I've tried to sketch out a very rough draft of impeachment articles, limiting them to the most essential and strongest counts, and I don't think I can get it under a half-dozen or so, each with a long litany of particulars. Just trying to articulate the sheer scope of this crime spree is daunting.
We all are either using or creating hobbies to manage the stress. 🤨
Thank you for the effort
Thank you for trying, or I should probably say beginning 💖
I have directed my Prime Minister to see that he is Brought to Justice! No Courts needed here.
Thank you!
Resist and organize! https://www.fiftyfifty.one/
*Separately for each crime*, as a historical marker.
Keith Olbermann’s correct: the record shows impeachment works— down ballot AND down-election.
…idling or capitulating is the OPPOSITE of Resistance.
I would love to run with this until my useless MAGA senators and rep get sick of me and just impeach the 🍊 💩 to get me off their back.
The DOJ is currently trying to ban ever releasing volume II "because it's still within the statute of limitations". No, seriously, they said that.
It ahhhh, would've been a Herculean task back then, and it's much much worse now
We don't really need to proactively limit the crimes.
As for publishing them, maybe. But I started on it more just to organize my own thinking about how to categorize them.
If he can flout the law and shred the Constitution publicly, it is our duty to point out every wrong he is carrying out against the American public.
Full stop.
Shame on him.
Keep the house talking about the impeachment articles for months on end! Keep launching new investigations and holding hearings and grandstanding. Add a new charge every time it slows down.
DO NOT send it over to the house unless it’s a 💯 sure to pass.
My thought is that like kids & a bully on the playground, w/out the bully, others find a semblance of a spine.
I follow Heather and Alt National Park Services on FB. Both excellent for articulating daily developments & consequences.
I'll chip in!
Perhaps organize by the Articles & Clauses violated? Impoundment, Emoluments, Treason, etc. ?
I wonder that certain criminal aspects underway may be more appropriately addressed in military tribunals rather than civilian courts.
A different arena of engagement than congressional impeachment, but probably appropriate in certain cases regarding higher crimes.
Just wondering.
If Trumpf were impeached and removed from office, where would we then be?
I fear the Thiel-backed Curtis Yarvin disciple, CEO-King Vance would be worse.
Until the Dems cobble together some effective leadership, the populace has no alternative on which to focus their support.
"For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
"For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
This is what all the tariffs are doing.
"For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
Does this describe what happened to all the people trafficked to the mega-prison in El Salvador?
He must be imprisoned. So must his sycophants for enabling him.
The stuff that’s illegal so far generally aligns with their policy goals. But defiance of court orders fundamentally threatens capital.
Or is it worse if Musk acted independently?
Wishing we could all just stop giving him the respect of a name.
"In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States."
Which suggests that the President is a trustee, a fiduciary.
I have documents I've saved but am not a lawyer like Marc. 💙
As for me, I'm concentrating on the psychological disorders related to invoking the 25th Amendment.
It will be
"This cunt is obviously a traitor"
Some things do not need more detail.
A horse is a horse.
Leaves more time for executions and then celebrations after.
I’m serious. 🪶😡🇨🇦
Vance, Johnson, his cabinet, the Heritage Foundation spooks, Thiele, Crow, Yarvin, the "owned" justices of the supreme court, etc.
The Ideological Rot runs deep.
Needs tucker, ingraham, waters, kirk, banon
vought, crow, koch, singer
sacks, johnson
Plus a few others
Strong work, America!
His aI will target every one of our government agencies if we're not careful.
Bombard your audience with information and watch their prefrontal cortex wig the f*ck out and submit to the lizard brain.
Oh wait, I know who - millionaires and billionaires who have the best accountants to keep their clients from paying their taxes
Their whole thing is committing too many crimes at once to keep track of, so why not bury them in impeachment trials? Give every impeachable offense its own filing every week or whatever.
Force the president and congress to explain why this country's supposedly most important document can be disregarded over and over again.
Congressional SENATE switchboard, answered 24/7:
Congressional HOUSE Switchboard:
It's really hard to catch your breath and take it all in, which is why they waterboard us all with so much all at once.
And El Salvador? WTF.
Here’s ronald reagan for you admiring CEEC citizens:
The GOP would vote it down no matter how compelling the evidence.
HOUSE switchboard: 202-225-3121
(R)Congress should band together against this fascist takeover but so far they haven't. Maybe they've been threatened with harm or worse and have been paid $$$ to stay silent. Tell them to band together to #IMPEACHandREMOVE
DOGE is fake. Firing 1000s of employees.
There is only one thing that will stop this and I'm not proficient enough to do it.
Thank you for your diligence and stickwithitness