Yes. I responded to someone today in a way that wasn’t insulting. I just pointed out why what they said was problematic re antisemitism, and they blocked me.
I’m not saying they shouldn’t have that right, I’m just saying it wasn’t bc they had been disrespected, they just didn’t like what I said.
I have some issues with how people are managing to misuse it, but there’s always gonna be some ppl misusing tools (pun intended). Overall I like it as a feature, cuz mostly you’re right. Mostly it’s just two of us bickering.
Are there any safeguards against Heckler’s Vetoes?
If threads are hidden from everyone simply because one participant banned another, I can foresee trolls effectively erasing a lot of vital, important, useful, necessary content.
I’ve been following a lot of anguished accounts of people being hurt by politics, and if all it takes to silence their voices and erase their threads is a Neo-Nazi trolling them and being banned (or banning them), THAT’S REALLY BAD.
I've seen people who blocked me over a simple question (and then blocked few others in same thread) I can see the posts in thread from people I follow, and even people I don't follow, but not the one who blocked us.
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
On the negative side if person 1 is having a nice chat with their friends and person 2 comes on and is creepy, blocking person 2 will nuke the nice conversation everyone else was having
For more context (and I had just the same fears and misunderstanding), apparently this is only if someone is quote-skeeting someone else and one of them has Blocked the other.
I wonder how far it goes though, like could you reply and then block the person immediately and it would hide the thread, or is it a little more discerning?
It actually even hides your own posts from you if you have direct replies to people who block you (although they are still visible if you query your repo through the PDS API)
Huh, does it?
I thought the behavior was “you can see them in the “replies” tab of your profile but basically nowhere else” but that could be old *or* just me mentally attributing replies to deleted posts to the wrong thing.
at least its keeping people out of their privacy.. unless one of the users wants people to see it then they could just screenshot and post it publicly. or is something that requires public involvement. which is a different story entirely
ok, because it seems like there's some confusion here: this appears when person A quote-tweets person B, and either person A has blocked B, B has blocked A, or both. it does not show up when people just reply and then block. please stop catastrophizing a useful feature
It's not a problem, it prevents petty answering then blocking without letting the other answer + it stop the argument from spreading by not letting anyone read one side of the argument.
The former is not a good thing lol. If someone is spewing hateful misinformation I shouldn't have to leave them unblocked after debunking them just so others can see the actual debunking.
You can debunk them without engaging with them. You can screenshot the misinformation and explain things. You can mute them if you don't want to see them. Blocking is very useful for a lot of things, including protecting people, you can't be lax just for the sake of a specific use.
It is literally going to be used to control the narrative. I could block someone in this thread right now and say they said a slur, and who's to say they didn't if all the posts get hidden by blocking?
good ! more web sites should have features that make an attempt to keep online spaces from becoming too toxic. I already really like blue sky's block feature, its one of the best i've seen so far
I know we're all joking but it's a great way to ensure you don't get quite tweeted by some mega account ripping on you whose followers proceed to absolutely nuke your mentions
I’m not saying they shouldn’t have that right, I’m just saying it wasn’t bc they had been disrespected, they just didn’t like what I said.
HOWEVER, that's not what's going on (I made the same mistake)
If threads are hidden from everyone simply because one participant banned another, I can foresee trolls effectively erasing a lot of vital, important, useful, necessary content.
Sorry for my confusion.
I've seen people who blocked me over a simple question (and then blocked few others in same thread) I can see the posts in thread from people I follow, and even people I don't follow, but not the one who blocked us.
But sometimes the thread does show same error.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
Shutting down the conversation for everyone
So you'd know this was a problematic idea, right?
I'm just a visual artist with a decade+ of online moderating experience, which is enough to set off alarm bells at this feature
I've seen way too many trolls silence victims with stunts like this
I really hope that’s not how this feature works, ‘cos if so then erasure and driving out already-marginalized voices just got made super easy.
We'll be missing being able to see massive dunks but it's worth it I think.
I'm worried where this could head.
Similarly, if you find the conversation from the other end you can’t see the reply.
It basically breaks the connection between the two.
I thought the behavior was “you can see them in the “replies” tab of your profile but basically nowhere else” but that could be old *or* just me mentally attributing replies to deleted posts to the wrong thing.
You’ve got your “it’s fine, don’t worry about it” layer and only have to start hunting snarks if you actually want to.
Really glad to find I was wrong!
(And that does sound like a useful feature)
Cuz yeah that's kinda sexy if so LMAO
the whole 'mean girls of twitter' shit would never have been.
I appreciate anti-harassment measures but this could become a tool for the big accounts to warp things even harder.