Musk bought Trump. Now, he schemes to buy the post-Trump political network -- perhaps envisioning his frat-boy he personally groomed, JD Vance, to carry out the full control of the US political apparatus.
Innovating, man. When you are the first person in 240 years to debase the Office of the Presidency to such a humiliating degree, you get to set the price. That's just logic. Morally bankrupt logic.
That is the thing tho. He definitively proved that the Senate will absolutely ignore facts and evidence, making the process a popularity contest/loyalty test. Citizens United made it legal to threaten to throw obscene amounts of money at their rivals in the primaries, justice has no place here.
The money will be for media ads, that you control already, dumbass !! They gotta use media, their minions won’t do door to door !!😱🤣🤣. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you sir 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Informative/ Real 💩 category)
Not to mention trump's weekly trips to his roach motel in Florida. And the parties he throws on our tax dollars. 18 MILLION DOLLARS to fund every weekend trip. 18 MILLION DOLLARS.
They're notoriously dangerous, especially when drivers aren't paying attention to the road, so he's going to end up letting Junior and Eric drive it around Sea-and-Lake (his renamed-along-with-the-Gulf illegal squat in Palm Beach, Flowery.)
We are just like Thidwick The Big Hearted Moose, with all of these
bizarre creatures dragging us down.
The bizarre creatures have got to go.
The process could be peaceful, as
in the story, but these creatures will
probably be harder to eliminate.
Still, they gotta go ASAP
Yep and apparently he selected males. Which I'm guessing is why he's such a dick to his transgender daughter. And while I appreciated watching someone finally tell trump to STFU... his 4 year old is going to grow up to be a monster way worse than his father.
I believe he is. He’s terrified of putin so it’s possible he’s just a willing idiot. Also we know for a fact he owes the Chinese government billions for his largest tesla factory. He doesn’t give a fuck about America.
Just a thought... Dems are weakend with the lack of DOJ, police, military, & bi-partisan support; & fighting the best they can with limited resources. Our country is lost with billionaires in power beholden to a King. The only thing remaining is the will of the people & their will to fight. WILL WE?
Trump needs to be blamed more cause he using Musk to be the scapegoat so the media needs to blame Trump fir USAID being cut & all the in-constitutional laws he breaking & treason he is aligning with Puten that not what the people of this country believes
Don't ever buy a fucking Swasticar. Sell yours.
Don't buy TSLA stock. Sell if you have it.
Don't buy Amazon Prime or shop there.
Never shop at Walmart or Target.
Get off Facebook.
Drop the WashingtonPost and NYTimes.
Reduce what you buy. Only buy necessities.
Plant a garden. Love your neighbor.
The rich should not be able to just spend unlimited money to influence politics. If it is beyond the ability of a working man, that works for his living, then it should be beyond them.
As far as I know you'd have to have a position in the federal government to be investigated with the hatch act, ole musky boy isn't officially a government employee, he just runs the whole thing.
You can thank the Supreme Court decision
Citizens United
for all of this awfulness.
Clarence Thomas and John Roberts who concurred with the decision need to be impeached too.
Whatever happened to the the gold bars at Fort Knox that moron trump was going on and on and on about at a rally and then kept talking about it "we need to check if it's there. Would to be mad if suddenly we open the door and it's gone" ..... insinuating Biden admin took it. 🚩 But it really
boiled down to sounding like he and Elon were going to take it all. It was very sus. And with everything else going on and screwing us over to enrich themselves ... it's so pathetic that I and others could def see happening.
Anyone ever hear what happened? It was like 2 weeks ago.
Next week when tesla stock is half the value it is today and more people are protesting the dealership’s he’ll have trump do another commercial on top of Rushmore for 200mil.
I want drug screens on Trumo, Mysk and whole cabinet!
These decisions r the decisions of drunk & high people!
* We will Takeover Canada!
*We will make it 51st state!
*Yea Dude will take Mexico too!
We will Fire every one of those Federal Deep State Workers
Yea Dude!
Drug Screens Now! WTH!
Be sure to thank the corrupt justices on the Supreme Court that destroyed the Constitution with their Citizens United ruling that gave the green light to corporations to buy our government.
Next up will be X sponsoring the White House with a big neon sign above the front door and a patch on the shoulder of each employee. Whoops, did I just give Elon a great business idea?
I don’t know about anyone else but I’m pissed off beyond belief! He is extracting as much money as he can & wrecks the nation! He doesn’t have a love for the US as a born citizen would! He is worse than any migrant trump is going on about! At least those are useful to the country, Musk is not!
True. Think of German generals in June 1944. “We’re fucked,” the same ones whispered among themselves. “And it will get worse before it gets better.” But they had no idea how worse - cities levels, Germany bombed back to the Stone Age, Soviets raping/pillaging. We can imagine how bad it will get yet
Right? I worry we won't make it until then, look what he's done in under 2 months. I can't fucking believe we are back here and it's so much worse. WTF do the magats need to see to understand he's a clear and present danger to all of us?! (As I scream into the abyss)
This is Trump heaven, everything he lives for; OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY AND UNLIMITED POWER. Our ultimate hell: the absolute WORST person any of us have ever known getting away with EVERY CRIME IMAGINABLE and lording over us like EVIL INCARNATE. Are we fucking dead, is this actually HELL? 🔥🔥
Still not buying the cyber wanna be pretend truck that can't do anything a truck is supposed to be able to do... and is ugly... and doesn't fit in parking spots well... and every person I see driving one seems to struggle keeping it between the lines on yhe road due to its awkward size and shape
Fingers crossed the stock tanks further tomorrow. And the next day. Then,the day after that. And the day after that until it's worth zero. Fingers crossed 🤞
He's got all the govt contracts to fall back on. Pretty fucked up when someone can lose such an obscene amt of money and not really feel it. At some point this will become a "let them eat cake" situation. The magats are a vengeful, angry lot.
Elon just stole $20 billion from the Infrastructure Bill in the Republican’s spending plan. Instead of that money going to rural communities to pay local companies to install fiber optic infrastructure, Starlink will be their only option for high-speed internet.
Listening to Hannity doing the free commercial for Tesla and talking about how cool and powerful they are is just too much.
MAGA cult is about to do a complete 180 on electric cars.
Besides, a pickup truck is more useful for their purposes. They can’t afford the upkeep of a veh that’s a lemon, & had 4 recalls in 1 year!
Anyone buying a Tesla is making a mistake!
I’m thinking that trump doesn’t have the currency to lift Tesla worldwide.
He doesn’t impress anyone, only the MAGAts, but they like pickup trucks & muscle cars. There may be a blip in sales, but it will not save the brand.
Don't doubt for a minute that #ElonMusk isn't weighing his PAC contributions, to contracts he is gaining via DOGE. 100 million in donations, for unfettered access to government data and the ability to assign new government contracts to yourself... that's a bargain. #Trump is Corrupt!
If this wasn’t the most corrupt Presidency already, it is now. Did any previous sitting president receive a $100 Million bribe. Ever? (Hint: the two correct answers are “NO” and “H3LL NO.”)
It's time for Congress to step in.
And the emoluments clause?
This mofo has to be impeached!
bizarre creatures dragging us down.
The bizarre creatures have got to go.
The process could be peaceful, as
in the story, but these creatures will
probably be harder to eliminate.
Still, they gotta go ASAP
He is way too odd for me. Or is he a bit insane?
Musk is a Russian agent.
This is not normal!
So at this point, what does it matter if Elon is? Trump is still the conduit to Daddy Vladdy.
Don't buy TSLA stock. Sell if you have it.
Don't buy Amazon Prime or shop there.
Never shop at Walmart or Target.
Get off Facebook.
Drop the WashingtonPost and NYTimes.
Reduce what you buy. Only buy necessities.
Plant a garden. Love your neighbor.
Good times🫤
Citizens United
for all of this awfulness.
Clarence Thomas and John Roberts who concurred with the decision need to be impeached too.
Anyone ever hear what happened? It was like 2 weeks ago.
Wanna bet he paid 0?
Wanna bet his entire day was one criminal venture after the other…again?
This is corruption at its boldest!!!
These decisions r the decisions of drunk & high people!
* We will Takeover Canada!
*We will make it 51st state!
*Yea Dude will take Mexico too!
We will Fire every one of those Federal Deep State Workers
Yea Dude!
Drug Screens Now! WTH!
Legalize comedy!
Your attitude is the result of the way you think and feel.
You communicate your attitude constantly with those around you.
Create a positive attitude, filled with good feelings, and even just your presence will do wonders in all situations.
Because with as much as I despise Trump, he really should demand higher bribes, or he’ll never be taken seriously in the kleptocrat community.
.... seems cheap for this level of corruption, honestly
MAGA cult is about to do a complete 180 on electric cars.
Anyone buying a Tesla is making a mistake!
elon's probably trying to stay on oranjello's good side.
We really must do something soon, before it’s too late!🔥
He doesn’t impress anyone, only the MAGAts, but they like pickup trucks & muscle cars. There may be a blip in sales, but it will not save the brand.
Here is help👇
•$1M for group dinner
•$5M private meeting
•$5M Golden Green Card
•$100M WH lawn informercial
I wonder what we'll see at the $10M price point.
At least, they're secure enough in their corruption to flaunt it.
Proud moment for American capitalism.