Another ominous development: The Social Security Administration is no longer allowing parents in Maine to register newborns for SSNs at hospital after birth, is instead requiring them to visit a Social Security Office to register their children.
Definitely more burdensome for new parents, particularly given how spread out Maine's pop is
Is breaking things to harm people the point? Also, yes.
Calling them stupid & careless absolves them of the malice and cruelty with which they're acting.
Don't underestimate these assholes by thinking that they're morons. They're not. This is all intentional.
Trump is a petty little man.
I really see no other option than for blue states to secede and offer asylum to citizens of red states.
The photo will be a huge crowd of migrant mothers and babies waiting in front of a social security office to get documents that will help legitimize them as residents, future citizens, and valid SS benefit recipients.
It does make it harder for all parents to claim a child as a dependent which interferes with claims for all sorts of tax breaks/benefits. It raises costs and taxes for families with children whether they are immigrants out not.
It’s just another case of bullying.
This, I imagine, is just the first of the retributions he has in store.
-it's the oldest, whitest state in America
-very small share of state population is foreign-born (5th lowest in US). Immigrants in Maine disproportionately from Canada
-Trump may be retaliating against Maine's governor (related to ongoing fight over trans athletes)
Are you serious?
This. Exactly this.
The only Social Security office in northern Maine I know of now is in Presque Isle.
Maine would be a good province. Maybe take the name New Ireland. (seriously this was once a possibility for land east of the Pendost(sp?) River)
This ⬆️ was my first thought. The second thought was Maine bordering Canada.
-acting Soc Security administrator has announced plans to slash 7,000 jobs, a cut of more than 12%
-He's moved to close regional hubs and field offices that serve the public. Are Maine's among them?
-Babies don't have great immune systems. For first couple months, unvaccinated. Probably not great to stick them in crowded waiting rooms for hours to get paperwork they could have gotten at hospital
-New parents are exhausted and short on time
MAGAts don't believe in science. They'll say your baby got sick cuz you're a commie atheist, not cuz of germs. Besides, just give baby ivermectin, HCQ, or some other snake oil cure-all.
I'm m so disgusted with MAGA! 🤬
-They say they want more babies.
-They say they want to support parents.
Watch what they DO, not what they SAY
To him. This is why Republicans in Congress don’t stand up to him - they know this kind of thing would happen.
Trump is a vicious bully who doesn’t give a damn about this country.
Getting time off from work after having a child is already challenging enough for a huge portion of workers. Now they'll have to take additional time to go and visit this office, which is going to be understaffed & overworked.
Stephen Miller's fingerprints almost surely all over this one.
Not having an SSN prevents a parent from claiming a child as a dependent on their taxes and qualifying for various other benefits like EITC, TANF. ie, you pay higher taxes
The GOP and Trump administration really care about babies' lives.
And one more way to make everything a big hassle.
Heaven forbid anything should be easy or convenient for everyday people
That would be unaffected..
This was spite plus reducing # eligible for child tax credit n
It is a revenue and taxation issue and a benefits issue.
There are far more births by citizens who want an SS number for their children and don't want to have to go through the bureaucracy.
It is inefficient as well as ironic.
It won't fly.
3-5 says. Go to grand mom home or go to Dc.for vacation understand the rout to take?
Trump Administration Forces Maine Parents To Visit Social Security Offices To Register Newborns (UPDATE)
Excellent video of what to say!
Do we all need to return to our registered hometown for the next census?!?
Constitution be damned.
It’s true, facts don’t matter to some so-called democrats.
Anyone who still doubts that conservative, christian, white men HATE women is a fucking idiot because they are, more than likely, a conservative christian white man.
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#PennilessPolitics -
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This is straight up Shadowrun dystopia shit.
What the actual fuck???
You know who I mean.