"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
—FDR, 1937
—FDR, 1937
Text of FDR'S "Four Freedoms" speech, which was also his 8th State of the Union address, on Jan 6, 1941: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt%27s_Eighth_State_of_the_Union_Address
We aren't perfect but just the right to have everyone in your community's health looked after is a very good feeling. It's just right. You are a poor nation if you can't help sick people.
- Winston Chuchill
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
republicans have been trying to get rid of everything he did, including Social Security, ever since.
DJT is saddling us with #TheRawDeal
Please pass this theme and these hashtags around as a way to galvanize the dread of our coming move away from democracy and towards #RepubloFascism with the win-win byproduct of
Imagine a world where billions of believers woke up and embraced that as their #1 calling.
There are 700,000 homeless in America.
$40k to 700,000, $28 billion.
-GOP, 2025
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
America has fallen off the deep end... and they've fired EVERYONE who could have saved them.
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ #mobilize.us and #fiftyfifty.one for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk.
This is local oakland resident peacock
This is MY current playbook and tool kit on what I feel is important to meet the moment. I hope you can use it, chop it, tweak it, and share it. Stop asking for permission in some cases.
#Resistance #democrats #townhalls #protests #republicans
We need to follow his lead and create a new Bill of Rights that puts the people first.
The people need something to agree on and something to fight for. Lets find a way to give it to them.
What else would it even be? Giving to those who have more than they need has been the entirety of our history.
Progress is about moving away from that and nothing else.
The folks in power anywhere that want to feel superior need to try this or they fail.
You are the single most man who can explain the status USA is in..
--Fat Gandalf, 2025
That said, their little tower is toppling quickly domestically and I fear that conquest is now foremost in their black hearts.
Might even make some friends along the way! #TheJourney
There will be NONE to use from this current president.
V44."They also will answer, `Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?"
45. "He will reply, `I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
because he cared about the People NOT greedy corporations & the greedy rich
I fear the message of FDR liberalism has become a dead end to many Americans. Progressivism has long been stifled in the name of American capitalist exceptionalism. I suspect it won’t take…
This is the point where you can emphasize class war, Medicare for all and…
5 percent of nothing is nothing. The mission is protect what FDR & others got us and end tyranny..
1776, not Spain 1936 please.
As a life long conservative I probably have no right to speak but I am begging you to unite us, not divide us right now.
“ The community which has neither poverty nor riches will always have the noblest principles ” – Plato
Compared to today's Billionaires who want MORE regardless of who dies b/c of their greed.
Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Bustin’ through walls for justice, baby!
FDR bringin’ the real flavor—it ain’t about stackin’ more sugar where there’s already too much, it’s about quenching the thirst of those who got nothin’ in their cup!
Let’s pour some progress where it’s needed most
It's a "REVOLUTION!" 💪