Whenever they reach an egregious new low, I've taken to wondering where all these hideous grifters beloved of right-wing media might go next. I don't recommend it.
Reposted from
Huw C. Davies
I know I shouldn’t cross post from a hot bed of neo-Nazism. But this is mad. Imagine the implications for sport for starters if this was true. You can play for a British team, but not for England. that’s for whites.
Please help spread the anti-fascist message ❤️🙌🏼
What would (King) Arthur have thought? Or, for that matter, Boudicca…
But hold on, they elected him ! 🤡
(Catatonia had it about right...)
Then English.
Race and nationality are not the same thing.
I remember being asked at school
“Where are you from?”
Erm, here, I was born in Blackpool.
“Yeah, but where are you *really* from?”
That was 40 odd years ago.
She is a classic case, even saying that children should not enjoy themselves and should eat what they are given.
I bet that was her .
It takes a hell of a lot of strength - and professional help - to refuse to turn it on others.
If they had their way it wouldn't just be books that they want to burn!
They are given a pass by ofsted. No PE. Narrowed curriculum. Rote learning.
She should write it on the school's wall with the other inspirational quotes they have. "If you're black or brown you can be British, but never English" 🙄
Sad really.
"The daughter of an Indo-Guyanese academic, Birbalsingh was born in New Zealand and raised in Canada until she was 15"
Leaves one speechless
Now I know who she is
Frankly, if I were a parent and had a child at the school, I’d immediately work at having her removed at headmistress
This is simply unacceptable to teach young children
You can only remove your kid.
That is just beyond then
I mean / not that her tweet wasn’t bad before but this is just beyond horrible
Saddest story ever told!
I hope they like the sounds of their own voices more than doing anything about it - fingers crossed their egos get in the way!
The Welsh Census similar.
The English census offered only the option of Black or Asian British. No English option for those with a differing racial background.
In recent years "English" has become increasingly associated with far right nationalism. This was always unsaid but understood on the right so they could play the victim about it.
Now they've changed tune and are saying the quiet bit out loud.
But if we want to be pedantic, it's been shown that early English man was dark skinned with blue eyes...find me one of those if you can....
Genetic- we are a mongrel race. So that doesn’t work.
Cultural- in which case anyone can claim to be English
Location- in which case many black ppl in Britain qualify.
At the end of day is it that important.
Why do ppl want to exclude other ppl?
Is there something inherently English about being white that overrides everything else?
Best ignored.
British is apologising when someone bumps into you. It's queuing. It's being permanently semi sarcastic or making a joke because you are unhappy or uncomfortable.
This is learned behaviour. It has nothing to do with genetics.
Indeed the school is run on a personality cult basis.
This world fucking sickens me to a point of wishing I was passed over to the source. Enough 🤢
The fact she's teaching young minds is frightening.
She’s in the James Watt (the beer one) school of attention-seeking, controversy-chasing bleating, where the only agenda is personal profile-building.
I'm also British. I have Nz Citizenship, but I'm not tāngata whenua (of this land)
A Scottish, Welsh or Irish person can shout their nationality and be embraced.
English is treated with distain. Possibly rightly so.
I'm now confused!
The descent into the acceptance of once upon a time vilified neo Nazi speech is frightening.
If you're legally in the UK and want to label yourself as English why not?
I thought people want integration?
Bonkers that this is coming back into the public debate again.
in England. I would without question refused this woman any job in UK education. She is only employed because her ideology matched those ignorant fools in the Tory party, who malled our education system.
I reckon it's just a scam by flag manufacturers to drum up trade ...
If this was a statement put out by apartheid era, South African politicians, we would have been appalled.
That is the measure of how low the right has gone.
After #ToryFascistDictatorship & #BorisTheRussian, same now goes for Union Jack, unfortunately! 🤦
If asked, I say Northumbrian.
I am not a pure descendant of the Neander valley like Farage.
They are living, loving, complex, sentient human beings not some sort of stamp to be stuck on a page in a collectors album.
Why the obsession to classify?
As such, where's the money for these grifters coming from?
Desperate for someone to notice her next to Crusty the Clown...
What's next? Easy we take a look at Hilters play book of alienation and othering.
Brexit was an act of national self harm, now these people seem intent on doing it to themselves.
It's quite sad what a large proportion of this nation have become.
Grasping for a past that never was.
We are almost at a point where racism is pretty much common place in the right wing discourse on social media.
So it’s LGBTQ+ and women next I would wager.
Her preferred pronoun is gruppenführer
as in "nazi".
Delete as appropriate..... or not.
I wonder how the likes of Tom Sherratt, Robin McPherson, Martin Robinson and David Didau are feeling today?