JD Vance attacks the church: "The US Conference of Catholic Bishops needs to actually look in the mirror a little bit & recognize that when they receive more than $100m to resettle illegal immigrants, are they worried about humanitarian concerns or are they actually worried about their bottom line?"
I see the devil in his black eyes.
I’m sure the good Bishop does as well.
How much did you JD Vance receive in Big Oil donations? Or from Billionaires? Are you representing everyday Americans or oligarchs?
Not as much as the DUI hire, but experience.
You tried that over the last four years and it certainly did not work so you could use your reach to get more eyes on Democrats instead.
That’s rich. 🥴
Fn hillbilly with mommy issues 🤬
This is a round-up. It has 0 to do with violent crime. They’re deporting people- period.
Vance is pure scum.
Spare no one.
"We don't have no friends. We don't need no friends. ...We don't have to show you no stinking friends!"
These are true barbarians who have driven far beyond our “gates” into the central heart of our society and culture.
An ugly mirror on our souls.
It's heartbreaking what politics have become.
"Anti-Catholicism was widespread in the 1920s; anti-Catholics, led by the Ku Klux Klan, believed that Catholicism was incompatible with democracy and that parochial schools encouraged separatism and kept Catholics from becoming loyal Americans"
I'll wait.
For an example of it here in Canada. This is the Toronto Sun (Fox news basically) trying to scapegoat pro cycling organizations as greedy money grubbers. Exact same framing JD is using:
Dummies ate it up though.
that's the belly laugh I needed today
what a colossal buffon he is
Also, JD can ram his practicing Catholic up his ass.... he's a scheming lying sack of shit. He has no humility or compassion for anyone.
Just pure evil.
I mean... it is his modus Operandi.
Only a few late night comedians are willing to call out the bullshit.
What, you think he respects his wife or his in-laws? Caring for and respecting your wife is woke nonsense!
(I wish I didn’t have to clarify that this is meant sarcastically but we live in a society.)
Anyone who claims to speak for God should be considered a crook until demonstrated otherwise.
Bishop Budde demonstrates that nicely. Vance is a conniving Ted-Hole.
And they WERE LEGAL.
old parents who go to Mass every week are the most anti-Trump. We were raised to take care of the less fortunate, Pence and Vance are pseudo Catholics
Most Catholic churches are organizing against Trump's vile immigration orders. Otherwise, he'd never have stripped churches of sanctuary status.
Sucks to be them.
We got proof of that last week.
He is already talking about giving allowing religious groups to oversee reconstruction after disasters. He will hand them billions with no oversight.
Whether attacking the church like that is an offense against the Holy Spirit is easier to defend.
That’s the only unforgivable sin.
“Drop that socialist New Testament stuff.”
Not Jesus, that’s for sure.
FWIW, why bother to interview Vance, Lindsey Graham, any of the trump sycophants? They use these shows to lie and spread propaganda. I usually do not bother to watch. No useful information comes out.
(He's also a typical recent Catholic convert who doesn't understand it's no longer the Middle Ages)
You couchfucking reprobate.
So you can claim you addressed it without responding to it.
So, aside from a few nutjobs, Vance is being shamed by his fellow Catholics.
(And let the public shaming continue.)
Kick him out and send him packing!
Junior Fascist Asshat™ gets excomm'd.
Senior Fascist Asshat™ declares war on Catholicism.
Churches get bent out of shape and go openly political (thus losing tax-exempt status).
Catholic cops get all conflicted about to whom to bend the knees.