Not 'triggered'.
Just very much aware of the pitfalls of propagating pseudo-science and the slippery slope of duping people who don't know any better into believing whatever you want them to.
Just look at what happened on the evil twin site where truth lost all meaning.
Perhaps we should turn this question around.
Exactly what kind of observation was being made?
Proteins that make up the iris of a Human eye resemble a cosmic phenomenon?
Maybe we should accept other outlandish 'observations' like the female menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle are both one month?
Humans are a pattern-seeking species. When we draw comparisons, form hypotheses, then we test, record, and grow. It's how we learn. Is everyone here just anti-learning?
Taking a moment to appreciate that, if this was Twitter, we would have to wade through some stunningly stupid takes in the replies about the earth being flat and space exploration being a deep state ploy from people who do their own research and use handles like “(Alpha male)Chad39657.”
I think anthropomorphizing phenomena in space makes them less magnificent. They are glorious on their own without comparing them to us. The same is true for animals.
The anger this simple post has generated is surprising to me. Nobody made any claim that it is scientific. That said, nature (and I assume the universe, since we are a part of it) is fractal. I don't compare it to us, rather, I compare us to it. It is just a beautiful comparison, nothing more.
So what you're saying is that what we see in space is a collection of reflections of what's in the human body?🤔 Too cool!!!
Maybe all of the stuff we see in deep space looks like things God created here on Earth or vice versa😮 and completely exists inside the Body of God? Made in His image!
There seem to be a lot of 'bot accounts here, cluttering people's feeds with images and distractions, so they don't notice what is going on around them.
Science is wonderful, but we need to rid ourselves of sociopathy and sociopaths before plunging into more of the unknown.
You could do this with almost any two circles, your brain will automatically see the similarities.
Not that nature isn’t wondrous, but this is just pimping out how our brains work for clicks.
Ha no, a fractal is any shape that does not become smooth as the zoom approaches infinity. Self similarity is just the pop science version of fractals; the coastline of Norway is a fractal.
Its fair that self similarity is not a hard requirement in general fractals but its also true that two objects being vaguely similar looking at two different scales also does not equate to a fractal.
You are supposed to ponder why that is. It’s like how plants shaped like a particular body part cure ailments in that particular body part. This science has been understood for centuries.
All things are One thing Unity is the only truth. It's one big quantum entanglement. Lincoln secretary Kennedy. Kennedy secretary Lincoln. One piece of near infinite complexity. God is everybody and everything.
I once looked closely in the mirror to see what my irises actually looked like up close. For days I was cursed with the intrusive thoughts of what that texture feels like. Today I have become morbidly curious once again, to remove the cornea and stroke my eyeballs.
Science was invented to be able to prove to people that CORRELATIONS like this DON'T MEAN ANYTHING! Why are so many science accounts here filled with anti-science nonsense like this?
Your comprehension is struggling because you’re inferring something this post isn’t saying. It’s just an image, there is no claim there is anything other than a coincidence going on here.
You’re still the one inferring that this page is somehow trying to say these things are related. I’d say observing the beauty of the universe, whether that be a nebula in space or the human eye are intrinsic to science. Maybe don’t be such a prick and let people enjoy things.
Everyone who liked the comment disagrees with you. Sorry to step on something that your brain told you was profound, it wasn't. I'm not controlling what people post here or whether or not they enjoy it, I'm making a correct observation that there's nothing *scientific* about the images' correlation.
14 people agreed with you dude, that literally means NOTHING. All your rambling doesn’t change the fact that YOU are inferring something greater to this post than the post is implying itself because the post itself isn’t even saying there is a scientific link between the two. Get real dude.
When you see thru glass, they are giants looking at us, we are in a closed in universe within a marble, and that's what we see from our pov, a shape of a giants eye looking at us or a nose or mouth, sometimes a limb, it all depends where our universal glass globe points toward.
Best you either explain yourselves or take it down.
Just very much aware of the pitfalls of propagating pseudo-science and the slippery slope of duping people who don't know any better into believing whatever you want them to.
Just look at what happened on the evil twin site where truth lost all meaning.
Exactly what kind of observation was being made?
Proteins that make up the iris of a Human eye resemble a cosmic phenomenon?
Maybe we should accept other outlandish 'observations' like the female menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle are both one month?
That gazed like a great cosmic eye.
With colors so bright,
We watch it at night,
A wonder that makes us all sigh.
We are one in Love.❤️🔥
Maybe all of the stuff we see in deep space looks like things God created here on Earth or vice versa😮 and completely exists inside the Body of God? Made in His image!
Science is wonderful, but we need to rid ourselves of sociopathy and sociopaths before plunging into more of the unknown.
But the account is not called "Shining Fun."
Not that nature isn’t wondrous, but this is just pimping out how our brains work for clicks.
Independent similarities do not a fractal make.
lmao...really? Because no observations are ever wrong, are they? No one ever misinterprets what they're seeing, do they?
The 2nd image's text should really read: "human eye that looks the most like the Helix Nebula"
Curious me
Check this out:
On est au puits du Sarlacc.
Kind of like an eye for a galaxy.