Will nobody think of the multimillionaire TV personalities?
A reported £1.1m every year, from license fee payers. But why not tell the Telegraph "over lunch in Soho" that you resent paying your tax? What could go wrong. 👀~AA
A reported £1.1m every year, from license fee payers. But why not tell the Telegraph "over lunch in Soho" that you resent paying your tax? What could go wrong. 👀~AA
From Wikipedia, probably all made up, despite the many links and references.
Oxbridge is a portmanteau of Oxford and Cambridge. The word collectively describes the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
Thank you
Well, certainly mainstream TV.
He needs to pull himself together, give up avocados or coffee or something.
(At least I hope they would given how self centred this article appears to be.)
Pompous Prick
Likes hunting.
Who'd have guessed he was a massive cvnt?
All that expensive education and no wisdom.
Pls don't send spam or subscribe to random newsletters.
Fox hunting cunt.
He needs to watch the glorious Michael Sheen who has his eyes wide open to the issues normal people are facing, and how he helps them!
1. Paying for anything & how much it costs and
2. People who don’t have money and need help.
pointless to be paying tax like most people!
What a shitty thing to complain about IN PUBLIC when some people are struggling to heat their home and put food on the table.
Wants to buy the same advantages for his kids. Doesn't want to pay for it!
Richard Osman - great fun, spoke & joined in *green room* stuff with all the contestants, before & after recordings.
Armstrong - nowhere to be seen
Sounds about right
“For public services to run properly EVERYONE needs to contribute…We want millionaires, billionaires and companies who don't pay ANY tax, to pay a fair share…We want windfall taxes levied.” #WealthTax
He’s ex-Cambridge & owns a farm.
All very available in their voting records, sponsors, and the FB Ads Library.
This should have the anti-Lineker mob absolutely furious (not).
He sounds a right cunt
1. Watching it, can give grandparents / parents a
a massive insecurity complex!
2. Bluey’s mum and dad give children the idea that parents are simply there to entertain them and have endless fun, and be amazingly creative!
Be Moore Roger
But, is he really saying he is very poor??
I haven't read the article, but this looks absolutely ludicrous!
That's ridiculous, what a complete idiot
Now he's just screaming it.
"I'm paying for advantage other can't afford, why should I be taxed for it"
His kids aren't smarter than mine, they're just afforded more privilege. More opportunity.
He's no more talented than my morning 💩.
Basically he's a fucking arsehole.
Surely nobody could be that much of a git!?
No, I hate our wildlife being hunted & killed. I like nice rich people who donate money, help people & don’t whinge about being ‘poor’ ffs!
Alexander Armstrong learned that his 6x great-grandmother was a lady of the bedchamber to Queen Charlotte in the 18th century. Her son, Alexander's 5x great-grandfather inherited the baronetcy from his cousin.
Nuff said.