Trump on federal workers who haven't responded to Musk's email: "Those million people that haven't responded though, Elon, they are on the bubble ... maybe they're gonna be gone."
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Really Marge? Glad you feel that way. CUT YOUR BUDGE BY 60%. FIRE YOUR LAZY STAFF....ALL OF THEM. Start paying rent on your office space. No more benefits. No more plane rides. No more car leases. PAY YOUR OWN WAY. Also, as you like to do to others....your pay will be reduced to $1.00.
What’s hilarious (but sad we’re here) to me is how Trump’s own cabinet picks like Patel have said they are not required to respond to Musk. Their own administration is destructing from within.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 imagine how well this country will function with 1,000,000 less federal workers. They cut FAA staff and we have had more airplane accidents in 2 months than in the last 20 years. What a bunch of morons.
Also, how many people in the civilian military and energy departments who have TS or ATS clearance. After all, a condition of their clearance is that they can't disclose what they know to those without proper clearance. A lot of Intel and military people for sure.
Not happy about the people losing their jobs but if people need to be let go, it should be done strategically for the betterment of the organization. Musk is doing it out of ego and power.
I think Elon should fire every federal employee, or they all should just walk off the job. Then let's see how that goes. #FederalEmployeesNeedToStickTogether
Seems like the prez still harping publicly on people getting fired for not responding to that email provides with more fodder for OPM sanctions motion
He's just demonstrating that alleged-big-dick 'richest man in the room' energy, where they don't have to dress well, but everybody else has to. Silicon Valley tech-lord behavior.
So, we have a former tv actor reprising his nonsense-bullshit role from The Apprentice. Ghouls. Firing people who have committed their life to service of the country. What patriotism. What efficiency. What a way to make the country great again.
Oh, for crying out loud. Does the guy ever stop talking? Is he so afraid of becoming irrelevant? God knows he ran out of smart things to say a long time ago. Not that he ever said anything smart. Seems to be a family thing.
Have zero idea if this claim is actually true. However, one of the first pieces of litigation I ever did was a med mal case involving a botched penis enhancement (patient didn't follow the aftercare instructions and did incredible damage to himself) and still 20+ years later...*shudder*
I learned about proper after care for piercings. I never had a Prince Albert, but I can absolutely guarantee that if I did, I would not have missed a beat of the routine.
As of 2023, there were over 2 million full-time, permanent federal civilian employees. This number does not include uniformed military personnel or federal contractors.
Ask trump how long does he think it takes to read 2 million email responses?
I have said since day one, it's not about what employees said. It was a loyalty test. Did they listen to Musk and Trump and respond, or did they listen to dept/division heads telling them not to? Today Trump is saying that those who didn't answer are on the bubble to be fired.
Wall Street will insist on them. Too many contracts in the stock and commodity exchanges rely on accurate info. Without that, many rich people lose their net worth quickly.
They were told not to by their department leaders. Trump and Pres Musk are counting on their maga followers to be as ignorant as they think they are! These sound bites will fit that narrative
I know this isn’t on topic but it just frosts my cookies that Leon Skum wears a hat inside the Whitehouse. And adding to the injury is that it is THAT hat! Perfect arrogant tech bro “I’m so far above you people I can’t be compelled to dress up to convention.”
So fire members of the military, the FBI, the DOJ, the Capitol police and Homeland security who don't respond to Musk's asinine email request. So much for backing the blue and law and order.
You'd think that a bunch of genius programmers would just check email and teams traffic as a first path to see if someone exists. What about their boss? Do they not exist - or do they just never talk to their staff? Anyone who calls this an audit has never in their life been in one.
So that would be everyone at DOJ, State, and a few other places that told employees not to respond. Will Nazi Barbie and Rubio defend their employees to their faces?
I truly can’t tell if Fox propaganda and trumps other cronies know Leon is controlling rotten yam titties and they’re just playing along or if they are genuinely duped..or a mix of the two
Maybe they’re on vacation and aren’t looking at their phones. Maybe they’re in the hospital. Maybe they have a dying parent and they’re at home with them, not looking at work emails bc their parent is dying. Spitballing here.
Notice how scared and slimy
are at the table. They know they sold their souls to be considered by Trump, then they sold their testicles to be at the table and now they know—there’s nothing left. No balls, no soul. Just going down in history as spineless.
Two Russian stooges backed up by the craven Russian stooges in the GOP-No need for Putin et al to invade the US to destroy it as all they had to do was wave the money at very greedy people.
There were millions of us who knew that a re-elected Orange Fascist would be terrible for the country...but I wonder if anyone imagined that he would immediately launch into openly, unashamedly destroying the country?
Bastille day time- there two Marie Antionettes brewing (Louis XVI was much aligned but was neither a despot nor cruel- much better human than his grandfather Louis XV)
When the end comes can the Americans but a El Duce twist to Bastille
Not for vengence - but set a message for future- do not try!
IIRC, the DOD employees were told not to respond. Fire them and see what happens. Do you think Canada will make the US one state or divide it into different parts when they invade?
So not one cabinet member had the balls to tell Trump they instructed employees not to answer because his supposed technological genius can’t set up a secure server.
Not one told him federal employees go through background checks including fingerprints so of course they fucking exist.
We ageee, but that brings us to the crisis point (which we're hitting now in other court cases) where a court order is ignored by the federal government.
Hello, how are you and how is your family? I hope you are healthy. I hope you don't forget my family and help us with anything that brings me and my family back. Our house is destroyed. We are still in the tents, the cold, and hunger is suffocating our bodies my missing husband.I hope you will help
Because they're fools, they assume all of those people who aren't behaving like paranoid slaves are expendable. We're all going to learn how badly this arrogance will cost the country for days to come.
He actually believes, and rightfully so, that there’s not going to be another election, or he wouldn’t be pulling shit that is hurting his followers! The election was hacked, he knew he had the votes, there’s no fucking way he won all 7 battleground states! No one will be investigating this!
So many reasons why someone might not reply to an email. They're on holiday. They're sick. They're temporarily seconded to another agency. They're actually retired but still doing work for nothing. They have more than one work email but only use the other. etc etc.
Until T starts speaking definitively, to my ears it's just "blah, blah, blah, me, me, me, blah, blah blah. I can't waste any more energy trying to understand what this bufoon is saying. If somebody hears him say something relevant, please give me a heads up. Thanks.
Nothing will end this bank robbery in sheep’s clothing faster than pissing off the entire country at once by grinding all federal services to a halt
Fire a million federal workers and they’re likely to have two million people descend on DC
This is a bored mega-billionaire playing a game, and we are merely the expendable NPCs.
Meticulously went through each job and it took 7 years.
These yahoos just want to break stuff as if that makes of “cool.”
All the heads of agencies who told their people not to respond should be fired immediately.
Clown show if all the clowns were meth heads with AR-15's.
And what's with that dumbass hat Elon is wearing in the cabinet room? Every hear of decorum?
Good thing we have social safety nets… wait, nvm.
Unemployment rate will skyrocket and jobs report will bomb… wait, we aren’t going to hear about that stuff anymore.
Maga will be told the economy is fine even when they can’t afford groceries
What a shit show 👏
N paying a druggy to rob the piggy bank
Ask trump how long does he think it takes to read 2 million email responses?
I used to work for failing businesses that had this level of incompetent comms. But in this case, we all lose.
(if your kids ransacked your closet and pretended to be adults at desks, they would be more believable than the republican regime)
We need a new way to fight them.
What a terrible human being to hope your colleagues will be unemployed.
Don't resign
Stay strong
And hold the line!
You're going to need a lot of these:
My my my
Nah, course not.
And his bosses and their bosses all said ignore it.
are at the table. They know they sold their souls to be considered by Trump, then they sold their testicles to be at the table and now they know—there’s nothing left. No balls, no soul. Just going down in history as spineless.
Well, maybe one, not of us: Vladimir Putin.
I hate being right about stuff like this, especially because I raise the alarm, and nobody listens, or they tell me I'm overreacting.
When the end comes can the Americans but a El Duce twist to Bastille
Not for vengence - but set a message for future- do not try!
Not one told him federal employees go through background checks including fingerprints so of course they fucking exist.
They said they wanted to "traumatize" the federal workforce. So this all is in line with their plans.
I have never wanted to own a gun but thinking seriously that I might need one if that happens.
Everyone has to make the call for themselves about how best to manage this moment.
Its perilous and evolving.