Rhetorical question - how does he know the bureaucracy "is Democrats"? Do educated, empathetic people who want to serve their fellow citizens lean one way politically, or does one political party stand against all those ideals?
It's not working out, fElon. It's you, not me.
Are people with Aspergers very honest?
In general, Aspies can be seen as honest, loyal and interesting people. My recent book, Appreciating Asperger Syndrome, includes an extensive list of AS traits and suggests ways in which each of them can be viewed positively.Apr 23, 2012
What do you mean the bureaucracy is overwhelmingly Democrats? To my knowledge, they do not specify party as part of the application process when hiring civil servants. So how did you come by this information?
In November 2024, the federal government employed just over 3 mil people, or 1.87% of the entire civilian workforce, according to BLS data. That figure doesn't count the roughly 1.3 million active-duty military personnel, who aren't typically considered “employees.”Jan 7, 2025 https://www.pewresearch.org
So did Leon poll all 3 million people who are part of the bureaucracy in order to determine this nonsense he spouts about the bureaucracy being mostly Democrats?
As a federal employee in two departments I somehow don't remember being asked what party I belonged to. How does he know that federal employees are "overwhelmingly Democrats"? And what difference would that make?
That moment where your mouth feels and sounds like your mouth is literally a cotton ball and your upper lip curls inward and it gets stuck on your gums. It is probably an edible! Anywhoo, he's a dumbass.
And Kudlow knows that he’s high, Kudlow was a come head for many years. In the mid-1990s, Kudlow left Bear Stearns and entered a 12-step program in order to deal with his addictions to cocaine and alcohol. He subsequently converted to Catholicism under the guidance of Father C. John McCloskey III.
Haha. Anyone who's ever used it knows, that's when you start to feel a cold sweat and slightly anxious and if you're with friends you just submit and say, "I forgot what I was going to say." 😂
It's really hard to think of these spontaneous, spur of the moment lies on camera, give him some credit. Secret agents get training for this kind of improvisation, even actors, but billionaires, not so much.
And yet everything is controlled by the republicans lol these guys are fucking idiots, but unfortunately so is a large portion of the American population.
My hope is that, if we get through this, the GOP is locked out of every election for years to come. Our lives will get a lot worse thanks to the Republicans who could have stood up & impeached this orange slob.
HE DEFINITELY has serious emotional issues! He studders EVERYTIME he's confronted with a question or asked to respond to a comment made, almost as if his mind can't explain to his mouth what to say, and HOW to say it!! DEFINITE brain 'mush'!
Two more days of this stock market and Trump is going to toss Elon and DOGE under the bus, blame them for everything and exile him from the inner circle.
That's when he is going to crash and burn mentally.
He bailed on literally everything, remember when he challenged Zuck to an MMA fight and bailed, he's a blowhard BS artist that is a coward at heart, can't be challenged because end of the day his ego won't allow it, he's they guy who's mom is defending him.
Yea, that scarecrow hag is always defending him. He wears little X like a bullet proof vest. I think they’ll find him drowned in a pool after a night of drugs…
Elon Musk is a NAZI SCUM criminal who believes in Hitler’s NAZI Ideology. He’s a puppet for Putin & Russia. He is a national security threat to the U.S & international terrorist. He’s a malignant narcissist, psychopathic lunatic, sociopath & megalomanic. He’s not American. He is insane & dangerous
This guy talks a lot of BS using buzzwords, but he doesn't make any sense. He needs to be removed from whatever government activities they are letting him do.
Elon Musk is such a weirdo. The drugs have definitely messed up his brain. He has NO PLACE in our government. I'm glad to see Tesla stock is tanking. I'd love to see him ruined financially. He's already ruined his reputation.
Yes and…he can’t answer because he 1. Doesn’t understand government 2. Has no idea what he’s actually doing - just wants to seize the $$ for himself 3. Is a corrupt, lying, piece of shit.
Only Trump cd do such a thing as Musk to our country. I’m old enough to remember when Ed Muskie was shamed & shunned bc of his depression. Yet, now, Trump, a truly disturbed person himself, inflicted Musk on the US. May Tesla & X & Truth Social fall off the charts
It's not working out, fElon. It's you, not me.
In general, Aspies can be seen as honest, loyal and interesting people. My recent book, Appreciating Asperger Syndrome, includes an extensive list of AS traits and suggests ways in which each of them can be viewed positively.Apr 23, 2012
Lone, if you are going to lie, you need a more convincing delivery than that train wreck.
As we say here in the UK: "What a wanker."
And the next one, and the next one, and the next one.. 😆
Ketamine Monday
read the room.
Nobody likes your ass and it’s all on you.
Stop blaming everybody else
You literally could be doing the most amazing work on earth and instead you’re a global villain
That's when he is going to crash and burn mentally.
stronger stomach than me that’s for sure
sounds an awful lot like
"Reality has a liberal bias."
now doesn't it?
two in the head
two in the torso
one is dealer's choice
And they think we'll sit back on our couches if they end medicare and ss
They have no understanding of objective reality
He's in serious malfunction mode.