My family has a running list of these types of things, not necessarily tv shows. A good one is from my eldest from when they were about age 10, “sarcasmus”, when someone is charismatic and sarcastic.
Can't forget about minor, non-legendary Tick Villain, Sarcastro (to go along with Stalingrad, a grad student of Russian history who looked like Stalin)
My brain is like that. I often triangulate what I am trying to say by describing it in a different way when I can see the words that I want to say but they just dont make it to my lips. lol It is a thing and actually takes a smart person to be able to do that. Tell him I say way to go! lol
Subbed for a company that did all the prep work for their show, framing, drywall, etc. Watching them on a shoot day, the one with the cute tool belt couldn't hold a screw on his drill, kept dropping it, so I had to start it off for him in the drywall... posers.
I was trying to tell my husband about our son’s obsession with dressing in all blue, but I could not find the word monochromatic so I said he was being “color monotonous”. 🤣
When you’re in fight/flight, your brain stem is in control and your pre-frontal cortex goes offline. Executive function goes down the toilet. I’ve got PTSD and it happens to me regularly!
I suspect this is why so many people *think* they have ADHD.
My engineer husband called the hotpads, heat resistant devices, seriously, because he could not remember the names when he was in a hurry looking for them in the kitchen. I always call them that now, even though it takes more effort/words.
The joys of word finding! My best was when I couldn’t think of “hospice” and came up with “the Finishing Store” as we had been buying baseboards and paint there for fixing up our place to sell.
I’m obsessed with that kind of thing. Once overheard two women on a CapMetro bus talking about “That Netflix show, Usher’s House Fell Down” and I say it out loud to myself every few days.
I bought this giant wall clock at Target, my kiddo was 4 at the time and with me- when I put it in cart he said “mommy that’s more clock”. It’s been the More Clock since then, still call it that and he’s 21 now (he rolls his eyes and does not participate)
He's three and still naps, so if I'm in bed with him, it's a snoozle.
I suspect this is why so many people *think* they have ADHD.
The solution isn’t drugs. It’s reducing stress.
America’s Embarrassment the
Me: Library Box (bookshelf)
....and turns out his dad was big in ROTC but whatever point was he understood what I meant