A Douthat special, in which he dismisses Canada's nationhood: "not-Americanness finally ceased to be a plausible basis for a nation-state." Ugly American.
O Canada, Come Join Us https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/11/opinion/o-canada-come-join-us.html?smid=tw-share
O Canada, Come Join Us https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/11/opinion/o-canada-come-join-us.html?smid=tw-share
The vast majority of Canadians know this and will never want to join the US.
Even though both countries speak the same language, they are culturally very different
In November 2024, “not-Americaness” reached an all time high as a plausible basis for a nation-state, and looks like it will only get higher for the next 4 years.
Oh. No I don't..
New: America needs to be bigger to govern
They don't want to fucking join us, and I can't blame them. Show some respect for the autonomy of others for once in your goddamned life.
Polansky isn't advocating; he's saying this question will need a clear reply.
Really, we ought to line up all these ass kissers and have Trump drop trou so they can just get it over with!
I encourage Canadians who think this is a good idea to go ahead and move.
What I'd add to that is that America also hasn't *lost* a war in the European sense. When you see American "losses" it's essentially Status Quo Ante Bellum or "your intervention failed".
Nothing that lead to loss of land and cities though.
European concept of losing a war: see losing in Austrian Wars, Italian Wars of Independence, Franco-Prussian War, World War I, World War II.
"America is so divided culturally & politically, it's heading for a national divorce."
"Canada is not different enough from the U.S. to justify existing as a separate country."
Thus the right-wards shift in Canada.
I am not saying it's true but Americans discounted how some of them "feel" to their peril.
I've lived in China, Mexico, US, and Austria. given tons of money I'd take Hawaii or Guam. who wouldn't? better than the cold
Except i have the moral right to tell sanctimonious goofballs to fuck off cos i vote too.
The British thought they could take Ireland and make her sons bend the knee to a foreign crown. For centuries they faced military resistance. Centuries. And that is why I will go to my grave as a free Irishman regardless of what plans Musk has.
And by "so many" I mean tens of millions.
But no, thanks.