I had a cat who looked just like yours. She will grow up to be a beast of a cat! Someone once saw her back end disappear around the corner and thought we had a dog. 😆
You probably know that - but train your kitty to be bathed+ blow dried while it's young. Long-haired cats can easily become matted when they're getting older, and it's better (for your nerves) when they're used to getting help with grooming.
(Sorry for the unasked advice. Your kitten is beautiful.)
That cat is very adorable and already has the facial expression of a creature that will RUN your household with a cute furry fist (paw) of demands and desires 😸😼
They get bigger as you look! Anyway, thanks for the flashback. I got to stroke a very young fennec's ears once and I felt this picture in my fingertips.
That pose just screams:
"Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn!"
(Such wonderful and adorable floof!)
(Sorry for the unasked advice. Your kitten is beautiful.)
(What a cutie!)
My tortie arrived with adult sized ears, a tiny head, and a burning desire to model for Cats On Synthesizers In Space.
"Why u not pettin me?"
They mat easily.
I can't wait for the day to get my own kittens.
Is she a Maine Coon?
I've a good counterpart for it.