Sandal would love to hear your work stories. he will not make comparisons to his own experiences. he will not make suggestions on how to fix your problems. he will act very offended on your behalf when you talk about your jerk coworkers. indeed, he will seem even more enraged than you are.
They forwarded my concerns to the CTO🤯💀
I just became a dad and I’ve been working 70+ hours a week to make ends meet, and hearing that I’ll lose my main form of income is sending me on a downwards spiral.
Congratulations on becoming a father! That will be your motivation for not giving up, for finding a new way, for moving on to something better. Look into your new baby's eyes and believe in yourself the way your baby does, unconditionally and lovingly.
I worked at a job where I used to be the most happiest, I would be friendly to co-workers. Little did I know, my friendly-ness was frowned upon by my manager & corporate. I was fired on my day off and publicly shamed. I was told later that they thought I was starting a union 😐😐😐
Yes, they are adults
One of our A-Frame signs has a loose wheel.
Art is not funded well, so when stuff breaks, it stays broken.
Thank you for listening.
Here are some fish for you to look at ❤️
Please be offended at the way social services are way underfunded by some dumbass politicians.
But with your support, I’ll get through this slump!!
You’re the best!! 🧡🧡🧡
Our port day was February 25.
Three people today emailed me asking how to log on.
isn't that just what he looks like
I'd gracefully accept, advising that I would save it for later.
Then, I would chuck that thing as far as I could throw it.
Thought you might enjoy this distraction, Dave. 🙃😉
you better do right by him Dave
Some of us definitely don’t deserve cats. Usually, those people get scratched by a cat. It’s the cat’s way of letting the rest of us know who to avoid.
i used to be a waitress & a coworker was CONSTANTLY fucking up & i was the one correcting her mistakes but *I* was the one who was constantly in trouble & eventually got fired bc customers focused on the chick in the headscarf & blamed ME even though *I* fixed the problems