING CARE OF YOUR ELDERLY ASS?? The cruelty AND short-sightedness boggles the mind.
The takeaway is "Studies investigating [cognitive ability versus cognitive styles] generally reveal lower cognitive ability to be associated with stronger endorsement of right-wing ideological attitudes and greater prejudice."
These issues used to be common sense. Now the angry mob questions everything.
Kids need to eat, plain and simple.
how else would they get the youth vote