HUNT: Should the Trump administration separate families to execute its mass deportation plan?
REP. ZINKE: The families are part of the problem. I surmise that in Montana, what's gonna happen is we're gonna empower the sheriffs... the sheriffs are gonna round up. They know who's naughty & who's nice
REP. ZINKE: The families are part of the problem. I surmise that in Montana, what's gonna happen is we're gonna empower the sheriffs... the sheriffs are gonna round up. They know who's naughty & who's nice
REP. ZINKE: Well, there's foster care. There's a lot of things that have to be worked out in detail.
- Jesus, I guess
I hate this fucking country right now.
I was a foster child and have fostered/adopted.
This makes me so fucking angry.
Wonder how many Hispanics own guns?
Maybe we will find out when Trump's Brown Shirts come knocking.....
WTF 😳? The devil’s in the details or the White House? Wow…
Only 4 states have U pre-k, 7 provide school meals and 14 provide paid family leave.
And had to resign his cabinet post in the last Trump administration because of corruption.
Them: we don’t really care, fuck em
Every time.
Trust they'll come up with a profitable MAGA solution to this problem
Are Reps taking lessons from Russia?
So they wanna get rid of undocumented workers who contribute billions in taxes & put their kids in pricey foster care to own the libs.
These are the vermin that Trump speaks of.
"There's foster care." What is wrong with this guy, and why do I have to pay his salary?
2. Somewhere, Santa is preparing a sack of coal for a horrible person who made a horrible comparison.
The "devil is in the detail?"
No... it's not. It's back in the WH and in every single Republican lawmaker and voter. They can all fuck right off.
ZINKE: "Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?"
Zinke is a crook & max grifter just like Trump. “Empowering sheriffs” - like patrols catching the enslaved… I WANT MY FREAKING COUNTRY BACK!!!
And once they age out of foster care they often have substantially worse outcomes than other kids after becoming adults.
Ready, Shoot, Aim!
And we live in a Blue state...
"We just tryna keep y'all together. We gotta think about our reputation!"
Got it.
what could go wrong?
There are a bunch of illegal immigrants in Montana?
Well, there are reports of brown people, and we ain't taking any chances!
What about, "The family separation policy of the first Trump term was deemed cruel, courts had to intervene, and some children were never reunited with parents. How will this be avoided in this second term?"
"Naughty or nice"?
The town sheriff decides"?
The families are part of the problem"?
Maybe they'll use trains.............
"and it's gonna be expensive...."
Fuck's sake.
What a cute idiom for the systematic destruction of people’s lives!
Oh interesting huh I wonder how this is gonna work out
If anyone is still confused about what’s going to happen, they chose these words to talk about people. Human beings.
Trump wants to use this to its worst possible outcome for personal freedoms
Critical thinking, people.
How far into this, will they realize... This isn't going to work.
Just like santa 🤦♂️
But they don’t actually care about justice, laws, children, or even efficiency. It’s all about the cruelty.
But fits with Elom Nazi salute and their return to christian values by limiting women's rights.
Kinda sounds like something Russia would do 🤔
And the perps will beg forgiveness and their Church will give it to them. And they'll somehow blame the kids.
What kind of cutesy sugar coating is that?
“Ho, ho, ho, you got to go!”
Fuck all these clowns.
Hide your DOGS!!
FT liar #MTPOL
🫏 admitted the "families are the problem." Their plan is to separate them and deport them.
And how TF will LEOs know the "dishwasher" from the "hardened criminal" and who's to say they're not the same guy?
Garbage from CNN.