Three hardest things
for a man to say:
1: I need help
2: I was wrong
3: Worcestershire Sauce
for a man to say:
1: I need help
2: I was wrong
3: Worcestershire Sauce
I'm English.
Antidisestablimentarism, a tad awkward 😉
I was wrong-- I need help!
Pretty canny, eh...??
I respect you
Lol. Try it gentlemen. Don't forget the hot sauce!
Or instead of make up flowers for being an ass, replace the flowers with eggs 🤣🤣🤣🤣
-I’m lost
and ahead of you, you just heard another whistle. you wish it stayed to the side of the path like the first two times, but it is what it is.
2. I'm wrong all the time, but people tell me that and make me feel guilty about it before I can say it myself.
3. I was told it's Work-ester-shire.
1: sorry
2: you maybe right
3: THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE- you are right. 😂😂😂😂
We say Wuster sauce instead.
It's not an "ooo" sound on the "o", it's more a hard "u", so "wusta".
Unless you're saying "shire" as a word on its own it's shortened to "sha'" with a clipped "a" (so not "shar" or "shah").
I'm from Nottinghamshire. Pronounced "No'inumsha" (seriously).
I don't need help saying it and I'm not wrong.
People say it both ways tbh.
Also, you missed one
"I'm sorry"
2 out of three, then...
I have a headache
Worstsister sauce
I as wong
Well, when your right, your right.
I can ask for help, but I have almost no one to ask
I can admit when I am wrong, just doesn't occur often.
I actually get paid to talk, so saying washyoursister sauce is easy.
Ask me how I know.😁
There once was a lady from Worcester
Who dreamed that a rorcester sedorcester
She awoke with a scream
It was only a dream
A spring in the mattress had gorcester
Tin sauce - my Irish father (the Irish don't do "th" - it's not in the Irish language).
2. Because it hasn't happened yet.
3. Eww, no.
2. He’s a Taurus & will therefore never admit he’s wrong 😂
3. I’ve coached him on how to say Worcestershire multiple times but he either forgets or claims that “Wash Yer Sister” is the superior pronunciation (see #2 for clarification).
2: I was wrong
3: Your-Sisters-Sauce
It's very much related to 'I'm sorry'. They
really choke on that one as well.
"Woo-stir-sheer" sauce.
(Sorry if you were being facetious I can never tell these days lol)
I will die on this incorrect hill 🤣
Wus ah shear
I was able to train myself into #2, but it’s gonna take more inner work and healing to deal with #1
In case you were unaware, we men are raised to not do these things, or show weakness
Patriarchy hurts us all
Somehow simultaneously proving and violating the point I’m trying to make…
1. Hey, could ya gimme a hand?
2. Well shoot, I didn't thing it went/fit/ran/came apart that way.
3. Worstershure.
1: that’s what GPS is for
2: Fox News agrees with me
3: I prefer BBQ sauce.
And nuclear
1. "You need *help*".
2. "You are wrong".
3. "Woostershire. *WOOSTershire!*.