"Trump cares about veterans "
she says.
The she uses a logicsl fallacy WITH NO EVIDENCE.
"Perhaps they're not fit to work"
None of the employees are being fired for performance.
They're being fired to give billionaires tax cuts.
Fired to undo regulations.
Just another evil Trumper
yeah. i'm sure a lot of thought was put in to determine job fitness for each and every individual veteran that was fired. 😂
coming from an administration that thought it was *too difficult* to see if any of the 1500 criminals they released maybe shouldn't be. like the 5 known pedophiles.
Perhaps she should drink a big glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! She will never understand true commitment to the Constitution, our Country, or Public Service.
USAF Veteran/Federal Retiree here...her comments/actions are indefensible!
She is a throw back from Epstein's child trafficking ring. I suspect many of MAGA insiders come from the trafficking ring Pimps and pedophilia sick perverts and criminals
It’s a whole party of them. And they talk the loudest but yet behind the scenes they’re doing everything they’re talking about. It’s disgusting and gross.
CNN pundits just said we need to be there, be respectful & show we will work with them. What?! This is a coup. They don't need us or want us. Why are we trying to be polite to people who are spitting on us.
Every maga i see on here and in person seems just fine with everything he has done so far. Im convinced they are no anti American somehow now, idk. How can they just be ok with all of this is beyond me...
My Social Security was already deducted $55 a month started in January with what was supposed to be my SSA COLA announcement bcz " law says they can".
I'm on lowest income bcz of becoming disabled & having SSA rationed for early start. I'd like to know if higher $$ receivers were docked
They cannot do it without us and we cannot do it without them. Unfortunately they won't take the lead and organized with us and they won't accept the reality of what has to be done.
They aren't Communists. Communists are the opposite of Nazis. Communists are (and always have been) far-Left, Nazis are (and always have been) far-Right. Communists means everyone together, Nazis are only out for themselves and their very specific group.
How did veterans ever think it was a good idea to vote for him? I just have to think to myself that there was some chemical / mental disturbance going on in their thought process.
The veterans that are still supporting you after the b******* he's done with the VA. I don't understand
". . . or not willing to come to work." Habba also said there is "obligation to use taxpayer dollars to pay people who actually work." So - ALL VETERANS who were fired are cheating the American taxpayer and are not willing to do any work or come to work. This is Trump's true beliefs about Veterans!!
And if they don't have a job Halina will call them lazy and say they just don't want to work. There isn't anything we can do to please these people except die. It's fucking obvious.
Not fit to have a job at this moment is the perfect description of Trump, Musk, Vance, and trump’s entire cabinet. They’re the ones who should be unemployed.
Absolutely Ridiculous…Of course, anyone can be lazy, but veterans are preferentially hired for Federal Jobs, because they generally have an incredible work ethic, and a patriotic loyalty that surpasses most non-veterans.
Fit to have a job?
This comes from a so-called lawyer that couldn't complete the right legal documents and has lost multiple cases. These ppl are self righteous SOBs.
This government absolutely do not support the uniform.
Neither cops or military.
Saying you do but you don’t do anything to help them is just words.
Words called "lies”
Ms. Habba could not last a minute talking this smack amongst current/retired military folk.
She better stay firmly ensconced clinging to the coattails of her sugar daddy/boss/client, while it lasts. Pity not tho, as she is well-paid in the currency of being downwind from fetid feces-loaded Depends
I wouldn't say majority.
Definitely a very disturbing number though. I had to deal with a lot of scum when I served. It is not the "brotherhood" some old movies depicted.
She represents the morons who commit crimes, boast about them on Facebook and then are shocked the cops figure them out. "Wait, you read my Facebook? YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
Apparently not as he's been insulting them to their face for years. 2016: "I don't like people who were captured." 2018: "Why would anyone sacrifice life for country, they are suckers and losers." & he didn’t want to be seen with wounded veterans “it doesn’t look good for me.”
Fired from your govt job? Live in Missouri? Run for office. Let’s make all GOP lose their jobs. Blue Missouri will mentor, coach, help you staff up, learn how to fundraise and run. Those of us not running need to donate, volunteer, amplify this group and these candidates;
It's bold of you to ASSume we will get anymore fair elections
All because We didn't fight for the one that fucking mattered
Dems just let the republicunts do whatever w/o repercussions
They KNEW he's a russuan agent
KNEW he would cheat
Hasn’t the orange felon insulted veterans continuously? I can remember more than several occasions that he insulted veterans. All of those insults were not insulting enough? I don’t get the logic. Even I felt furious with those insults and I am not a veteran.
This is gross!! Maybe she should go to one of those town halls at the Republicans are avoiding invite a bunch of veterans and tell them this. They can say they care about veterans and US citizens but their actions show otherwise.
Help me out here folks. What's an alternative replacement word for the C word? I want to post to this post, but I still remember the taste of soap in my mouth. My mom might be looking down at this moment!
Ok, she needs duct tape to shut her up. Those fired Veterans working for the VA are MORE qualified & more fit in their jobs than any of the idiots that trump (unqualified & unfit himself) is hiring by draining the cesspool to fill his cabinet.
The Skank Cunt has proven to be incompetent for at least two years now. That stupid Bitch couldn't even defend THE INCOMPLETE adjournment so that Trump could attend his mother-in-law’s funeral. It's what happens when you PAY your way into law school, she didn't EARN her way
Totally. But it's deeper than that. He probably has a secret insurance policy on her and her family, including his own children. I don't put anything past a Lying Thug who happens to be a Rapist
Imagine saying that to veterans...VETERANS!!!! The pure evil on display is crazy! I hope voters remember just how anti-veteran the Republican party really is.
They haven’t yet. It’s been an open secret since the draft-dodging Cheeto’s first term. Being a draft dodger used to be a death knell to a politician’s aspirations…
You’re very probably right about that. Watch how cringe this interaction is. Imagine flirting with and simping for an internet pimp teacher, violent abuser, sex trafficking sociopath
To think you can speak that way about working people is a character flaw that cannot be overcome by nonviolence. Are they anti-DEI-ing veterans because many of them aren't white men? It's that bad?
I'm not even a veteran and I think she is the epitome of cuntiness for saying that ignorant crap.
She lost all of Trump's cases, so she is being punished by having to shill for him for all of eternity or until she's an old dried hag like Kellyanne Conway and he can't stand to look at her anymore.
My boss, a thoroughly mid-ass white man (and not a vet), constantly slags DEI to my Black coworkers. I had to get up in his face and remind him that I'm a DEI hire and to knock off his racist bullshit.
You know why they are targeting veterans right? They are civilian soldiers. We have 15.8 million veterans in the United States, which is 6.1% of the civilian population. We only have about 2.1 million active troops in the U.S.
Oh…silly me…the veterans are lazy, no good bums, who were sponging off the American Taxpayers and doing absolutely but sitting at home being welfare queens and that’s why they were fired says Alina Habba. I never knew. 🫣
By that line of thinking, Trump should be booted out of office and Musk should be booted out of Tesla, SpaceX, NeuralLink, the Boeing Co., and StarLink.
FO habba. Veterans not willing to work? WTF do you actually do? Do you do any actual work? You suck at law. Any veteran has worked 100 times more than you ever will in your entire life.
Think about it: she’s the perfect symbol for this Trump administration. She is such a bad lawyer that she cost her client a literal fortune by failing to check a box on a form.
I don't normally swear but when I read this, all I could think was "F**K You! -- how dare you speak of our Veterans when you have no spine and don't understand the meaning of standing up for democracy and the constitution"
You know why they are targeting veterans right? They are civilian soldiers. We have 15.8 million veterans in the United States, which is 6.1% of the civilian population. We only have about 2.1 million active troops in the U.S.
You know why they are targeting veterans right? They are civilian soldiers. We have 15.8 million veterans in the United States, which is 6.1% of the civilian population. We only have about 2.1 million active troops in the U.S.
There are LOTS of Trump supporters who are waking up!
The hard core cult members are goners. Always will be.
But not all are cult level.
They are showing up at their town halls in their ruby red districts and they are pissed off. They are protesting at Tesla dealerships all over the country.
Yeah, if we didn't know that he's a one of a kind master strategist and universal genius, one might be left with the wrong impression that he's utterly clueless and doesn't exactly know what he wants to achieve in particular areas
I have a feeling many are not now. I saw someone at a town hall. That said I am not a Democrat but I am very worried about veterans. They will find out soon or already have. It’s a shame.
There were a certain number of MAGAts in the armed forces. I wonder how they feel about TFG now, especially after he foisted that ridiculous drunkard Pete Eggsbreath on them.
Since Reagan there’s been a systematic effort to gaslight and brainwash conservatives into being simps for the wealthy, and it’s been successful. When citizens united allowed unlimited contributions and fox “news” passed itself off as fact, we lost people like him.
Maybe when these FOTUS actions affect him on a personal level...that seems to have shocked a few MAGAs.
The stories of MAGA voters who are shocked that 47 is doing something that ended their job, didn't bring about insurance coverage for IVF, cutting Mcare/Mcaid (& SNAP & foodstamps), etc.
They seem to ignore the lies, bullying, disrespectfulness, DOGE, etc. But I hope that this is only true while it is towards someone else. But no, many seem even masochistic.
I have the same frustration with some of my neighbors. The stupid and mean spirited ones I get, they are getting pleasure from others pain. It’s the others. I know them to be intelligent and willing to take leadership roles in our community, but maybe they’re just mean spirited too.
I preach, push, & promote revolution for a reason.
Tyranny doesn't abolish itself.
Rise up against domestic enemies, traitors, & treasonous nazis.
We're free people. We have the liberty to defend our country, Constitution, fellow Americans, & freedom itself by any means necessary.
I’ve had prospective clients that stay with shitty providers and have for 25 years. Still see them and try new things. One day they will be ready. Or we will hit the right message Can’t give up. Rapid response is part of it.
They want you to give money to not get the job done so that they can ask for more and still not get the job done. At this time it's ridiculous to give and expect a different outcome 😕
But the donor arm of the Democratic party is saying that they are trying to get away from the 'small donors' to the party in order to focus on donations from the Oligarch Billionaire class, and courting the more conservative leaning voters.
And you know this how? Habba literally. Just. Said. This. And you're already shitting on Dems because they didn't read her mind and respond before she said anything
Now I know why so many political strategists avoid Bluesky
I understand but I think you have to change your methods and strategies. Maybe be a team is ready for remarks like habbas and a national spokesperson on air messaging within minutes or even an hour to nip misinformation and remarks like this in the bud. Crockett does this but coordination needed.
I am so furious. Ken Martin on BlueSky but not active. I just left voice mail at DNC. No. 1 option is if you want to donate. Folks the DNC is useless. All they care about is money to pay for their own jobs. I will not give them a penny. I AM PISSSED. We must mobilize together. F them & leadership.
Can’t give up. Try new things. i think the inflation stuff was difficult to overcome along with poor voter turnout. But inflation is getting worse and is about to explode. We know that messaging works.
tv, social
media, you tube, tic toc, influencers, congresspeople, senators, surrogates but starting with a national spokesman. There should be these and a rapid response process. A team dedicated to rapid response strategy, content creation, distribution.
They’re not going on FOX or newsmax and saying these things they’re going to CNN msnbc so their base can just say oh they cut the clips to make it seem that that’s what they said. If it’s on Fox , whether it’s cut or not it’s good if it’s from them and bad if it’s from a democrat.
While I agree, let’s not forget what their base said during the election when we showed them clips of what these people said they went “fake news”. Or that we “twisted their words”. That’s not what they meant.
Fired from your govt job? Run for office. Let’s make all GOP lose their jobs. @runforsomething will mentor, coach, help you staff up, learn how to fundraise and run. Those of us not running need to donate, volunteer, amplify this group and their candidates.
this GD idiot doesnt realize a lot of ppl who were laid off JUST GOT A FUCKING PROMOTION. You dumb- I don't have an english word to call her because calling her stupid is an insult to stupid people everywhere. Since at least a lot of those ppl are waking up
This is disgusting but she'd be happy to have one of these "not meant to have a job" protect her life and her families like these veterans who swore an oath to do so. A pathetic & ungrateful person.
Did she really just say Trump cares about veterans and those in blue?!? Clearly she must have hit her head and forgot that he pardoned 1600 violent fucking criminals who attacked police officers!!! Fucking stupid bitch!!! I need to get on some of these news stations and confront these fuckers!! 🤬
I came to say something like this, but you said it was better TY! ALSO, As a tax payer I could give a flying fuck if a veteran "actually worked" (which she said so degrading)They worked the ULTIMATE job protecting us. Except JD & Hegseth + a few others they shouldn't be allowed to say they served.
Why not? The GOP say it too. But not one of them, including Trump and his admin, know what's true and what isn't.
Trump pardoned those scum so he could have his personal army. Stand down Stand ready still applies
Alina Habba is just proof that MAGAt women are as morally deplorable as the sh**ty MAGAt men. The contortions they force themselves into to justify the orange turd’s insanity and incompetence is staggering.
I would LOVE to see "We The People" asking the questions. The current "journalists" do nothing to get the truth out. They just repeat the propaganda without one question, is if it is the truth and everything is OK! 😡
We hung this up the day that MFer got elected the first time and turned it bask around with a new clean one when Joe was elected. Never threw that ratty weathered flag away, brought it back out. Expressing my distress to the neighbors.
I just took mine down altogether. I’ll be hanging a BLM, Pride and Ukranian flags in solidarity with those causes. I make sure anyone who drives by our home knows exactly where we stand.
If we stapled this video clip to the front door of the VA so the boomer Vietnam vets who supported him could see it, they'd still fucking wear their damn red hats and Confederate Flag T-Shirts...
And televangelists should use their millions to house and feed them as the Bible says! But their heart desires the riches and powers of this world not to really care for and help others as Jesus said to do.
Oh God the damn tan suit. They nearly burned the town down over that. And Michelle wore sneakers once. And she cared about kids eating healthy. Were on that forever.
Ok...this is sooooo painful. In the same statement she said they care about veterans and then said perhaps they aren't ? good enough to work? or don't want to go to work? They were working, you dumb Biach. Doge fired them.
All Republicans constantly harass President Biden about not doing enough for Veterans. Now we have the Felon that has ended all programs for the Veterans and note they are not fit to have a government job. Kick them to the curb, live under bridges and get some chickens is his response. Disgusting.
I can teach you how to say it in sign language, too. Comes in handy when you can’t scream it out. Wonder if I can get in a quick lesson with the Dems before tonight's speech.
Fired from your govt job? Are you 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️? Run for office. Let’s make all GOP lose their jobs. Victory Fund can mentor, coach, help you staff up, learn how to fundraise and run. Those of us not running need to donate, volunteer, amplify this group and their candidates.
OMG she WORKS For the Orange turd. 🤮 how do these women stand themselves? Don’t they feel dirty 100% of the time if not they should because they are filthy with the GOP lies
F*ck this stupid woman & her parents, too. Federal workers are some of the hardest working folks out here. I was one for almost 20 years, & I worked with people of all political parties, ethnicities, & world views. They worked for America! 🇺🇸
Fired from your govt job? Run for office. Let’s make all GOP lose their jobs. @aoc.bsky.social Courage to Change Pac can help you learn how to run. Those of us not running need to donate, volunteer, amplify this group and these candidates;
These people who are dumping on federal employees are absolutely disgusting. While they collect grotesque amounts of money they disparage people who put their lives on the line. They don’t know the meaning of work. 🤬🤬🤬
The more they talk the worse it gets for them. It's basic. You never openly insult your voters. Nobody bites back with more lethality than people realizing the con. I guarantee a whole lot of MAGA are thinking, 'Wait. WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?!...' 😒
Perhaps a lawyer that has only done parking lot contracts and was elevated by Trump because she dresses like a pole dancer while in court should not be advising any president. Just...Perhaps.
Veteran’s aren’t coming to work?? Where does this BS keep coming from with these people? I’d hazard a guess that veteran federal employees are usually the first people TO show up. They’ve learned about working in teams from the military. Perhaps Habba needs a lesson in who NOT to believe.
Fired from your govt job? Live in Alabama? Run for office. Let’s make all GOP lose their jobs. Alabama Democrats will coach, help you staff up, learn how to fundraise and run. Those of us not running need to donate, volunteer, amplify this group and their candidates.
What the hell they don’t even try to hide the hate that they have for the country and American people this will be the only heaven that those people ever see
And she works for a “man” who plays golf three times a week and spends most of his time away from the office.
Are maga captives really this profoundly ignorant?
I mean I know magas are stupid but are they like in a special category of stupidity all their own.
So, the RepubliKlan party is now calling our veterans who work for the federal goverment freeloading scam artists. If that where true they'd be cabinet secretaries.
Alina Habba the Hut
she says.
The she uses a logicsl fallacy WITH NO EVIDENCE.
"Perhaps they're not fit to work"
None of the employees are being fired for performance.
They're being fired to give billionaires tax cuts.
Fired to undo regulations.
Just another evil Trumper
coming from an administration that thought it was *too difficult* to see if any of the 1500 criminals they released maybe shouldn't be. like the 5 known pedophiles.
USAF Veteran/Federal Retiree here...her comments/actions are indefensible!
Don't let her bs distract you from the fact that Trump is destabilizing our economy in a dangerous way.
"Alina Saad Habba is an American lawyer who is currently serving as a Counselor to the President in the second Trump administration."
You don't let the bully kick you off your block.. Is one view..
You don't bring hand sanitizer to a knife fight.
Or something????
I'm on lowest income bcz of becoming disabled & having SSA rationed for early start. I'd like to know if higher $$ receivers were docked
Remember the wild-eyed loons who crashed their way into the Capitol? Those are the ones who would attack uncooperative GQP legislators' families.
Why does that counselor not hold a town hall in front of the veterans and let’s see who walks out first.
Communists were the first victims of the nazi regime.
The veterans that are still supporting you after the b******* he's done with the VA. I don't understand
Funny how she thinks her job is safe.
This is all bullshit like the election fraud lies in 2020.
This comes from a so-called lawyer that couldn't complete the right legal documents and has lost multiple cases. These ppl are self righteous SOBs.
This government absolutely do not support the uniform.
Neither cops or military.
Saying you do but you don’t do anything to help them is just words.
Words called "lies”
She better stay firmly ensconced clinging to the coattails of her sugar daddy/boss/client, while it lasts. Pity not tho, as she is well-paid in the currency of being downwind from fetid feces-loaded Depends
Definitely a very disturbing number though. I had to deal with a lot of scum when I served. It is not the "brotherhood" some old movies depicted.
Nothing more to say.
Say it! It needs to be said. Loudly.
Hasn't gotten there yet.
They are big fans of the Tates.
The ones charged with human trafficking and raping underage girls .
Sexual predators are common in Congress, look it up on Vice.
All because We didn't fight for the one that fucking mattered
Dems just let the republicunts do whatever w/o repercussions
They KNEW he's a russuan agent
KNEW he would cheat
But when they cut "probationary" people across the board w/o respect if they're new or promoted, they intentionally didn't review "fitness for work"
But Alina DGAF🤷♀️
Abraço :)
Obrigado pela informação! 😀
We don't like Alina Habba. We don't want Alina Habba, not even Alina Habba in a light version.
We'll let the U.S. deal with Alina Habba.
and yet veterans still overwhelming vote Republican
The one with the words, "Luckily for us they're stupid!"
I (we) won the Cold War and Desert Storm...
My submarines are feared by our enemies and are held in awe by our allys!
What you got...Aleeena?
I can suture her when she get punched in the mouth. 😂
I'm not even a veteran and I think she is the epitome of cuntiness for saying that ignorant crap.
They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.
Got it
There I fixed it for you 👍😂
How does Trump manage golf and the presidency with bone spurs?
The hard core cult members are goners. Always will be.
But not all are cult level.
They are showing up at their town halls in their ruby red districts and they are pissed off. They are protesting at Tesla dealerships all over the country.
There were a certain number of MAGAts in the armed forces. I wonder how they feel about TFG now, especially after he foisted that ridiculous drunkard Pete Eggsbreath on them.
The stories of MAGA voters who are shocked that 47 is doing something that ended their job, didn't bring about insurance coverage for IVF, cutting Mcare/Mcaid (& SNAP & foodstamps), etc.
They obviously aren't relying on reelection.
Tyranny doesn't abolish itself.
Rise up against domestic enemies, traitors, & treasonous nazis.
We're free people. We have the liberty to defend our country, Constitution, fellow Americans, & freedom itself by any means necessary.
Does your business spend all their money on random ads?
occupy most of the time of all politicians now.
Any money that someone considers sending for a millionaire's campaign would be better spent on a food bank.
It's hard to persuade people you actually know, but if you did it would change things.
Now I know why so many political strategists avoid Bluesky
Nobody is coming to save us.
Send to all veterans.
media, you tube, tic toc, influencers, congresspeople, senators, surrogates but starting with a national spokesman. There should be these and a rapid response process. A team dedicated to rapid response strategy, content creation, distribution.
What wild irrational ideas.
They dont give a shit. Gop vets would cheer other vets being fired if trump smiled a little.
Trump pardoned those scum so he could have his personal army. Stand down Stand ready still applies
(Faints and dies)
Oh wait, I forgot that Trump was never a veteran because he faked having bone spurs.
* Disclaimer: not intended as a threat of violence
Luckily, I'm in Canada, and he'll have to kill a lot of us before he's "our President".
A badge of honor.
(that's how I heard it back in the day, anyway)
They are everywhere.
Are maga captives really this profoundly ignorant?
I mean I know magas are stupid but are they like in a special category of stupidity all their own.
Like mega stupid, or stupid eXtreme!!!