AOC pretending to be surprised by her bought-and-paid-for corrupt insider training millionaire colleagues is funny. Her performative outrage is prefferable to Gavin Neesome’s Vichy collaborator rhetoric, I guess.
It could also be that Trump WANTS there to be a govt. shutdown w/Mike Johnson taking 10 days to START work on another budget. Given ensuing chaos, Trump would have the reason he is looking for to declare MARTIAL LAW...and take away ALL freedoms.
In so, Schumer is shrewd. Cuts hurt but NO freedoms?
She and the other progressives should be fighting the establishment democrats from a new party...
The establishment democrats are literally Republicans in democrat clothing posing as liberals, and they all have to go!!!
I think that sense of betrayal extends to all the rest of us who want to see the Democrats fight, not capitulate. I’m tired of this feckless, milquetoast, we need response on the part of our Democratic leadership.
F R E E Z E S O V E R ! 🤬
Schumer explained on All In with Chris Hayes tonight the reasoning behind not voting to shut down the govt and why that would be so much worse than the CR.
They will buy up everything for cents on the dollar and will double their net worth when everything “recovers”.
All while getting tax breaks on the backs of the middle class.
He's in charge of deciding when to pump and when to dump. If he doesn't die with the most amount of money ever it will shock me. Should be a no brainer.
They will get taxpayer dollars to compensate for any loss. The ultra wealthy don't care at all about their losses because they've reached peak thievery and can just steal more.
I agree . If the corporations/monied interests that we fear run everything, all of whom have seen the stock mkt lose $1.5 Trillion in value in just a few weeks (most of that in a few days fr), why wouldn’t they be ACTING now to stop these policies that are hurting them too??
Because the billionaires just want their tax cut. When the tarrifs start to bite, they'll just lay off people. If the boards ever come out of their coma, they'll give the guy a golden parachute
They can’t just zero out their payroll to wish their troubles away. Even if they go zero payroll, is that enough to counter the costs and loss of business due to tariffs? They’ll experience a decreasing marginal benefit to the layoffs at some point. They need to act. Cut a deal with the resistance?
They’re still hopeful the market won’t completely collapse. Warren Buffet sold some stocks and was loading up on cash before the inauguration. I’m sure others prepared as well.
Tesla needs to start dipping below $200 before the shareholders panic. It's at $240, that's just dip buying territory. It needs to go way lower. Same goes for the rest of the oligarchs. It needs to stay below $200 and hold.
We have to look at it like they do - right now, the stock market is having a sale. A big, black friday-style sale where if you have the money, you can buy your favorite stocks for 10%-50% off what they were 3 months ago.
Trump has a giant "make stocks cheaper" button and he's using it.
So given that when it comes to money the only smart choice I’ve seemed to make is ‘earn more, spend less’, what you’re saying is I should leverage myself to the hilt to buy DJI shares?
Not for me, but because I’d force the cosmos to ruin the market for everyone invested.
They have enough money to ride out the "little pain" while ordinary people who do not lose everything. They buy up investments at fire sale prices & we all stand in the breadline outside the soup kitchen.
Senator Schumer did make sense on tonight says Dems lose courts if gov’t is shut down … hell I don’t know - seems we have zero arrows in our quiver
Is everybody aware...that there is a group called "BLUE DOG COALITION"?
and also "Blue Dog PAC"?
The "coalition" has 10 members.
Mike Thompson (D-Ca)
Adam Gray (Ca)
Jim Costa (Ca)
Lou Correa (Ca)
Sanford Bishop (GA)
Jared Golden (ME)
Josh Gottheimer (NJ)
Henry Cuellar (TX)
Plus two others (no space
It’s not age, it’s world view. I’m almost as old as Schumer and I’d never vote for cloture. But then I’ve not spent most of my life having my assed kissed as a powerful politician.
Schumer waving the white flag is a disgusting stomach-turning sight that is disgraceful to witness. Schumer is spraying every DEM in Congress with the stench of his own cowardice & betrayal of US Democracy. DEMS YOU CAN VOTE NO, FUCK CHARLES SCHUMER.
NO one is talking about DEMS being left-right or center wing, I know I am talking about DEMS Representing working Americans & protecting our US Democracy. >DEMS are talking about demanding honesty & courage from their/our elected reps. (If, YOU ARE just HERE TO STIR THE POT of dissent, GO AWAY.)
The right is always talking about how dems are TOO far left, while dems continue to pander and take in Republicans given what they have done. We continue to see PROOF of that every fucking day.
So I hope y'all wake up, cuz all they got are words, NO actions, except for enabling/voting with the GOP.
Find some articles
and tell me if it makes sense..
if Senate Dems
all vote no and the government shuts down,
the institutions are wide open game for DOGE cuts and Trump permanently locking doors. Reinstatement of institutions would be difficult.
True? Anyone?
Baby, USAID and the Department of Education have already shut down. The GOP/Trump don't need an excuse, they just shut shit down and damn the consequences. Choosing to go along with that behavior is criminal in itself.
Trump’s going to do everything in his power to slash funding and enact his agenda, with or without a shutdown. Either way, he’ll likely do what he wants and wait for courts to react. If Dems vote for the CR, they’re giving his actions their approval.
I'm gonna need all democrats to call chuck's office and raise hell! I don't care if you're not from New York. You can call anywhere from around the country, if you're a democrat and tell him to grow a fucking backbone!!
How can elected Democrats in DC worry about being blamed for a government shutdown? The elected repubs have created this situation as a roadblock, a challenge, to the Democrats.
So we just give this CR vote to them??
They still live in a deluded world where submitting to the Right will make them look “bipartisan” and win over the nut jobs, but expect that the Dems won’t be angry over it.
Why give Trumper MAGAts the permission to gut the government? I can only think that Schumer and other D's are in on the plan; Wreck the government, spiral the country into deep recession and then come in and grab stuff for pennies on the dollar.
The New Oligarchs. Guilded Age again!
The Senators that vote with RepubliKKKans will regret that when they are up for reelection. The answer from Democrats needs to be NO. NO TO EVERYTHING. Let the GOP govern. If they can’t then let their supporters see it for themselves. NO TO REPUBLIKKKANS. NO. NO. NO.
Primary Schumer as soon as the vote is cast and I’ll send you money immediately! Out with the Schumers and Pelosis. The fight is different and requires youth and strength that a bunch of multimillionaire day trader members of congress do not have! They have cast their lot with the rich!
The Dems are not our friends. Their friends are the corporations not the people. And they can’t even get that because the MAGAs are taking them. Leftists need a new thing because the Democratic Party is a failure of democracy.
Like holding a Royal Flush and holding. My Marine will lose his Agent Orange disability/care with this CR. We have 6 appts. this month at VA facilities. We are both lifelong Dems and donors. I am beyond furious. I won't donate another f'ing dime until they start fighting. you need to step down. Your done. You don’t care about the American people, you’re no different than trump and his clown show. You’re all about yourself. and get it. It’s their time to lead!
I’ve always believed that some of the older Dems in Congress, would love to trim SS, Medicare and Medicaid but have always been afraid to do it, they have always nibbled around the edges talking about raising the age of retirement or reducing benefits! This move by Schumer proves I was right!
Amazing folks like her need to start shining a spotlight on who should be replacing them, the up-and-comings that will help regain control of the country from maniacs in the WH.
Why? why? Why are you screen shotting Xitter when @AOC is Right HERE on Bluesky?!
Then you don't even have to think about whether you forgot to copy/paste to an alt text.
Love & frustration & thank you for passing it on.
If Senate Democrats let this CR pass they’ve also given the Musk:Trump / MAGA crew a blank check for TWO YEARS to continue destroying America’s economy, and Taking Food, water, Shelter, and medical treatment from Seniors who’ve paid into the system for decades
In new hampshire women have to prove they are married because they changed their names when they got married. The save act bill is already implemented to take away woman's right to vote. But sure, let's give the republicans what they want, stabbed the citizens in the back today.
Bernie Sanders is older, and as much as I've never been his biggest fan, he's out there, angry, holding town halls in red states FIGHTING, changing hearts and minds, not being a coward, writing bs stern letters. #PrimarySchumer
I 100% agree. Chuck is not a leader. You can’t say that doing this is good because it will be worse … you now show weakness and are done in our eyes as a leader
Ironically enough, I got solicitation mail from Schumer yesterday asking for money to FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY. I ripped it up. I'm almost as angry at many Democratic members of the House and Senate as I am at MAGA. GET OFF YOUR ASSES & FIGHT for your CONSTITUENTS!
They really have no clue how disgusted their constituents are. The party is on life support. There are so many great people ready to fight and take this on, but the old guard just won't get out of the way. They are enablers at this point.
Understatement. I feel like this is how a victim of abuse would feel. Not only being abandoned by the people who are supposed to protect them, but those "protectors" enabling the abusers and colluding with them. 😰 Our nation is traumatized, and much of the trauma is inflicted by its own family.
The problem here is that most of the Dems are still following a playbook from a game that was long ago. The rules have changed and we ALL change or lose.
We'll need to revitalize the party and replace leadership. Not just senators and house members, but also state level. That's the enormous task.
It’s time for the Democratic Party to die. Not fit for purpose any more. Build something new around the younger, more progressive members. So disappointing.
This is exactly right. America's Democrats are AT BEST center-right when compared to actual leftists. Some are right leaning. We don't have a left wing party in American politics.
Yes, but people need to understand why we can't trust the Democrats to save anyone. You're right, though. There's only those who help the enemy and those who help us. No more neutrality.
as far as him being a tankie goes, his entire youtube channel sums that up. as far as the other point goes: here's a clip of him outright saying that all israeli civilians are legitimate targets
Exactly and the reason for many of us biting our nails. We've seen this before. Now it's goddamn critical and woops there it is..D's being Deplorable Cowards
Yes they betrayed all of American and have betrayed them since day one. For people that supposedly work for their constituents, it’s an utter disaster and disgrace. They should all be ashamed and deserve to be punished for the failure they are associated with.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Informative/ True + right about now,some democrats should be scared to hold town hall meetings too !! categories)
SHAME ON YOU You have betrayed the American people! I expect you to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Minnesota and VOTE NO tomorrow. Do not be a traitor or a Trump/Elon enabler.
Many Dems are corrupt. Remember the oligarchy have their claws into Repubs and Dems. America is not a democracy, believe it is one at your peril. Organise and rise up Americans, you require a reset.
There is, but the alternative expressed by Senator Schumer, makes sense. No government and this adminstration would make it worst. It moved my position when he said the Judiciary would be hindered.
All of the House Dems voted against the bill & the Senate is just going to make them all look foolish.
Trump and Elon are just shutting entire departments of the government down. You think they give 2 shits about the judiciary? They'll just ignore any court orders they want until it gets to SCOTUS.
Giving Musk & Trump more power isn't going to help the people. At least if it's all shut down, some of these people sleep walking through life might look up and ask why. And the Dems should be there ready to tell them that the Rs won't write a bill to keep it running. is of course 1000% correct. The Dems voting for cloture are inept cowards, and there is no bigger inept coward than so-called “Leader” These people are a disgrace — and we can never let them forget it, especially when they show up feigning outrage about Trump.
Other countries have a ranked voting system that allows other political parties to be competitive. I don’t know how it works but would 100% be willing to give it a try.
If we had that it would be different, but we don't. It has been tried in a few cases but not in any widespread manner in the US. I wish we would. But it's going to be awhile before sanity returns in the US for us to do anything new.
IF The #Democratic Senators DO NOT Vote Down This #MAGAGOP CR, Then #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump WILL SAY, "And Now, I Own The Democrats, too, Schumer!"
I was all about the filibuster for this, but We forget, these dirtbags want the government closed so they can have a free for all, and never open back up. The courts would be shut. The courts have been literally our only line of defense. I don't want our defense shut. Is there something I missed
Yes, the courts are playing solo defense. If I recall correctly, the courts can operate under the Anti-Deficiency Act; it allows “essential work” to continue during a lapse in appropriations. The courts have some funds from filing fees, so they may be able to continue running for some time.
We need to put an end to the idiom "having balls" meaning courageous or having guts. Clearly all the Democrats that physically have balls, have no use for them. Only the women have courage.
At first I thought it was simply that they had more courage, and I believe that they do, but I also think it’s because they’re not in on it. They don’t have the dirty secrets that prevent them from fighting back.
Let the guys brag and light their farts, while the women run things.
Fetterman turned his office phone lines off or something. Every time I called, the automated system stopped working when I’d dial a number to make a selection. It worked for other officials though.. Thats suspect.
There are going to be A LOT of pissed off Dem voters if they kowtow to Musk & Trump & allow that CR to go through just as it is with all those crappy provisions in it!
When ur voting for something that Rand Paul & Ron Johnson likely won't your on the wrong side!
For as long as I can remember, Chuck Schumer has been explaining to me why we lost again and had no alternative but to surrender. How TF is he still in charge?
Your Congress will not help you.
Your Media will not help you.
Your Leaders will not help you.
The rest of the world CANNOT help you.
A superhero does not exist to help you.
Your corporations will not help you.
The billionaires will not help you.
I've never been that big of an "elevate AOC" in the past... I felt she was young... needed to pay her dues. No longer. She needs to become the face of the Democratic Party... NOW!
Threats of death is what's causing people to act crazy maybe we should stop him have you thought about going to the top. It may not be our Congress and Senate it may be the idiot threatening their lives
Agreed so betrayed you all have lost the senate, have lost The house we need to find a way to recall you. I know California. Did it once we need to do it?You guys need to be gone
Exactly. And we can’t just shrug and let it pass. Schumer is not a leader for this time. He is living in some universe that does not relate to our hellish reality. Since he can’t function in this reality, he has to go.
I get that pushing SEN DEMS to vote against cloture tomorrow to prevent Senate magas from adopting the House CR is against the odds, but the battle is NOT over. Schumer is over! Tomorrow has not yet happened. Sen DEMS can still vote NAY. I may be let down HARD! I don't care. I will not yet yield...
Get used to it ... it's called getting fucked by your own people....who will then send you a letter asking for money so they can keep on fucking you ....the DIMOCRATIC PARTY IS FUCKING DEAD....
(and so is America)
Contact Sen Dems - at this time, even if not in our states - to push SEN DEMS to vote against cloture tomorrow. Prevent Senate magas from adopting the House CR! The battle is NOT over. 202-224-3121 Sen DEMS can still vote NAY. I may be let down HARD! I don't care. I will not yet yield...
Schumer's DC office was closed with no voicemail, but I just sent a message through his site.
I reminded him that for all the times Democrats have told us lately "We have no power, what can we do??", here is a moment when they DO have power and they're still about to give it up. It's cowardice.
Tell them that we will not donate to ANY democrats if they let this pass through. They need to get through chuck's thick skull and tell him to cut it out.
I read a couple of days ago that the congressional switchboard was basically shut down. There had been so many calls coming in and they were so overwhelmed they just shut it down.
Does anyone know if this is true?
I would LOVE to see that! Schumer cannot keep the Senate DEMS united behind his complicity. Sen Mark Kelley (D-AZ) has already announced he will not vote for cloture; Sen Adam Schiff agrees...
Who are the Senators voting for this budget? Not only they are suicidal, they will alienate Democratic voters. Schumer, Gillibrand, both NY and who else?
everyone of them need to hear point blank if you wanna lose your seat next election vote yes on their bill if you wanna keep your seat you’ll wisely vote no ignore this message and your fired automatically in the next election!
Oralè Resister
Elon Holocaust Denier!
6 million Jews were
Murdered by Hitler and his Nazis in Germany in concentration camps!
*Not private German industries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Holocaustdenier #Holocaust #LGBTQ #PinkTriangle #Forbes
PrezDuerte/Phillipines DID ALL TRUMP/ DOGE is doingNOW! In 1month! Duerte gotALL DIGITAL PERSONAL TAXDATA OF ALL JOURNALISTS!Then Duerte arrested journalists that criticized him wTAX INVASION! A nail standing upGETS HAMMERED! It was easy having ethics under Biden. But under trump?Bow in advance?
If that passes. I'm done with the Democratic party. I have more than enough to live comfortably. I don't rely on SS or Medicaid or Medicare. But I will fight for it. But if the Dems fucking cave again at this crucial point... fuck em. I've had it with the spineless bastards.
In so, Schumer is shrewd. Cuts hurt but NO freedoms?
The establishment democrats are literally Republicans in democrat clothing posing as liberals, and they all have to go!!!
F R E E Z E S O V E R ! 🤬
I’m just confused though, cause it’s not clear to me that the corporations are doing well out of this with the crashing stock market and all.
Of course, I’m just a stinky plebe, so who knows, maybe the crashing stock market is OK by them.
All while getting tax breaks on the backs of the middle class.
What an ugly dispiriting thought, I hate it.
Though somehow it doesn’t surprise me that this is how it works.
History says, "Nope!"
Make no mistake... I bet a handful of billionaires are making loads buying shares and physical assets when it dips. Like, billionaires/megacorps.
Regular repubs, even the rich, did not expect this. I didn't expect this 😳
And a functional rocket company to boot 🤣
Trump has a giant "make stocks cheaper" button and he's using it.
Not for me, but because I’d force the cosmos to ruin the market for everyone invested.
He must leave the Democratic party
and also "Blue Dog PAC"?
The "coalition" has 10 members.
Mike Thompson (D-Ca)
Adam Gray (Ca)
Jim Costa (Ca)
Lou Correa (Ca)
Sanford Bishop (GA)
Jared Golden (ME)
Josh Gottheimer (NJ)
Henry Cuellar (TX)
Plus two others (no space
A mandatory retirement age has to be put in place in both the Senate and House-if you're over 70 you have to retire.
No if's ands or buts, and that would exclude most of them right now.
They are NOT a friend of the people (including Chuck Schumer).
So I hope y'all wake up, cuz all they got are words, NO actions, except for enabling/voting with the GOP.
and tell me if it makes sense..
if Senate Dems
all vote no and the government shuts down,
the institutions are wide open game for DOGE cuts and Trump permanently locking doors. Reinstatement of institutions would be difficult.
True? Anyone?
So we just give this CR vote to them??
The New Oligarchs. Guilded Age again!
Chuck Schumer
Sign on with trump. More chaos!!
Dems are champions for the little people?
Who needs SS? Not you.
Good luck with your new career.
Whenever Schumer does something questionable, I am reminded of him sitting next to the Cheeto smiling & yucking it up at that fundraising event.
What part of “delay and defy” does he not understand? 🤬
representatives that do not represent us.
senators that do not represent us.
Trump does not represent us.
Elon does not represent us.
Defenestrate them.
On the streets tomorrow, in their homes on the weekend.
And the people are getting VERY tired of being betrayed.
Then you don't even have to think about whether you forgot to copy/paste to an alt text.
Love & frustration & thank you for passing it on.
We'll need to revitalize the party and replace leadership. Not just senators and house members, but also state level. That's the enormous task.
democrats have done nothing to stop any of this. we have trust left in only a very small amount of representatives at this point.
something needs to happen, and fast.
Imagine if they had more than a binary insanity choice, for a "Democracy".
Seriously! Democrats would be our conservatives here in Canada 10 years ago!
It's not right and left.
It's pro-democracy vs pro-authoritarian.
Is the information not valid then?
Republicans 218
Democrats 214
Republicans 53
Democrats 47
Betrayal is an understatement!!
-Chuck Schumer
Trump and Elon are just shutting entire departments of the government down. You think they give 2 shits about the judiciary? They'll just ignore any court orders they want until it gets to SCOTUS.
We also need a new country bad!
It's better if we kick Third Way and their corporate donors all to hell and take control of the DNC.
IF The #Democratic Senators DO NOT Vote Down This #MAGAGOP CR, Then #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump WILL SAY, "And Now, I Own The Democrats, too, Schumer!"
🇺🇸 🗽
The Ratchet Effect metaphor is undefeated.
--- except Jared Golden.
representatives that do not represent us.
senators that do not represent us.
Trump does not represent us.
Elon does not represent us.
Defenestrate them.
On the streets tomorrow, in their homes on the weekend.
At first I thought it was simply that they had more courage, and I believe that they do, but I also think it’s because they’re not in on it. They don’t have the dirty secrets that prevent them from fighting back.
Let the guys brag and light their farts, while the women run things.
Vote NO!!!!!!
Are you out of your mind?
Republicans are suckering you, don’t you realize that?!?!?!
When ur voting for something that Rand Paul & Ron Johnson likely won't your on the wrong side!
☎️ Tell Chuck if he can't grow a spine, we'll find someone who can.
Your Media will not help you.
Your Leaders will not help you.
The rest of the world CANNOT help you.
A superhero does not exist to help you.
Your corporations will not help you.
The billionaires will not help you.
YOU THE PEOPLE need to rise up.
Hassan (202) 224-3324
Peters (202) 224-6221
Durbin (202)224-2152 no vm
Schatz (202) 224-3934
King (202) 224-5344
Shaheen (202) 224-2841 vm full
Fetterman (202) 224-4254
Cortez Masto (202) 224-3542
Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
(and so is America)
Could you post a suggested script here?
-This is a rare moment when the minority has power to wield, and instead they're giving it up.
-Caving to "save face" is a betrayal of the hellish environments civil servants are currently enduring in order to uphold their Oaths.
-Voting for the CR says you support what Trump and the GOP are doing.
And don't just contact YOUR Senator. Also contact Schumer. I am !
I reminded him that for all the times Democrats have told us lately "We have no power, what can we do??", here is a moment when they DO have power and they're still about to give it up. It's cowardice.
Does anyone know if this is true?
It's clear that our elected leadership has failed us repeatedly and the only ones left is us.
no one wants to have to live through these times though I want a better world for my nieces and nephews, so we do the hard thing.
Even if we are states apart, our voices will rise as one!
Elon Holocaust Denier!
6 million Jews were
Murdered by Hitler and his Nazis in Germany in concentration camps!
*Not private German industries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Holocaustdenier #Holocaust #LGBTQ #PinkTriangle #Forbes