And we're just watching the inevitable count down, instead of having our last month with the current admin... just DOING something to stop the madness.
At least pardon everyone before the inquisition begins!
No one with qualifying education or experience WANTS to work for a Narcissistic Sexually Abusive Convicted Felon who demands fealty but has no loyalty of his own intent on destruction
He doesn’t care about looking good! He already looks bad and it got him elected. He was never a good CEO either 6 bankruptcies is all you need to know. His team is going to do what he wants. Creating chaos we’ll get tired and not notice what’s being done and fierce loyalty to him and him alone.
That's why I keep warning that Donald Trump is setting our country up for failure, should there be major crises domestically or internationally. He's not only isolationist, he's subversive to the government apparatus we have now. He wants to upend it.
No surprise, fat ass told everyone and anyone he was going scorched earth. The downfall of institutions will not be like bowling a couple of frames, I believe the push back will be fierce and ultimately effective.
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been in the ‘burn it down’ crowd for a while now, but with precision and efficiency, like a controlled demolition. I mean… [insert smart people]… they’ve successfully bullied us out of creativity and reactive adaptability. We are stuck in outrage.🌀
I'm still dealing with the effects of him doing the same thing 8 years ago. Thanks to Luis DeFraud destroying mail sorting machines, I still get more of the neighbor's mail than my own. Someone sent me a t-shirt 8 months ago that my neighbor delivered to me last week.
That was sort of the vibe last time around, at least with Education and Energy. But incompetence managed to thwart it. Project 2025 has a plan to dismantle all of it this time.
That's the whole idea.
He's been wanting to dismantle and corrupt everything.
We totally screwed ourselves when we accepted his nomination and subsequent election.
He should never have been eligible in the first place.
He's our new world pandemic.
Covid ain't got sh!t on this infection.
I once remember reading somewhere about that being a management technique. Because they see “the flaws” they will work to change them rather than continue the status quo. In this case it appears that this technique is being taken to the extreme.
Those same agencies lack clear Constitutional authority for their existence.
Make the 10th amendment great again!
Tenth Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Destroy it from the inside out. That’s how all authoritarian governments enact full and total control.
When it’s too late you will all either kneel to Trump or stand with the US Constitution. Let the Hunger games begin.
The President, shielded by the court, aided by the cabinet of goons, transfers all Govt Agencies to private capital.
That is the GOP wet dream.
And it is coming.
The same-old same-old. Without a functioning government we will be dependent on the Rich. Rather we poorer people live or die will be at their discretion. I hope the laws hold, but it is a "brave new world."
Come on Jon the first bunch for that way in 2016 and these are worse. the news I want to read is that they are somehow not confirmed, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one I think they're all in and we're all out
yes, like literally fucking everybody, including immigrants and preteens even in other countries.
everyone and their cousin is going to take the bait and proliferate every fucking thing that comes out in the news to get likes on the newly-popular new social media site
That was what they are being "Installed" to do. It's Agolf Shitler's intention to destroy all those Departments because they would be impediments to his authoritarian takeover of the USA.
of course; It's the entire point. His BS for the last 4 years has convinced people that it's what they want. It's why they voted for him. They've actually been convinced that the only way to fix problems with United States=destroy its principles & remake as Christian Nationalist. 😕😭
I think all the none trump voters posting stuff like ' we will challenge this in the courts ' ' they wont get approved ' ' that would be illegal ' are as well
His ambassador appointments are worse! They insult the countries they are going to be posted to.,Trump is putting in vile people who will destroy whatever good relations we had with important allies. He thinks he can make other countries bend to his sick desires.
Actually, it's Trump who wants to destroy the federal government. His cabinet picks are just stooges who will do whatever he says, or else, You're fired!
Yes. But celebrate their eye-watering incompetence; they may wreck the surface of this country but they lack the temperament or skill to wreck the foundation
How do we keep a promise that’s nearly 249 years old, with the US Constitution being central to a more “perfect union” process? How do we show our children growing up that we refuse to be liars, cheaters, racists, unkind, inhumane to others who are also American citizens ?
They are all just yes men who will blindly do what Trump tells them. He wants and will get no restraints on him so the opposition is going to have to challenge a huge amount of unconstitutional actions in court. The Republicans who care about them country need to get a backbone. McConnell seems 2 B
The nominees are there to serve Trump’s malevolent, but deeply personal interests. No nominee will be free to run their department honorably or competently. And if the department in question is dissolved or decimated X 4, so be it. Public service will not a priority.
That’s the idea no? They’re asset stripping the American state and the profits will go to a select band of cronies. While this is happening g large amounts of people will yell that we’re being dramatic or don’t understand the cunning long term plan
Yes- but it’s worth repeating because some people have incredibly short memories -which is the only explanation that explains how it was possible that Trump won again. 😖
His picks in 2016 where diametrically opposed to their appointments, such as Betsy Devo's for Department of Education. Children homeschooled, advocate of school vouchers, and anti loan forgiveness. These picks are even more in your face 😡
Yes I've noticed. I live in Indiana, where school systems are very dependent on the Dept of Education. I hope Trump voters are prepared to homeschool their children.
Current Admin MUST NOT hand over country and its institutions to crooks and a convicted criminal.Doing so tantamount,equiv to handing over country to invaders,thieves who’ve waged war on country and soldiers in battlefield cower kneel,drop arms and raise up arms in air in submission!Total cowardice!
Along with all the Americans who are wealthy enough to be unaffected by or immune from the consequences of this real life version of ‘The Handmaids Tale’
Post-Trump political futures at stake. . . Were these proposed appointments just red meat for the true believers after all when the actual plan was to blame senators for rejections?
Everyone is talking about surviving the next 4 years. They don't understand P2025. Not seeing Democratic leaders facing reality either except VP Harris. Will the spineless traitors allow voting in 4 years?
Makes it easier to assume authoritarian power.
And we're just watching the inevitable count down, instead of having our last month with the current admin... just DOING something to stop the madness.
At least pardon everyone before the inquisition begins!
So much for draining the swamp...
He's went out to get bigger monsters...
Same as the first.
A little bit louder and a
Whole lot worse.
He's been wanting to dismantle and corrupt everything.
We totally screwed ourselves when we accepted his nomination and subsequent election.
He should never have been eligible in the first place.
He's our new world pandemic.
Covid ain't got sh!t on this infection.
This isn’t a new tactic
Make the 10th amendment great again!
Tenth Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
When it’s too late you will all either kneel to Trump or stand with the US Constitution. Let the Hunger games begin.
Bannon’s wet dream coming true.
The President, shielded by the court, aided by the cabinet of goons, transfers all Govt Agencies to private capital.
That is the GOP wet dream.
And it is coming.
That is Putins' plan.
Trump is Putin's puppet.
They might as well rename our country to Oligarchs of America.
Although Trump is failing Putin at the moment.
He had better stay away from windows and the Russians he invites to his gaudy Mar a Lago palace.
everyone and their cousin is going to take the bait and proliferate every fucking thing that comes out in the news to get likes on the newly-popular new social media site
will send Vivek and his dad
packing back to India
Amen Ramen
He did that last time.
Please don't tell me you're surprised. Please.
Or. . . . was this the plan all along?