New York Times to be named official Opposition paper by the Republican Party. Renaming to New York Liberals for Trump Times pending approval by managing editor Lauren Boebart until she learns to read.
The headline writers had a couple of weeks when they kind of got it. I guess we will now have four years of sane washing punctuated by the occasional outrage Hillary resurfaced and called someone a horrible person.
There's a guideline about writing to a 4th-grade reading level. But for a long time now, the NYT seems to be taking that to mean writing to a 4th-grade intellect.
There is no one outside the very narrow MAGA circle who thinks these people are qualified. No one. Not even the GOP senators. They are too scared to say that so it would at least help if the NYT just told the truth. These nominations are an insult to the country.
Our major newspapers and supposed journalists are failing us…still
“ In a provocative move Donald Trump disbands the senate and house.”
The Gaurdian.