This is how it feels. And it's radicalizing me against the Democrats in a way that I've never been radicalized in my adult life. I've always voted for the lesser evil. But that theory goes out the window if the Dems just help usher in fascism anyway.
Reposted from
Much like with Trump himself in the previous administration, they're just kicking the can to someone else to hold them accountable. It's someone else's problem to resist! Eventually we'll be back to "let the voters decide!" again.
(But probably they're cowards).
On the other, I wonder if it's gotten so unsafe & ineffective that people don't feel like it's worth it anymore.
It's hard to say protests even do much when the large, international protests only resulted in police departments getting MORE money.
Democrats HATE being in power, because then they have to keep up the appearance of governance.
You have scheming peices of shit running a good cop bad cop grift together all for the same paycheck from the same billionaires. And it's not a secret, it ls In the open literally.
And then organize and do things while democrats are finding some story for not doing anything for anyone-
Maybe something like a nationwide run for office movement larger than the one or 2 ca dilated at a time they can flex to shut down to primary them.
Its going to take a radical rebuilding or all new party before theres an alternative that will make things better
Especially considering they are funded by the same folks as republicans.
I crashed historian Barbara Fields’ office hours to ask her if we were in a realignment like the 1850s, 1930s, or 1960s. Her reply: “Yes, but Schumer and Pelosi don't have a single Lincolnian bone in their bodies.”
Already posted a cat pic, so…
We can criticize democratic party without wanting people to keep suffering under republican rule.
If these 11 days are bad, 4 years would be far worse. Republicans need to keep losing.
My blood is on boil. All day.
The democrats are going to have to FOR REAL work their assess off to get me back to room temperature and so far I've seen nothing from them that convinces me that they'll even try.
I would have preferred if the Dems had used their slim majority at start of 2021 to ram through VOTE1 or whatever it was called.
Yes I agree bipartisan would be better,
But that got fucked up, and now all the options will likely be more dangerous.
But it is what it is. At least people are WAKING UP! 🙂
The difference between the 1850s and 2025 is that the Democrats weren't out to destroy the Whig or Republican parties. Trump will wipe us all out to have power.
Which begs the question:
If not now, when?
At what point are you and folks like you going to admit that the dem party either incapable of or unwilling to save us? When does party loyalty become less important than effectiveness?
*Party loyalty is what creates effectiveness*. It's the source of GOP's wins these last few years. When the GOP lose they vote in more Republicans. They blame Democrats.
Meanwhile a single democrat votes the wrong way on a single vote and the left give up. It's stupid as fuck.
Yes, Schatz confirmed Duffy. He voted against all of Trump's other picks aside from Rubio. Guess the Dems are kaput and voting doesn't matter.
A hell if a lot of people are DONE with democrats always making excuses for why they can never pass tangible change even when they have full control.
And let’s not forget the lessons of the tea party.
I believe Miller is the true author of these EOs.
Democrats, grow a spine, act now, show that you care about our Country not your jobs, and amplify the controversy.
Since the Republicans [ or MAGA, or whatever the word is for THEM] are the other party, you have to make the Dems into what we need. We don't have any other choice.
But my plan is to get involved and make "our side" better.
We don't have any other choice!
Get people involved in the grass roots from the bottom up.
And for both parties.
They both need to be changed like last centuries sheets.
I mean, I'm not gonna stop voting dem ofc
And all the Dem geriatrics, business as usuals and just trust me bros should have no moment of peace
Do The Job or fuck all the way off out of the way for the few who will actually fight back
Start here.
It's the only way. You cannot vote your way out of Fascism once installed.
Disillusion (dis-illusion) = no more illusions. Let's deal with reality.
They're complicit. It's purposeful.
But, baby steps
Currently there is a gap in the market for both the US & the UK. 🤷
Or write in
And local issues.
3rd party was a great way to lose in the US elections - Jill Steins vote in at least 1 swing state was greater than the gap between Harris & Trump.
I come from the country where students demonstrate and take joint action in the capital.
Shift focus to what matters and who is fighting for it. Support, organise, resist. Move forward like there's nothing in your way.
It's falling apart so we fall together.
Schumer is beyond repair. Done.
Musk could stop sending social security checks to "those that live in sanctuary cities" as a "security measure."
What then?
Dem Senator: We will be using our oversight power to investigate....
The only alternative is accelerationism.
You're not OK, but you're not OK in a not-OK way.
None of us matter.
It's honest bigots vs. dishonest bigots.
Until there is a true left wing party in the US, voting won't change anything (It hadn't for the last half century). 🤷
Maybe come up with a tagline that makes sense?