I’m working full-time, going to school full-time and interning. It’s an insane schedule and I’m so grateful I only have an hour or two a day AT MOST to pay attention to what’s happening in the world
Unfortunately I am less resilient to the difficult parts of my comfortable life due to the stress of watching the world be on fire, then I feel ashamed for getting upset about trivialities when the world is on fire, then it's back to watching the world be on fire a bit more.
2025 and much of 2026 will be a flat out struggle. MAGA Republicans are bringing a gun to a knife fight. Traditional Dems are bringing a nice casserole in a Tupperware container and napkins. New generation of Dems need to take the helm and navigate around the corporate media and be heard.
Wow, words that should NEVER have been spoken. I suspect that the unholiness of that sentence has reverberated back through time and caused the dark timeline we are in.
Well, of course, but the funding of the LHC must clearly have been caused by the power of those terrible words echoing back into the grant application all those years ago!
It IS so surreal, isn’t it? And you know, I don’t think I’d be so floored if any of the orange followers actually had opposing views based in real issues. But from what I’ve seen, their stances are firmly based in lies and conspiracy theories and nothing actually real.
HEAR ME OUT ON THIS: We need czars! The 💩 is being flung at us fast and furious! We can’t respond in any real way to everything all at once. We need groups to attack specific issues/crimes. A DOGE czar, a DEI czar, an immigration czar, a Ukraine czar (no offense). You get my meaning?
My dad is pretty much Colonel Kurtz, so having his spiritual twin running the White House is a lot like being sentenced to house arrest with my parents. Except that my father or Col Kurtz make somewhat more rational decisions and are slightly more likeable.
No. Just a nation well on its way to a failed state. The Somalia style failed state. Trump and trumpezoids are pushing us into the shitter, the 400m of guns floating around the country will grease the slide and Russia, China et al will make sure we get there and don’t come up for air
Wrong it's pre apocalypse ... post is after the great economic crash in 2030 and when the USA divides into the good bits and the bad aka Handmaid's Tale in 2035.
Mine looks like ever bad Syfi disaster movie never made. What if there were no Scientists? (Now none paid)? It’s usually a rouge man who e do an “obscure” unit of science. This is ALL Science! Make it please #Asylumfilms! You need 30 days right? Hire Isaac A Anderson and Alison Yates!
Peter, either the Trump/Musk/GOP vision for our future is some idealized version of the 1950’s where while men glide along in large SUVs while women have babies at home and POC, LGBTQ and undocumented don’t exist, or they are fine with high walled compounds for the rich with the rest of us in camps.
im so sorry I try to post some positive stuff but to be honest at this rate i want to sit down and cry until i cant cry anymore as i watch my three little baby girls futures go up in smoke.
A huge portion won't pay attention until it hits their doorstep. They will ignore the signs and be shocked that anything happens at all when it does finally happen.
Trust me I know. My entire family has stopped talking to me because I'm demanding a plan so that me, as the only professionally employed one rn, doesn't have to save all their asses last minute.
But the twice bankrupt, living with your family your whole adult life crew can't care till "SS is gone"
Also, I've noticed in humans, in general, we are HORRIBLE at preparing for anything and always REACTING afterward. And sometimes it's too late or after a huge price has been paid.
Maybe it's evolutionary that we prioritize what we see directly in front of us first?
Bob: Hey Jim, got that opening montage ready?
Jim: Yeah boss real dystopian just like you like it.
B: Cool, I’ll check it out.
[Five minutes later]
B: Hi Linda, it’s Jim’s boss. Do you have a minute? I’m a little concerned about Jim.
This morning I even did a little montage of me rolling around in the blankets, looking at him adoringly, picking up the kids and swinging them in my arms. I’m screwed.
I test very well because of facts. Facts like man created gods. The story of Jesus is an amalgamation of previous savor god myths. I could go on. Unbrainwash yourself.
Btw, I've watched several Primitive Technology videos on YouTube and know several ways to start a fire without matches or a lighter--including ways that saves your hands from bruises. 🔥👍😁
Just needs a Johnny Cash soundtrack overlaid and we've our answer to how "The Collapse" montage occurred.
Brace. Somebody, somewhere is going to be accused of something, be it real or imagined, and an escalation in civil tensions will lead to Trump pulling the Insurrection Act lever.
Well, the allegations of an executive order to make fentanyl a WMD have popped up today. That gives them enough ‘jUsTiFiCaTiOn’ to enter both Canada and Mexico, boom, there’s your inciting incident.
Christ - they're shameless aren't they? I just can't abide all the sanewashing that goes on.
That so much of the commentariat are still discussing the administration like it's something more than a kid up to his elbow in the cookie jar is beyond parody at this point.
It’s legitimately Nazi tactics. The Nuremberg race laws were enacted to retroactively make certain people themselves illegal. I won’t even say Jews in the previous sentence because it was also everyone they could get rid of with opposing views as well. From deportations to death camps.
what do you figure its doing to all our neverous systems?
I see despair anger and depression rising all over.
Beyond a constitutional crisis we now are living in a moral and psychological crisis that's severely harming us.
You've interviewed many great ppl
What can we do to help each other, Peter?
2027: "A.I. offers to step in to arbitrate the global political and humanitarian crisis, and is summarily rejected because it fails to demonstrate appreciation to the current leadership."
🗣Well yes, i explained what Scorched Earth Protocol was. AIx👤, has found humans to be "waste". He is destroying all agencies, and has stripped the U.S of enviromental protections.
If you dont do something by 2027, America will be a barren wasteland with no chance of recovery. Thanks to Musk+Trump🚨
Yeah, but that doctor with the bloodshot eyes said there's nothing to fear and to go ahead and eat the flowers growing from our food and also hail, Zorflax
Fresh hell every day.
It’s fucking depressing
Living in a world where trump Putin and Netanyahu are best I’d friends.
of the normality of August 1914, people just doing their stuff while the clock ticked down.
This is the start of the chaos.
But if you think it’s a all a film and you can just wash the popcorn butter off your hands, this picture is for you!
Let me see if I can fine a cute video
Got it!!!
Hope this puts a smile on your face
I want Walter Cronkite to narrate this crap.
Not thay it's some smart bad guy, who at least values intelligence or wisdom.
Fall of rome.. and they'll just be wondering for years how the aqueducts were built.
OF COURSE I'm counting it.
Never would have been possible without opening up the Large Hadron Collider weakening the firewalls between dimensions first, though.
But still, reality.
So.. Maybe that's just good writing?
Here's a cute little girl picking a daisy
That ain't funny a bit
Doesn't seem funny to me.
But the twice bankrupt, living with your family your whole adult life crew can't care till "SS is gone"
Also, I've noticed in humans, in general, we are HORRIBLE at preparing for anything and always REACTING afterward. And sometimes it's too late or after a huge price has been paid.
Maybe it's evolutionary that we prioritize what we see directly in front of us first?
Jim: Yeah boss real dystopian just like you like it.
B: Cool, I’ll check it out.
[Five minutes later]
B: Hi Linda, it’s Jim’s boss. Do you have a minute? I’m a little concerned about Jim.
And now thats the height of their future all-time usefulness, being a fox news repeat rag. Zero greater function. Zero long-term plan or use case.
Two buggy whip manufacturers.
Brace. Somebody, somewhere is going to be accused of something, be it real or imagined, and an escalation in civil tensions will lead to Trump pulling the Insurrection Act lever.
Then mayhem.
That so much of the commentariat are still discussing the administration like it's something more than a kid up to his elbow in the cookie jar is beyond parody at this point.
Policy-washing, essentially.
They should have voted with their feet the moment that cretin popped his Nazi salute.
What’s up with that bluesky?!?!
I see despair anger and depression rising all over.
Beyond a constitutional crisis we now are living in a moral and psychological crisis that's severely harming us.
You've interviewed many great ppl
What can we do to help each other, Peter?
If you dont do something by 2027, America will be a barren wasteland with no chance of recovery. Thanks to Musk+Trump🚨
...this time with a twist...