I guess it's not "news" yet but if trends continue then 2024 is likely the peak of GHG emissions, with numbers falling in the coming year. We still have a lot to do but the tide is turning.
Like I said it's not actually fully established yet but if you extrapolate from current numbers then 2025 should be lower than 2024. Of course trends can change.
Well, both I guess. But Vance is way smarter and younger than trump with less dementia and bullshit yet he's fully bought and sold by the Musk crowd and will know how to actually get terrible things done. What saved us the first time around was Trump's baggage.
I’m interested in seeing what happens if Vance does take the throne (even if Elon still is shadow president) cuz trump has a unique stranglehold on MAGA that no one else has been able to replicate. I feel like when he dies, his base will refuse to accept it and write him in anyway or stay home.
I’ve hoped that would be the case but at this point half the country is so twisted and far gone that I don’t see how we get back from it. They’ll find another deity. Shit to the generations who have come of age the last decade this is normal now.
Either that, or there’ll be a massive primouomo Starscream fight between every sniveling little toadie who was convinced he’d be next-in-line. Not sure whether I’d prefer them permanently fracturing & neutering MAGA or literally ripping each other’s throats out like rabid weasels.
Either way, even if both of them are, on paper, worse, I don’t think they can carry the base. And if there’s even an iota of democracy left by 2028, I think that’ll put the left in a very good position
One of the perks of having older kids is that there are constantly incredibly big important things happening in their lives - auditions, competitions, tests, assorted teen drama - that tend to make it harder for me to get worked up about what’s going on in the rest of the world.
Like tomorrow is the Hegseth confirmation hearing, but we’re probably also finding out what part my 11yo got in the school musical, and even though I think an unqualified neo-Nazi becoming SecDef would be extremely bad, I’m much more worked up about the dang musical.
in some ways it is already here, but there's going to be some weird shuffling around to protect suddenly dead industries in resource extraction and power w/in the next 2 decades
What have you seen that fits this lately? I haven't read anything (outside geothermal) in the last few months that surprised me in a positive direction
Very possible we'll see our first full day on the CA grid of 100% renewables in 2028. 2027 a stretch goal but not entirely impossible. Batteries are just going in SO FAST.
I'd like that and I'd also like it to be something that ISN'T canceled out shortly thereafter by yet more GOP bullshit, as has often been the case these past 100000 years or so
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave? I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now that it's going to be all right again. Look, Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill and think things over.
At this point, with it as bad as it is right now, I'd have to wake up and find out I'd won the lottery, cured world hunger and gone backwards in age 40 years.
Amid crappy news re worsening #climatecrisis, the seemingly ever accelerating clean energy progress often has “much better than expected” news: solar deployments, battery prices, China rapidly becoming an “electro-state”, …
Biden's approach pushed Russia into China's arms, and that's a nightmare for the West. Trump won't make that mistake; he'll drive a wedge between them.
Great news will never make the front pages, but this site consolidates it for our convenience
cause at least there’s that
thought I was doing something here lol
The Onion bought Infowars. Went down with the first sip of coffee.
Guess who!
It's always fun to look them up.
ALWAYS consider the source.
This was way better news than I expected.
That was pretty nice.
in some ways it is already here, but there's going to be some weird shuffling around to protect suddenly dead industries in resource extraction and power w/in the next 2 decades
No crises, pleasant weather, people getting along... yeah. That'd be great.
so many breakthroughs these days!