Biden and the Dems are tone deaf cowards. Project 2025 is the plan. It has a green light. No speeches or strongly worded letters from Dems are going to save us from it. The Dems remain out of touch with the people and the seriousness of this second Trump term..... God help us.
...This man is fucking delusional and I hope the consequences of his blatant siding with right-wing policies bites him in the ass the moment he's not in charge, cause he fucked around and he'll out soon find out why geriatrics like him shouldn't be in power to begin with.
Well, at least I get warmed up a bit by my toaster. I guess Biden warms me up a bit too these days, but that's mostly from the rage I feel at him and other "patty cake" democrats.
It must be really embarrassing to still identify as a Democrat. Like a bunch of folks ignored a genocide to vote for them, they lost anyway, and now they're holding the door open for fascism. Does everyone see it now or are they still "saving democracy"? FFS
More butter knifes to an AR15 gun fight. Throw it away? One second after 12 noon Jan 20 he’ll ram it down the throat of every American. Except the rich ones of course.
He did several good things that he doesn't get credit for, but his lasting legacy will be enabling the genocide in Gaza, and failing to protect the Republic from fascism.
When have God ever answered the prayers of the poor people, who keeps getting poorer. When have it ever helped people denied insurance. When have it ever helped pregnant women denied abortion surgery. When will prayer ever help those who need help the most? Don't be naive, faith only helps so much.
He’s already using it, I pray to God people wake up to that fact. Also Mr President Trump may have immunity but last I checked that SC immunity applies to you too, maybe do something on your way out to help those living in fear of January.
I pray too, but prayer isn't going to save us from Donnie and Co's insanity. If it did, we'd already be golden. I'm not the only one in prayer. In 54 years on the planet, I've never come across a better description of "crazy pants" than Donnie and his cohort. I don't even know what to do anymore.
Doesn't the president technically have immunity? And he's still president for one more month. He literally can ensure Trump isn't allowed to do Project 2025 and he's just sitting on his ass!
I agree. what a disappointment
then he waited to the very last minute to step down
ensuring Harris would be fighting a short uphill battle
against corrupt oligarchs & putin
Fat chance. Project 2025 is the official blueprint of the Trump administration. And there are more than enough partisans who will carry it out without Trump caring.
Biden : "I pray to God the president-elect throws away Project 2025." Just more "Thoughts and Prayers". Not what we needed in the face of commonsense gun control and not what we need now.
I used to really appreciate and respect Biden but after 4 years of Merrick Garland and Joe's complete lack of action to protect this country from Trump - the sound of his voice just makes me sick
Joe, have you had a serious talk with Merrick Garland about exactly WTF he was doing? Did you have a talk with yourself about why the fuck your let him continue on when it was so obvious his plan was to do nothing because he was threatened with his life?
Didn’t everyone try to throw him in jail and he outmaneuvered them by delay delay delay? How could they make the legal system
move faster? That’s why I am so frustrated. And then all the illegal stuff he did just Goes Away. Not fair.
Yes but the Dems let him. They were so worried about the cries of "it's a witchunt" (which came anyway) they let all the delaying tactics slide until it was too late.
It looks like they thought Trump would be easy-to-beat but they were wrong, and did nothing but lazily let Trump win.
That too. Pretty much the pre-maga GOP and the Democrats both underestimated Trump (and his team). And they've both had chances to save the USA since, but chose not to.
Funny how that doesn’t work. Many people pray that Biden does the right thing and yet, he’s praying that the NEXT guy does the right thing. That buck getting passed around like a j.
His legacy is his utter failure at his most important job: preserving the republic. His “let’s all just move on” was wrong every day from January 20, 2021 through today.
Trump was literally running a government in exile from Mar A Lago in violation of federal law from before the day he left office. Incredible that Biden just let that happen. Didn't even say anything about it.
From his 2021 Day One in office I was disappointed by Biden’s inaction. I naively hoped something was going on behind the scenes. When he shuffled onto the Pres Debate stage in June, i felt horrified and angered — and betrayed. … And now here we are.
Well, he's not going to, so what are Democrats prepared to do about it? Aside from Democratic governors, the party seems to have no fight in it right now.
This has been a long time coming.
I've been worried since Biden didn't announce he was only going for one term. The Dems should have let Biden have one term with Harris proving her worth, then Harris vs Trump now.
Instead they asked Harris not to overshadow Biden so she looked like a do-nothing VP.
Then they just lazily drifted through the election like it was a cake-walk they were sure to win. We only saw any energy or concern (or tactics) coming from the public not the Democrats.
Now this, "Oh, that thing you were all worried about is happening? Gosh, I hope it don't though".
look .. your main job was to have filthy don arrested for his attack on our Capitol on J6
I couldn't be more disappointed by your lack of action against the greatest threat to our democracy since the advent of the KKK
you & Garland FAILED US
I'm furious
He might as well pray to god that Trump renounce all his administration picks and codify Roe v. Wade.
This is why the Democratic Party has to say "Thank you for your service" to the institutionalists and "centrists" and "moderates" who run the Party. Within them "NORMS". They're not Getting It.
WHAAAAAAT???? Why on earth does Biden think that Trump is suddenly going to ignore the entire platform painstakingly prepared for years by people in his administration and a hundred other extremists?
The whole reason he was elected was to implement their manifesto. Stop being naive.
I prayed to God that Biden payed attention to the 82% of Americans that thought he was too old to run again but ran anyway for his own ego. As a result of his selfishness we are now facing loss of democracy, Project 2025 and a dictatorship. Actions are better than prayers.
I’m so disappointed and beyond the point of hoping anyone or anything will save us. We wasted 8 years doing that. In the end, we didn’t save ourselves.
People demanded Biden be the candidate in 2020. I said it was a bad idea but no one would listen. They wanted this feckless, apathetic old man & declared no one else was acceptable. I said he'lll be 82 in 2024 & that didn't phase them. Some of them still think he's great as he is. It's nuts.
Lucky for me I don't have that struggle because I have not at any point in my life, had the impression that there is a god.
I think anyone that thinks there is one, is delusional, as they're seeing something that does not exist.
We have to stop beating up our best most recent President. I blame him for nothing. He defeated trump by a pretty good margin and was forced (and we did not step up) to try to govern while trump used social media ( for free) to poison American's minds about our lives.
This is all on the big liar.
Oh no, that wouldn't be in line with 1985's standards of governing discord. Remember when they go low, we go high so they can keep punching us in the nuts while we smile on and turn the other cheek.
The people who didn't vote for @VP Harris are responsible for this disaster. When Corrupt SCOTUS allowed TFG to be on the ballot, the voters should have stopped that fn Traitor. How do people think Biden can stop Trump?🙄
The McConnell court has given Biden dictatorial powers. He can do pretty much anything he wants as long as he claims it's part of his job. They say it's fine for him to kill a political rival if he decides it's in the best interests of the US.
WTF was President Biden supposed to do? Refuse to let Trump into the WH for a polite sit down? Trump would’ve spend the rest of his term bitching how Biden was mean & rude to him. We should all be pissed at the Republicans for wrecking our schools & turning out so many stupid Trump voters.
If he truly believes Trump is a threat to democracy, then he should absolutely have refused to meet with him. Trump is going to say Biden was mean to him no matter what Biden does.
I suppose. He's going to lash out once he gets pissed at something for sure.
The big question is how mean and hateful and awful can he get before his supporters start turning against him.
And how much suffering will it take.
They plan to blame the pain that ensues for the vast majority of Americans from the implementation of Project 2025 on Democrats like Joe Biden and (somehow) Hunter, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barack and Michele Obama, AOC and whoever else might ever be able to do anything about it.
Boy either these democrats are playing clueless or just plain ignorant about about how fascism works. Do they not see how many of the writers of project 2025 are going to be in Trumps administration?!? It’s going to happen. The constitution will be trashed.
And I pray to god you don't help throw away our democracy by acting like the maga trump machine is playing by the rules. Stop continuing to play nice - you're normalizing this autocratic takeover. They have shown their true colors.
With Trump, every day is opposite day.
About 0.0000000000001%, as compared to 0.
"Exit stage" anywhere!!
fucking weak-ass message to close out on.
then he waited to the very last minute to step down
ensuring Harris would be fighting a short uphill battle
against corrupt oligarchs & putin
THAT part was actually brilliant.
Fucking crazy!!!
(It's easy to blame Biden, and he is certainly to blame. But where was the DNC when Joe was making that decision?)
Tell me you haven’t seen Bruce Almighty without…
“Be the miracle.”
That, is pure evil, to see a house fire and do nothing about it. For fear of offending the flames.
That would excuse trying to praise RepublicanFascists for being a lesser evil than Dems-following-rules
Because the inner strong pride of Republicans is: speak the Rule of Law, break the Law in the back, stab in the back, poison
move faster? That’s why I am so frustrated. And then all the illegal stuff he did just Goes Away. Not fair.
It looks like they thought Trump would be easy-to-beat but they were wrong, and did nothing but lazily let Trump win.
Biden couldn’t even bring himself to say “I think Trump is disqualified from office.” It was just “the voters must decide!”
I hope I live long enough to see a democratic party with spines.
I've been worried since Biden didn't announce he was only going for one term. The Dems should have let Biden have one term with Harris proving her worth, then Harris vs Trump now.
Instead they asked Harris not to overshadow Biden so she looked like a do-nothing VP.
Now this, "Oh, that thing you were all worried about is happening? Gosh, I hope it don't though".
Thanks guys.
what ever happened to separation of church & state?
I couldn't be more disappointed by your lack of action against the greatest threat to our democracy since the advent of the KKK
you & Garland FAILED US
I'm furious
This is why the Democratic Party has to say "Thank you for your service" to the institutionalists and "centrists" and "moderates" who run the Party. Within them "NORMS". They're not Getting It.
End the delusion.
I'll take some of all of that and at least a few traq darts for insurance.
(yep, threw in some 80s thrash metal for GenX!)
The whole reason he was elected was to implement their manifesto. Stop being naive.
I think anyone that thinks there is one, is delusional, as they're seeing something that does not exist.
This is all on the big liar.
Do something now to save America.
maga jaga GOP is now admitting it was an insurrection and yet you and the other Dems don't do shit.
Do something besides rolling over and doing nothing.
Notably, Trump did not extend that favor to Biden in 2020.
The big question is how mean and hateful and awful can he get before his supporters start turning against him.
And how much suffering will it take.
He's had time and still has a month
Trump proof the goddamn government!