There’s a genre I absolutely loathe, but I’m never sure what it’s called. Looked up “metalcore”… Not that, but then “melodic metalcore” came up. And some of the bands listed under the latter genre I cannot stand:
Genres are always slippery but August Burns Red, Poison the Well, Unearth, and Heaven Shall Burn also end up in that vicinity and I like them (or at least some of their stuff) even though I also don’t like the bands you listed.
Yeah. “Metalcore” brought up a load of bands I totally dig (Earth Crisis, Converge, Botch…).
I think it might be “deathcore” I have in mind. A band like Whitechapel. Drums quantized to fuck. A wall of awful, flat-sounding djent-y guitars. Naff Casio keyboard horror keyboards. Ugh! 🤢🤮
Yeah, there are those bands and djent and deathcore are not key genres for me, but this just came out and it’s djenty deathcore and I liked it. Awakeness.
And someone rec’d She Must Burn, symphonic deathcore (grimace), but I really liked it, too.
"Metalcore" is one of those terms that has completely changed meaning over the years (like Emo). I'm old enough to remember when people called stuff like Biohazard "Metalcore." Back then the idea of combining metal and hardcore was a novelty, but the lines between those genres are so blurred now.
Oh yeah. I love all sorts of BM. From 1st and 2nd wave progenitors, to USBM, dissonant stuff, blackgaze, Arcturus to Ancient Wisdom, Panopticon to Ulver, Wold to Emperor.
Most things tagged “post-black” just bored me to tears (Alcest being the absolute emperor’s new clothes). It takes ages to get absolutely nowhere. Any not in a good way.
Think I’ve answered that just now by slagging most of it off profusely. I tend not to like “clean” vocals in any kind of “extreme” metal. So atmo-black and post-black are big no-nos.
I tried a lot of the big albums in those genres that folk raved about. Like the album with the black and white photo of the side of a mountain on a white background. And the one with like a big lavender 👁️ crying sand. Bored me to death. So much so I can’t even name the bands/albums.
Most atmospheric black metal doesn’t have clean vocals tbf. Most black metal in general doesn’t, actually. It’s way more common in modern bands than it used to be. Burzum, Paysage D’Hiver, Weakling, almost all the old bands had no clean vocals
After spellgoth from horna did the keyboards for the KPN split with famine in blackface on the cover I talked a bit on twitter about how KPN is on militant zone which funnels power and influence into the Ukranian nazi militia azov battalion. When horna booked their us tour I said more stuff about it
The vocalist for a popular metalcore band went to bat for horna talked some shit to me and then blocked me. A little while later he died. It has proven incredibly unpopular to talk about but I also can't change what happened. It be like that sometimes.
This is almost like how I glitterbombed Mitch lucker, then he died while drunk driving a motorcycle, and then the rest of the band made a “im not mad about the haters dont put in the paper that im mad” song/video, except it’s not really at all like that.
Idk just something about an exvangelical working through their relationship with the Christian god primarily through Jewish iconography and symbolism just rubs me the wrong way
Not all of the Oi / Street Punk revival, but all of the Oi / Street Punk revival that’s made by guys who used to wear Hatebreed shirts and now they’ve tucked their shirt into their jeans and play around with “edgy” imagery like black boots with white laces while screaming that they’re not Nancys.
Half of thrash metal. They never grew up from their 80s phase and stayed there since then. Unlike Death and black metal that actually grew up to be Melodeath and black became DSBM, atmospheric, post bm and so on. Thrash never evolved into any of that
Electric Wizard. As much as they want to think they’re evil bikers, they just give off sad alcoholic deadbeat dad at a dive bar vibes which are Metallica and Pantera’s territory. They also suck.
Stupidly overrated band. Yeah, they can play tighter than a gnat’s chuff. Big wup! I once remember hearing/reading their keyboard (I think) saying he was really into Squarepusher. Really!? Then why are you still so fucking dull. My favourite DT song is ‘Caught in a Web’. It’s 5’30” mins long.
All jokes aside I think their first two releases could be accurately labeled as nu-metal, but from White Pony onward they definitely strayed away from those genre confines and embraced (IMO) more interesting influences.
Here's a fun one for y'all lmao. For way longer than Id care to admit I swore to God I thought that one Nickelback song said "I'm back. I'm driving like I'm black." And every time I'd just lmfao holy fuck this is wildly offensive what TF is going on here hahaha
Hot take but I hate Archspire. They're so set on playing tech death to the point that it just sounds like muddy nonsense. To them I say "You will never be Necrophagist. Please stop."
Big same. Though even when it comes to metal I'm so damn picky lol. Like I love stoner doom but will concede there's so much out there that sounds identical. The bands have to really, uniquely, seperate themselves somehow or I can't vibe with it
I remember hearing a song of theirs on the mission impossible 2 sound track and thinking it was alright and then like 10 years later I heard crazy bitch and couldn’t believe it was the same band.
Oh I was such a skater boi back in the day hahaha. All because of THPS. Got semi good at it too, enough to pull off tricks that would 100% kill me dead now if I attempted haha
Yeah they had that one song literally years ago called "Crazy B*tch*. It sucks. They suck. They're just a vortex of suck if you've dodged them this long then keep that streak going trust me they're not worth the Google lmao
If you go to any bar in Hobart, Indiana on any given night a DJ will introduce that song by yelling "how many CRAZY B*TCHES are here tonight" to zero applause, but then every cop in the place and their mistress will hit the dance floor
Whenever I mention to any rando that I love metal in literally never fails they follow up with a "oh yeah I love five finger death punch too!" Like my guy the music I listen to would eat those bootlicking chuds lol
I was going to crack a joke about bands whose social media presence annoys me (or labels, looking at you The Fl*ns*r) but then I remembered that my social media presence might also be annoying to some lmao
I really don't get this Blood Incantation hive mind. So many better bands that sell a handful of albums on Bandcamp that never get a look in. I've tried so many to like them and they just leave me cold.
Must really resonate with them for some reason. I've been listening to Progressive Death Metal for longer than 30 years, so it's not a "me" thing; I'm not rooted to the past and always support new bands. I'm clearly not hearing what everyone else is.
They're obviously talented players, but what they're choosing to do with it doesn't hook me at all. Especially when they're doing 20 minute songs when they can't even hold my interest for 3.
Definitely great players. I'm not averse to 20 minute songs, but as you said, they can't grab me for 3. Their first couple of releases were fine, but suddenly the hype got out of control and was unjustified.
It’s very accessible death metal that blows the minds of many who are less acquainted with the genre. It’s perfectly suited to find a relatively large audience and to land well with them
It seems to appeal to plenty of old heads, too. "OMG, the first band to ever blend Prog Rock with Death Metal!" Cute, I was listening to Alchemist 30 years ago.
Yeah, there’s been lots of progressive death metal bands before Blood Incantation lol. But there’s quite a few people who only listened to the more generic stuff and then when they do hear something kinda different, it blows their mind. It’s like what Hereditary did with horror movies
The Ethmebb album from this year has blown me away as far as Prog Death, goes. Truly progressive and also shows Metal doesn't have to be all doom and gloom.
That's honestly a shame IMO cause they have some killer hooks and riffs buried in their music that a lot of people overlook because they think CC starts and stops at "meat and potatoes death metal" or whatever
The one I know and really like is Another Stranger Me, which I think might be even more blasphemous than just straight up hating everything they've done.
I think it might be “deathcore” I have in mind. A band like Whitechapel. Drums quantized to fuck. A wall of awful, flat-sounding djent-y guitars. Naff Casio keyboard horror keyboards. Ugh! 🤢🤮
And someone rec’d She Must Burn, symphonic deathcore (grimace), but I really liked it, too.
Fucking. *Awful*!
I hate that sort of Fisher-Price metal of any sort, really.
Every song.
I hated all that Buckcherry, bro-rock bollocks.
Chat Pile I refuse to even try because that’s a stupid fucking band name and that’s enough of a reason for me to nope out.
The band you were looking for that is the ACDC of Death Metal is actually Obituary
Most tech death