Very spicy take from a guy with a human pet fetish who wants someone to become his castrated live in slave and wants the right to be able to take "pets" out to in public and be accomodated in restaurants. Perverts like him need to stay on their forums and leave the rest of us out of it.
every single time i see this guy my jaw just drops further through the floor. half of his tweets stunlock me completely while reading. truly one of the human beings of all time
Problem is that hypno-porn is shit people google on their own and are usually already pretty queer when getting into it.
Gay conversion meanwhile is often pressured or forced upon people who have been religiously groomed into hating themselves for their homosexual desires.
in the strictest technical sense you are altering another person's mind any time you are communicating with them in any way. you are forcing thoughts into their head that they could not possible consent to because the request for consent is also a violation. what do you want to do. outlaw talking
everything that can be seen is a violation. all sounds. all smells. at the end of this chain anyone who is not permanently entombed in a sensory deprivation tank is opening themselves to mind rape. how batshit do you wanna go with this pal
You do know hypnosis isn't real, right? It's all illusions and placebo effect. That's why there's rules like "you can't be hypnotized into something you wouldn't otherwise normally do" and "you need to want to be hypnotized", it's because hypnosis isn't real so they invent defenses against proof
Breaching the artificial boundaries you’ve drawn between what you consider your “true self” and what you are unwilling to claim isn’t “altering your mind.” That stuff was already in there; the “hypnosis” just interrupted the cognitive dissonance you were relying on to convince yourself it wasn’t.
that law specifically refers to "sending or showing flashing images electronically" if it is "reasonably foreseeable that an individual with epilepsy would be among the individuals who would view it". that pornography is not made to induce seizures so it clearly doesn't apply.
Oh I don't think he would, just was a funny thought in my head. Hbomberguy trying to explain the history of cybersmith, from human pets to weaponized sissy hypno vids on youtube
Tommy is a public figure, and was scamming people like crazy. Cyber smith's biggest crimes from what I can recall are just being creepy sometimes. And we don't arrest people for being creepy
is he trying to equate sissy hypno to conversion therapy?? because we know both don't work on people who aren't already partially straight(eg. bi)/already into sissy hypno, and unlike conversion therapy, woke parents of a cishet kid aren't sending their kids to sissy hypno camp in any universe.
Cybersmith needs to be put in a zoo and studied like the weird little creature he is. He *is* the Human Pet Guy after all, so this isn't even out there of things he've said
i've said so many things to him that he just laughed about. the one time he got enraged was when i told him that transitioning would help but won't fix all the stuff he needs therapy for. he flipped the fuck out in a "it would take maybe 20 minutes of serious conversation to get me on E" way
Fucking hell.
Gay conversion meanwhile is often pressured or forced upon people who have been religiously groomed into hating themselves for their homosexual desires.
but this is human pet guy
You should cry harder about it
bro... Hahhahahaha
It's okay, you're allowed to be gay you know.. you don't have to make it everyone else's problem. Relax
2. Why are they publicly admitting they are vulnerable to sissy hypnoporn gifs?
What the fuck?
Anyway yeah what the fuck lol
As in, he wants to keep a human as a pet, and that's not even the weird part, trust me, do not look into it if you can avoid it.
Let's leave it at that, for the sake of your sanity.