On October 4th FEMA and the FCC will conduct a test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), which will include a notification on cell phones.
This has panicked conspiracy theorists, who for some reason believe it will turn vaccinated people into zombies.
This has panicked conspiracy theorists, who for some reason believe it will turn vaccinated people into zombies.
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Fuck, Conspiracy theories NOT panicking panics other conspiracy theorists, because clearly it means someone got to them and stopped them shitting their pants in pure terror/grift.
"I soiled myself, therefore someone else made me do it" with an option of "now give me money" on the end.
Very helpful.
The Crown rests its case.
To be honest, neither would surprise me these days.
Does the legacy of Bela Lugosi mean nothing to you people?
That'll add another layer for the conspiracy theorists 🙄
It's only sporting, after all.
omgwtfbbqspqr!!!! 😱
His new one Holly is EXCELLENT.
Honestly, I don't want to discourage this plan because they might benefit from turning off their phones for a day.
Never mind the fact that emergency broadcast are sent out using a bit of a different protocol from typical 5G...(cell broadcast).
It's true. I read it on the internet.
Anyone left behind (so... all of them) must remain to fight the 5g zombie scourge.
A phenomenon wherein those who are full of crap go home to the mothershit.
There's a man out front
like a gameplay mechanic in a mobile game 😂
I'll shoot the Mac 10!