Everything about the process of putting salt in a dishwasher is suboptimal. Does it need it? Apparently. How much? No idea, I just have to keep pouring it into a shit funnel until I’ve added too much and it goes everywhere. (NB if I was a stand-up comedian I would not begin my routine like this)
I think there’s a song title in there somewhere.
Do they bollocks
I live in a hard water area (granted, in California) and I can't be arsed with rinse aids and things. I pour a tablespoon of citric acid in the body of the dishwasher before I turn it on, regular tablet in the dispenser, and my dishes come out sparkling.
What the, hey!
I'm starting to believe in the Big-Salt theory.
I’ve bought one of those Water2 things here, but I haven’t installed it yet.