Took me a while to figure out. But he wants to be loved. Not feared. He wants to be seen as any and everything he isn't. But the rest of him? Wants absolute control. Hence why this is one of the first things we hear him get excited/happy/invested about.
Newsom vs Trump is a fight I’d like to see. The economic power of California, the existence of the 10th Amendment is likely going to kneecap Trump’s federal government.
The issue is that the 10th Amendment gives states power over the Federal Government SCOTUS can make a Federal monarch but not a State Monarch There are limits to Federal Power over the states which SCOTUS, as part of the Federal Government, can’t determine Though they may try A constitutional crisis
I fear we are putting waaay too much faith in the Constitution to protect us. Like the Bible, Republicans will cherry pick only the parts that serve Trump and their own interests. The rest of it will be ignored or eliminated with outright lies and weak legal excuses.
State governments can arm their own citizens if the federal government gets out of control. Both inside or outside the constitution. State power to do this is embodied in the 2nd Amendment, ironically.
Ok. So what’s left? We can’t count on the courts or SCOTUS or the Constitution. “We have to save us,” is what I kept hearing. Massive new voter registration, record early voting, ridiculously long lines and the popular vote came nowhere near what Biden got in 2020. We didn’t save us!
What’s left?
he is #TheBeast and every single traitor who voted for him is going to burn in hell forever - but they'll probably like it. still trying to find a way through this...the democrats are too nice and i am sick of being asked for money
I hate Trump to the core. He is everything we say and more. But I don't have an issue with showing ID to Vote and I don't think we should consider this as a right wing policy. I think thinking like this is what got us in this place.
If Trump deploys the US military to do this or something like mass deportation in state like California. It is the political equivalent of Caesar crossing the Rubicon. It breaks the fabric of everything that holds the states together.
And? Your only the temporary president of the United States, not King Trump!
I think you have forgotten that America is deliberately designed to give power to individual states to design their own policies and laws
Is that the best he’s got? Voter ID laws, although unnecessary, have turned out to have far less of a chilling effect on turnout than we once feared. If they impose voter ID, they’ll mostly find out that there were never millions of undocumented voters in the first place
“I could implement a way to accelerate the green card and citizenship processes to cement the growing voter base with latinos and other immigrants… but nahhh I wanna make them mad instead.” 🤔
Unfortunately these voter bases have proven that they’ll vote for a guy who’ll deport them when we get low on foreign looking or gay people to scapegoat so fuck it I guess, since it seems to work on them anyway.
Is that possible? Or are there federal regulations forcing California to pay? Personally I'd love to pay lower taxes instead of subsidizing places full of people who hate me for where I live.
They get a significant amount of money from the feds too.
While a rollup of all payments across the state may suggest they pay more to the feds than they receive, it'd be a huge undertaking to target those payments to other state entities without major fuckups. TX seceding is dumb. So is CA.
Well, at least there’s a chance the orange clown will be deceased by then?
Vance certainly may not have the cultish leader type of behavior to tell maga what to do/believe. And of course Leon wouldn’t be able to run for POTUS.
I agree with you. They should. Because at this point there's nothing anyone can say about democrats that will stick. Since everything people have said makes sure democrats never win again anyway. Why the fuck not.
Biden will never do anything drastic. He's an institutionalist. Plus, anything he does will just get overturned by the Court anyway. We are FUUUUUCKED.
What Trump will do is withold federal funds for disasters, education, etc. We Californians should prepare and review the budget and reduce spending where we can. We already pay a lot in property & gas taxes. Yes I am blue - we need to prepare for what's to come. I plan to pitch in by helping NGOs.
From his Agenda 47 manifesto:
-Homelessness will be criminalized, and all homeless in the US will be arrested and given the choice of incarceration or admission into a new federal tent city for treatment.
Who'd be, if anything, even more widely despised and lacking in Trump's cult following. He'd be trouble to have to deal with, but not as much trouble having to take out.
He doesn't finish his term if:
A. He has a mental breakdown so severe it renders him incapable of doing the job.
B. He has a health crisis that kills him.
C. Someone just snaps and shoots him in the fucking face. Possibly even a fellow Republican.
Conspiracy theory time. The oligarchs prefer Couchf*cker; they brought him in. But they don't want to piss off the MAGAts, many of whom still aren't cool with JV. So, orange guy has a "heart attack" or "aneurysm" or is actually shot. He's gone, and Elmo sells JV to the gullible dupes.
Much as we may want to believe that, please tread with caution. Trump has proven to be a nigh invincible evil. We can never count him out until he is definitively out of life.
I truly believe his cult think he’s immortal. When he dies they’re going to claim he’s been kidnapped by the Deep State & they’ll demand to see his body. Which they will then claim is a double & not him.
Trump is back to thinking he can wave a wand and make things magically happen. States run elections and even if he manages to find a way to enact his dreadful policies, the issues will wind their way through the courts.
Did you see the map of who voted for Kamala in California?? Literally only coastal cities, except of course for Orange County. I live here and am very concerned.
Californians (and other Blue State residents) should adjust our Federal withholding so that we pay just enough or slightly less than whatever Federal tax we will owe. First, it's a free loan to the Feds, and we'll be better off sticking those $$ in the bank. Make Trump earn his money.
I just want to get my hands on some of that "beautiful water from the north." I'm getting tired of all that beautiful water from the east... (The Sierras, to be specific...) Although I suppose he could mean Shasta, which is in Northern California and sends water to... Southern California!)
Please... "TAKE THIS DOWN"! The orange turd and his magats will see it and think that's the way it "really" is! But, also tell him Canada wants to put a tariff on this water.🤣🤣🤣
Instead of opposing VoterID, blue states should make it easy for any US citizen to get an ID. It shuts up the critics, probably doesn’t cost that much, makes some kind of sense. Conveys a suggestion of order & good management.
What is this voter ID concern after the election? Is he hinting he didn’t win the popular vote, therefore the electorate vote? I hope the vote counts are being watched closely! Very closely! He’s not the president yet!
This manchild is dumb as a post. Proof of citizenship is already required when registering to vote. Otherwise, I'd have been able to vote for the first 18 years I've been in this country.
What a dope.
That someone soon to be in the highest role, except of course for his masters, thinks it’s ok to speak like this says everything. If a CEO said this, they’d probably be forced to resign
Just the beginning (again). This reminds me of the video of him and his full team writing tweets. I wonder how many times he's actually in the room participating when they sound articulate and well written? Those late night early morning incoherent rage tweets, they most likely are all him.
We need to start hurting him now so that he loses the faith of the country. The cultural climate of the country can serve as a sort of algorithm in which if there is enough negative and ridiculing media he will not be looked at as a figure of respect. 1/
Using Nixon as an example, Watergate turned him into little more than cartoon character by the time he resigned. Ford by proxy looked the same way. We need something so powerful that the entire administration is embarrassed to show their faces. 2/
It needs to be in as much media as possible, in the routine of every comedian, the narrative of artists of all types. The national psyche must think and feel “we hate Trump and his people.” This is one of Bernays basic propaganda tools that he wrote about a century ago. I think we should use it.
Too bad elections are states' affairs...
Who would have thought, now we have the GOP trying to overreach, and the Dems seeking protection in states' rights!
California already knows who voters are. You are registered with your drivers license. When you originally apply for your license you have to show ID. When I moved back to CA from another state, they already had my old records. I get a mail in ballot, vote and send it back. Works very well.
Not to distract from the main point (his distaste for states' rights when it suits him is both deeply terrifying and something we've known about him forever) but ..... the water thing..... um, what the fuck is he talking about?
Somebody needs to explain to him (preferably using crayons) that a federal president cannot impose his will on a state. Like the states that get to decide their own abortion laws etc.
As an Aussie where voting is compulsory from age 18 who hates Trump, I can see benefits for strengthening Voter ID I honestly can. I'd say ok but we need Independent Electoral Commisions like Australia has to end Gerrymandering and voter suppression. I'd also consider making voting compulsory
Not we don't have voter ID in Australia, however Ibtrust the system. I'd end this register as a Independent, Dem or Republican BS. Just register to vote and this prevents what likely happened in 2024 where,MAGA prevented Dem votes counting
My newly elected governor and former AG of WA, Bob Ferguson, is prepared; we will not comply without a fight. We present our ID when we register to vote-there is no need for redundancy, regardless of magats paranoid delusions. 75% of us chose Harris-we will not go quietly into the new world order.
We have to distinguish between the more difficult and the impossible. If we can't acknowledge that saving this democracy is going to be based on **more difficult**, then, that is the first thing we will guide voters to expect.
Time for us to rein him in using control of media which ultimate controls everything. From social media to tv to print media, it's like 95% liberal. Time to take some responsibility, and say enough is enough.
Get ready for more of this bullshit for the next… I don’t know when because the next one’s gonna be just as a fucking dip shit as well… he loves playing the fucking victim “whoa is me motherfucker?”
Donold do not act like your helping us.
you just want to destroy our state to make your oil buddies happy. leave our amazing state alone.
we dont need you or want you.
Why can't he just leave California alone? We want NOTHING to do with MAGA's strange worldview. The best thing he could do is help MAGA flee from here and get set up in some nice red utopia. #LeaveCaliforniaOutOfIt
I find it so sad that our government, capital & White House, which are all sacred, are again going to be sullied by that horrible man and band of misfits.
It honestly breaks my heart.
New term: auto-fact - autocrat wannabe’s statements automatically become fact to his cult.
Decent people who voted for him based on misinfo/low info/single issue are headed straight for the FO phase with all of us.
Also, his gold-toilet life really shows when he puts groceries in inverted commas 🥴
Complete aside - DMVs are state agencies for licensing drivers and vehicles. We really need to either fully fund all the extra things that we tack on or stop it.
IMHO, Federal ID like passports and Real ID should be a USPS function; DMVs should keep the roads safe. 🤷🏻♀️
This fucker thought he could see Hawaii from the 17th hole at his golf course in CA. It should have been from the 18th hole but it crumbled into the ocean a while back. I wish he’d have tried seeing it from there and dropped into the Pacific with it.
What is up with his weird fixation with the word groceries? Every time he says it out loud, it is like he has never heard the word before, and if it is part of a post, he always puts it in quotes. So frikking weird.
Aaron, have you seen the video of his first declaration released overnight in this tweet? Going to make it essentially illegal to call a lie a lie. And doing it in the name of saving 'free speech'. Terrifying.
California should ignore it just like Texas and Biden’s immigration policies. And then out of spite they should refuse to export food to states that enforce those policies.
So they have to be clear .. he won and at the federal level he can do what it likes as has the mandate … so it is all about the boundary into state rights, so now totally switched and dems all in for state rights
yep protect what they can but the irony is now dems the party of state rights !! but we know they would be whatever they want to get over thier stuff, now will be big govt tells states what to do, strangely a couple in SCOTUS may not like that as we know so much is going there !!
No to proof of citizenship. How does one go about proving that? Social Security #? I'm worried what he has in mind will lead to all loss of privacy and much hackable info getting into the public domain.
Everything about Trump is awful but I'm a little confused on how Voter ID is a rightwing policy. When I lived in Minnesota I also had to show my ID to vote unless one of the poll workers personally knew me.
Dear God! Already with the insults like a 6th grader and pushing around the states. Doesn’t bode well for abortion rights, all you naive women who believed a serial liar.
That’s because the governors and the blue states have already said you ain’t fucking with this so don’t even try so that’s why he’s trying. Because the mentally unhinged lunatic dementia ridden psychopath pathological liar no he ain’t gonna get shit out of the blue state they aren’t his, Ever!!
He also prepares the ground for the inevitable failure of his policies : "it's the Dem's States fault !". He's going to put the blame on the Dem's for everything that turns south
I honestly am not sure I look forward a Republican Congress passing some kind of national voter ID law under Article I Section 4's power to condition/control how federal elections are run in the state, followed by a SCOTUS referendum on the extent of AIs4's permissible extent of federal control.
I think they may still ignore him. I think we will see a wave of nullification actions from blue states and possibly attempts by Trump to assert control by military force.
But Aaron, didn't you see all those illegal votes that came in during the election? How he had to fight so hard to shut them out? It wasn't the misinformation preying on the feels that netted him the win, it was totally the fight against the illegals voting!
Also, this "letting water go to waste." What is he talking about? Is he saying that we should collect water (how??) from rivers that flow into the ocean? Is LA and MS doing that now? Some of the free flowing rivers have to in order to help fish migrate/spawn.
And Democrats. Here’s your new leader.
What’s left?
Can someone explain why groceries is in quotes?
Is that a code word for something else?
I think you have forgotten that America is deliberately designed to give power to individual states to design their own policies and laws
Ready to turn anger into action?
Please help cure ballots!
As will I in California.
While a rollup of all payments across the state may suggest they pay more to the feds than they receive, it'd be a huge undertaking to target those payments to other state entities without major fuckups. TX seceding is dumb. So is CA.
Vance certainly may not have the cultish leader type of behavior to tell maga what to do/believe. And of course Leon wouldn’t be able to run for POTUS.
USE IT!!!!!!!
Done with the democrat party they play by the rules too much
Dems play nice.
Republicans don't even understand what that means.
No one is safe.
Don't kid yourself if you live in a Blue state.
-Homelessness will be criminalized, and all homeless in the US will be arrested and given the choice of incarceration or admission into a new federal tent city for treatment.
A. He has a mental breakdown so severe it renders him incapable of doing the job.
B. He has a health crisis that kills him.
C. Someone just snaps and shoots him in the fucking face. Possibly even a fellow Republican.
They’re exhausting.
But to others above, Vance would still be awful. He'd be pres. Depending on the current state of congress.. he doesn't really need maga or charisma.
Even without congress, he'd squeeze every dollar possible from the exec powers.
Motherfucker's a goddamn hate vampire. The more we despise him, the stronger he gets.
He hasn’t completely packed the bench YET
Following 💙
What a dope.
They all do.
Some friends are politically motivated now. It's too late.
Who would have thought, now we have the GOP trying to overreach, and the Dems seeking protection in states' rights!
He’s still wanting to make it harder for folks to vote. More people voting is good.
Good god .
you just want to destroy our state to make your oil buddies happy. leave our amazing state alone.
we dont need you or want you.
It honestly breaks my heart.
Decent people who voted for him based on misinfo/low info/single issue are headed straight for the FO phase with all of us.
Also, his gold-toilet life really shows when he puts groceries in inverted commas 🥴
Clinton proposed a national ID both during and after his presidency. GOP killed it.
It would require a heavy lift for a lot of their base, given the distrust they have sown.
IMHO, Federal ID like passports and Real ID should be a USPS function; DMVs should keep the roads safe. 🤷🏻♀️
He will not be allowed to drill off our coast, log our redwoods, or try to make us “great”.
Very dark times are coming🤬
Welcome to the People’s Republican of Trumpmerica.
California is beautiful?
He said to let it burn in person.. not his post.
Why are “groceries” in quotations? Do groceries mean something else??
This is going to be a nightmare
I reported horrid hate comments that went nowhere. “we know this isn’t the answer you were hoping for…”
I’m so glad to have x in my rear view.
RIP Twitter.
Like seafood? Too bad, eat corn!
I mean he's got a major hate for Newsom and California...
Reported TODAY the Pentagon is gaming out scenarios where they are issued illegal orders and how to respond.
Oh, I think this is coming.