one of the biggest and simplest ways to both do something, and FEEL like you’re doing something, is to find a small nonprofit with a cause you care about. donate, volunteer, join a board. offer pro bono skills if you have them (tech support, accounting, legal). help them fundraise. they need you
Reposted from
Amber Sparks
I think people feel exhausted in advance because we’ve trained ourselves to think marches and rallies are the only way to fight, when in fact there are much quieter, more effective, and less exhausting ways to fight - like not conceding in advance, and not panic-sharing stuff without vetting
Unrewarding? Absolutely not! *I ate, too!* And it was special...
I assume he's convinced himself of this so he won't have to put skin in the game.
I’ve also made wonderful friends that way.
if that’s you, this might be where you’re most needed