Me too. I also think about all the social media posts of self-righteous Democrats saying that they couldn't "in good conscience" vote for Harris because Biden didn't deliver enough for them or their special issue. How noble.
70 million Americans didn't vote. Some voted for Trump.
Always remember that like a dozen billionaires really need these ludicrous tax cuts to get even more ludicrously rich. The millions of people suffering and dying to achieve that are a sacrifice the billionaires are more than willing to make for that.
Yep, it's like the leadership in control of this country is a bunch of morons bowing to king Trump. The sad part is Trump is the biggest moron of them all. Are we great yet? I'm waiting. 🤔
I wake up with the same thought and it makes me question if I'M wrong for not being a dickhead. Definitely my least favorite intrusive thought, and one I've had far more often since I was 18 till now.
I live in a society ruled by assholes that only values assholes, it sucks a lot.
It may be necessary to wake the 40% both sides are just as bad so we don't vote to be painfully aware of the consequences of their high horses.
And for Republican voters to learn their Republican representatives don't give a fuck about them.
Sorry. Potty mouth until the next election.
This was inevitable so long as people like Musk and Trump stopped getting literally 100% of what they wanted. That day arrived for the whole of the American ultra-wealthy sometime over the past two years.
Every day we stray further from the time Jim Morrison tried to incite a riot at one of his concerts because we're all fuckin spectators who refuse to do something™
My mum died last Oct, but right up to the end, that right there made up a HUGE part of our phone calls. She'd have fuckin cackled if I'd shown that her & I'm laughing rn at the thought😂
Thanks for that Kiwi💜
Never thought I would spend my 50s in existential dread wondering where this all went so wrong. Mass hypnosis? Social Media 20 yrs ago? The birth of internet & home computers? When?
I never thought I'd be looking up gun safety classes in my 50s in case I have to become Sarah Connor if my country's invaded but I guess we're in the shittiest timeline...
I keep thinking about all the work that this f'ing idiot's actions and those of his minions (well, I say "his", but the world knows whose minions they truly are) will require - for decades - to repair that which is repairable after he finally goes to the reward he richly deserves. Scum.
No because billionaires want a bigger number they wouldn't notice the taxes if they were paying them infact most government spending is pro sum so they would be making more money but it's important they have more than everyone else.
thinking back i remember blocking a lot of people i knew on fb and somehow not making the connection that the tide had been turned and the middle lost to egg memes from questionable pages
Please remember that the rest of the world doesn’t think you’re an idiot just because your current govt is. We think you’re all awesome - well, most of you
Thanks for that. One of the things I thought about on Fri was whether the Ukrainian ppl thought all of America had turned our backs on them.
The decent ones of us still stand strong for Ukraine, and pray for their safety and independence as as a sovereign nation.
Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦
I am the same and the only thing that gives me any relief is reminding myself that all of these shadowy, evil forces would have had 4-8 more years to scheme and plan. At least their transparency and actions *might* wake people up. (I feel like an idiot writing that)
Liberal leadership candidates in Canada now are like "pick *me* to go one on one with this orange prick and show him how it feels to get a hockey stick up his cretin ass or die trying" while the Conservatives are like "These wacky Liberals are just mini Trudeaus who want to keep the carbon tax"
Agree and I worry what is yet to come. We have a man in the WH that has no interest in the job, no respect for the people that he is supposed to represent and a selfish narcissist that only wants to make money off the gig. It can get a lot worse.
We had 40-50% of the country calling US liars & saying, "they'll NEVER do THAT."
Now, they're DOING it & people are seeing the truth.
When we come out of this, we'll be stronger.
But, buckle up, it's going to get way worse before it gets better.
Sooner or later, that may be true. But I doubt I'll be around for it. I'm 71, and I doubt I'll live to see it. Instead, I'm just living and seeing the chaos.☹️
They don't want to use their wealth to help others bc they don't think "others" deserve help. They believe they got rich because they worked harder than everyone else & if everyone else worked harder they would get rich too. No consideration of life advantages, natural ability, LUCK.
My husband and I both work for the federal government, and the amount of times in a day we walk into the room where the other one is starting a panicked rant is...many.
I have a friend who I talk a lot of politics and our chat is just one of us waking up before the other and looking at the headlines and texting OMFG YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT THIS C*** HAS DONE NOW, WTAF
It's at the point now where a stranger approached me in a parking lot because he saw the Hillary sticker I was too lazy to ever take off my motorbike, and just wanted to vent to somebody about politics because it's all so ridiculous
My husband has always taken the opposing position, when I bring up politics. He's a born contrarian, (it's annoying). Things are so bad now that he just agrees immediately. He has lost the ability to, even academically, see the other side of things. Terrifying.
Yesterday, read a news article about the zelenskyy visit to the white house and made some quiet exasperated despairing noises and everyone in the room went "no, i do not want to know what trump did now"
I don't think many people are happy about it. Maybe the MAGAs are. They are programmed to think whatever happens is a win, no matter how flimsy the rationale.
Please see they have proof musk rigged the machines. Also watch Vigilantes. Inc doc about voter suppression which they've done to millions of people
I totally get that and agree. My fear is that Trump will federalize the national guard in red states to suppress the vote so thoroughly his minions in Congress will be safe.
The “I have an issue and I’m making it everyone’s problem” energy is depressingly off the charts. My only solace right now is seeing how much today’s events have been inspiring pushback from people who’ve been silent so far.
70 million Americans didn't vote. Some voted for Trump.
So selfless of these billionaires. True heroes.
you completely forgot other presidents have literally fought wars to defend America ?
🇺🇦🤝🇧🇪 Ukraine, count on us !
I live in a society ruled by assholes that only values assholes, it sucks a lot.
Unless America is Trump.
And for Republican voters to learn their Republican representatives don't give a fuck about them.
Sorry. Potty mouth until the next election.
The GOP knew who he was when they put him in the White House. WHY did they elect him?
“There are two people I think Putin pays—Rohrabacher and Trump. Swear to God.”
- Kevin McCarthy, June 2016
But I'm arriving at a simple idea.
This was inevitable so long as people like Musk and Trump stopped getting literally 100% of what they wanted. That day arrived for the whole of the American ultra-wealthy sometime over the past two years.
So here we are.
That’s luxury in our polarised society.
Thanks for that Kiwi💜
As an empath, I FEEL the pain. And I've worried for the world since 2015 and he came down that escalator.
Like a lot a lot
Given that we as a society are collectively allowing this to happen, it’s clear that we need to re-learn some lessons from our past.
Just like for those before us, it’s going to be painful. But we need that pain as a reminder, apparently.
Breaks my heart. 💔
I hope that the version of us on other timelines is having a better time.
The decent ones of us still stand strong for Ukraine, and pray for their safety and independence as as a sovereign nation.
Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦
Now, they're DOING it & people are seeing the truth.
When we come out of this, we'll be stronger.
But, buckle up, it's going to get way worse before it gets better.
We have to protect our peace so we’re able to march en mass
Instant follow.
Oh is it?? Oh THANK YOUUU!! Thank you SO MUCH
fucking 2017 shit