2/ The big picture is that covetous mega-corps would rather gamble with fascism/nepotism over a flatter economy or a national leader that may limit their freedoms, including for rapacious/parasitic empire-building. #boycott
3/ a half-Kremlin-hi jacked America is UNIVESTABLE. Not financial advice. Do your own due diligence. That said, my opinion is SELL SELL SELL SELL! GET OUT BEFORE THE OTHER BIG INSTITUTIONS AND COUNTRIES DUMP! SELL ALL FAST BEFORE THE STAMPEDE!
Yes, the world's wealthiest most powerful country BY FAR has been taken advantage of for years, poor us, boo hoo, if only there was a way for us to raise more revenue for Americans who are suffering, fuck it, let's just tell them boys are playing girls' sports and pick their pockets some more
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"
But they're going to give you a tax reduction, right? If that's the case, what's the f#cking point? Canada has practically no fentanyl going into the U.S. And we did everything he asked. We strengthened our border so it makes things better for us too, so that's fine.
I'm reading about a serial killer. Much more encouraging than watching this dumbass blowfish. The person I'm reading about went to prison for his crimes.
Trump has been saying the exact same stuff for months.
We're not seeing a reaction to the news per se... We're seeing the early stages of the markets losing faith in the administration's desire to manage the economy and the stock market altogether.
Enough. We will have tariffs. We don’t and we won’t have a free trade agreement with the US anymore. Let’s reorganize our economy and our external relations and alliances. It’s gonna be bumpy for a while but let’s do it. And stop being anxious listening to this crazy clown.
While elderly American retirees watched their pension fund growth tank on the stock market overnight , Musk was flying his dear old rich Mom around on Air Force One. How does that make you feel?
I bet you a fortune that they shorted the market and that this tariff charade was meant to tank the markets. This is the most extreme insider trading event in history. Did Doge gut the SEC by coincidence, you think? The US has become a maffia state, just like Russia
As per my father , hitler was very charming and persuasive.
We can take the world Mussolini!
His son in law tried to warn Mussolini that Hitler was an evil man! The rest is history!
I'm kinda thinking Trump is deliberately sabotaging America and punishing its people. Why else would he hurt so many people there? Or is it dementia or some other form of illness?
And it’s not just the tariffs. It’s mass layoffs, the cancellation of billions of dollars worth of programs, its unmitigated corruption. Everything Trump touches turns to rat 💩.
When this moron finally drops dead (likely from brain atrophy), I'm going to take great pleasure in watching all the sycophant rats attempting to jump ship, justifying their decisions. Imagine people like Hegseth trying to figure out what to do without someone to give them orders.
Guaranteed successors will try. I'm probably fooling myself, but Trump's superpower has always been threats of being primaried, and I don't think his base would coalesce around anyone else enough to keep that threat alive. Musk can certainly fund primary challenges, but that's not the same.
Who pays the Sales taxes: consummers do. MAGAmorons would argue that stores owners pay the sale taxes, of course they pay them after they charge the tax % to each product that is paid by consumers at the store. So the tariffs. Get it MAGAmorons???
NO ONE gets into the White House, let alone the Oval Office, by mistake. And no Russian ‘journalist’ is really a journalist. Putin was sending a message to his puppet, which explains trumps derange demeanor. He was putting on a desperate show for his BOSS
It’s time the legitimate press abandon trumps lying press room and focus their energy on some real investigative journalism! It is time to expose the truth!
Let him lie to an empty room (except for MTG boyfriend)
Stock markets don’t like chaos. Who woulda thunk? I don’t know, maybe every fucking economists that warned us this was gonna happen? America couldn’t vote for a black female and chose the rapist convicted felon instead. This is a fucking nightmare.
Watching it on CNBC listening to Warren Buffet tell us it’s (tariffs) an act of war. That it only causes inflation and decline of growth. Poor billionaires losing money always makes me so… happy
👍🏻 I said that. The way I wrote the text sounded like I was saying Buffet was losing $$. I was just saying what he said about tariffs. I’m happy the tech billionaires are getting hurt. Not him. Buffett’s a good guy. He was telling us trumps tariffs will affect all of us even if we don’t own stocks.
That’s true. I’m losing $$ also. Americans will be hurt. I don’t get satisfaction from that. I will say the majority of 🇺🇸 don’t own stocks. Feels like they do because we are privileged but most only have enough to pay their bills if they are lucky. Why? Because billionaires eliminating middle class
I don’t personally remember 1929 but I remember reading about it. If my memory serves me, I think we had quite a correction in the stock market that began that year. Also, people were in bread lines for the next 10 years until a war occurred. I’m being sarcastic 😉. This is what they want. Grifters.
Yes, I don’t count him as one of the greedy billionaires. There are a few exceptions. Mark Cuban being another exception. Buffet knew. He’s the best investor ever. He’s had his largest cash position ever for the last 6 months. He knew it was coming.
He's talking about tariffs again. As usual he has it backwards. This from the man who declared bankruptcy 6 times. What a way to tank the economy and stock market!
Raise your hand if you have zero interest in watching the State of the Union tomorrow? 🙋♀️ Then join us for a 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 about the state of our union. We'll be joined by Prof. Timothy Snyder, who wrote the book On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Sign up: https://go.redwine.blue/304SS-TH
He doesn’t care about those stocks! His focus is on building Crypto currency stock to consolidate wealth to ONLY the wealthiest!
He is willfully destroying the economy!
BTW, Someone told me about https://archive.is for paywalls— not an endorsement.
The market knows he's a complete fuckup
It happened today, but not right here?
This is blueanon shit
Econ 101.
This is the biggest tax increase ever.
"It's amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep those legs moving.”
~Lex Luther, Superman
- Little Bill, Unforgiven
But we'll always have Gulf of "America"...
We're not seeing a reaction to the news per se... We're seeing the early stages of the markets losing faith in the administration's desire to manage the economy and the stock market altogether.
March 2025
Will live in infamy
We can take the world Mussolini!
His son in law tried to warn Mussolini that Hitler was an evil man! The rest is history!
Oh, I added a line to mark the day Trump took over. Meaningless I'm sure.
All over USA.
Talk to Republican voters.
Visit their districts, listen to them and their fears.
Is their concern about immigration, overshadowing their cost of living, violation of laws, corruption, education, jobs etc ?
Not everybody joined TrumpMusk cult !
Win them over ♡
Needs to show the mattress below to cushion the landing, marked “Billionaires Only”
Let him lie to an empty room (except for MTG boyfriend)
Surely there has be a limit, something that even the MAGA cult can’t overcome.
Surely ???
Are we great now?
Do not question your god emperor.
This is going to hurt average Americans more.
Yeah I have respect for the guy. He isn't called The Oracle for nothing. And he gives out his advice largely for free.
Tech bros can go pound sand.
Like Hoover
Tbf the stock/approval rating declines have been bigly
So, we’re cooked on these tariffs.
1st Trump admin added $8.4 trillion to the national debt
He is willfully destroying the economy!