Anyone else blame social media for the demise of decorum..? Our politics has devolved into reels material and viewer numbers now. Feel for my kids having to grow up in this world - sure glad I didnt…
Well Lauren Boebert is probably very knowledgeable about pimp canes 😏. But she’s such a racist her words can’t be trusted. And what a typical comment for a Maggot to make. Mocking someone who needs a cane. She’s a disgrace.
Well, she does know about pimps, but she's clearly forgotten what the ones she used to know look like, all the governmenting and mothering and giving public hand jobs can make things fuzzy.
To be fair, a GOP politician could have a burning cross on their front garden & claim that as a member of the 1st Baptist Church of Racist Shitwipes, it is actually an Easter decoration.
To them, because a black man won the presidency, racism is dead. Except for the kind that doesn’t actually exist but is somehow furiously attacking mediocre white men.
Getting kicked out of a family friendly theater after giving a drunken handjob on camera would've been a career ending moment for any politician in a precious era
You would think she'd be humble with all of her baggage:
Her son gets arrested for identitytheft, and becomes a teen father.
Husband arrested for assault, and she gets a restraining order against him....a real life reality show!
I believe I understand anti-Black racism and its multitude of expressions extremely well, and I’ll allow no one, especially anyone white, to attempt to minimize what I know to be true about this country and its endemic racism.
Isn't she late for an STI screening? She has government healthcare, so I am sure she has a low copay.
Apologies, I am Canadian and I don't know the mumbo jumbo.
Says the woman who still doesn't know who her biological father is because her mother slept with numerous men and she can't remember their names or where they live.
She's done nearly every fucking thing under the sun that typically would've ended a politician's career. Her ex-husband is a sex offender and child predator, and her son had a baby with a 15 y/o girl (making her a grandma before she's even 40).
Vile, racist behavior is now a point of pride for MAGA-ites. The fact that Republicans will not speak out against this type of disgusting language says a lot about our society.
Lauren Boebert is dishonorable, ignorant, a national embarrassment, shameless and a racist it would seem. How voters send this kind of person to the U.S. Congress is beyond me.
Honestly, while it's not acknowledged nearly enough, a lot of times, it's not the voters, gerrymandering and other kinds of voter suppression and manipulation of the vote count that sends these people to Congress.
In theory, U.S. citizens of 18+ years vote, in free and fair elections. Not so. Corrupt processes prevented equal access until 1965. Parties primary and select dishonorable candidates. District gerrymandering, media manipulation with unlimited money, poll placement. = Unfair manipulated elections.🇺🇸
Precisely. It’s tough to spell it all out in one post. The Voting Rights act of 1965 was a start, it was never fully realized and then John Roberts and SCOTUS over ruled key protection in the act. Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned that they were “getting rid of an umbrella because they weren’t getting wet”
You are vastly underestimating how racist this country is and has been throughout its history. This absolutely would not have ended a career before the Civil Rights era, and after that era, it still would not have ended many political careers in many places.
She's just 2 steps away from needing a pimp herself. I know, I know, mean-spirited. But isn't that Boebert's and MTG's signature move? Intentional trashiness, with a side of pain? Isn't that the poor man's answer to anything he/she regards as threatening? A long way to travel to get back home.
Thought it was bad that she was dumb, but now she's racist too! No surprise that she is a MAGAsince she ticks all the boxes. 🤢
Wait, nevermind. It's exactly what I'd expect.
Is it like the cane her pimp uses?
That being said trash is trash!
Her son gets arrested for identitytheft, and becomes a teen father.
Husband arrested for assault, and she gets a restraining order against him....a real life reality show!
The historical record remains clear on just how racist this body has always been.
Apologies, I am Canadian and I don't know the mumbo jumbo.
the only good thing to come out of this whole debacle is that everyone can now see how pathetic racists really are...
like the era of believing that white people are inherently better is so dead. every damn day they are proving how much of a lie this has always been.
Ohhhhh please
At this point, she'd have to kill someone.
We had such high standards once.
F*** right off with that!!
Just watch
If you're caught at the Performing Arts Theatre giving a handy in front of schoolkids you cannot criticize others for "decorum."
& does nothing in return.
#Bimbo needs some good ole pimp slaps… 2get her in line,
make her serve the people, not big business
Now that’s a prayer
This is the card 2send2 her & all repugnants
That also means that she gets to be the tank character of the party, sent to push the envelope to see what kind of fire she draws