From the beginning, the danger hasn't been Trump. He is constitutionally lazy, ignorant, unambitious and just generally not good at things. The danger is from people supposedly in opposition doing fuck all to stop the rest of his coterie, categorically more evil, ambitious and skilled than him.
Reposted from
Kaitlin Is Just Getting Started
I have an entire rant with several key points, but the gist is: Send Donald Trump to jail nothing bad will happen. There will be no riots, no demonstrations, nothing that can be done by the system or police or FBI or anyone to stop it. And once it happens, we’ll realize it was never scary.
You made the world a better place.
May others find continued inspiration in both your contributions to art, & your clear-eyed moral clarity
Guy who worked with Peter Sotos and was in a band called Rapeman will be devastated you're being edgy about his shit politics, shame on you tsk tsk :(
My language wasn't direct enough so I'm a linking this thread that lays it out better
Things are good and getting better actually
Is it though ??
Thank you for all the music and your unflinching integrity
There's light too.
I think that also means “nothing will happen” is naive. Being able to manipulate a few thousand rubes into trying to overthrow democratic order and the peaceful transfer of power suggests otherwise.
They were understaffed on purpose.
How did it all fall apart? Why?