Don’t look UP - or in this case down on the collapsing stock… Look at cyber attacks “on free Speach” happening on the same day; come and immerse yourself in the paranoia, help us to create a pretext for state of emergency which will help us to stay in power by what ever means necessary …
There are a few options: genuinely it could be all the actors you would think would be opposed to it - Russia, China etc. - because there are limits to the chaos they actually want. China wants economic growth. It wants a weaker US but not a dangerous, chaotic one that might fire a nuke.
I’m sure you’re right on a technical basis, but on the political, I disagree about Russia specifically. Putin’s interest is in destroying America as an international political force. How long can he rely on Trump? And disrupting X is minor, really. But it’s probably the North Koreans acting for him
Perhaps Putin is conscious that a relatively strong US is a counterbalance to the superpower that is China. Russias’s next great enemy. Maybe he needs a strong America but as more of an ally.
Whether you believe it or not they are a LOT of left wing technologists out there and a LOT of anarchist and tech counter cultural groups. This is, after all, the culture that silicon valley grew out of even if it’s been mostly usurped by MBAs and money people in power.
There’s absolutely an appetite out there from some of those groups to do things like this. But honestly, the most likely explanation for this is quite simple - it’s not actually a huge enterprise like you might think because Twitter is so savagely stripped back to the bone.
There’s are sayings in tech circles generally - “efficiency is the enemy of resilience” or “optimized systems fail hard”. Basically they mean when you spend time trying to make a system do its one job incredibly efficiently then it will likely fail if the environment changes.
I like this analogy if only because I have a strong interest in evolutionary biology. There are many examples of over specialisation, usually birds that arrive on an island, then become flightless, like the Dodo.
You go from three data centers to one for cost savings, then if that one fails you have no back up. If you cut your operations engineers to the minimum you need most of the year when there’s a major outage you don’t have the people to fix it quickly.
My guess - and it is a guess - is that this isn’t actually quite as hardcore state level a DOS attack as you might think, but they’re just too inequipped to deal with it. Which - by the way - is exactly why you need some slack in government so you can absorb crisis situations too.
The people claiming the Twitter cyberattack are Dark Storm (Team Dark Strom) who have claimed other attacks for causes (pro-Palestinian, anti-colonial) but are also apparently linked to Killnet + advertise their DDOS services, so open for hire by anyone with $$
This. The call is coming from inside the house and I wouldn't be surprised if it was from inside Twitter. You can probably count on one hand the remaining loyal employees.
I believe the quote is: “never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity”.
Which has become particularly believable since Jan 1st…
Or the actual option, which is nobody cyber attacked it, it's instead the most obviously dumb false flag operation ever. Musk is already blaming Ukraine, and within a few hours he'll be using it as a pretext to cut starlink.
My take on all these "Big Tech" cos is that they are like Baden Powell with the scouts - trying to present as massive, capable, resilient whereas the reality is that it's not far off being a total shit show held together with duct tape...
You’re pretty close there. Not a shit show, but loose control prosecutes can do a lot of damage. Or you decide to save money & double your workforce with cheap offshore remote labour….
It's not a cyber attack, he fired the last person who knows how to work it and is desperately asking the cleaner which button to press to get it running again.
The "cyber attack" is probably an outage due to something an ex-employee raised months ago, got fired for and is now worried that the email will be used as "evidence" of malice and sabotage.
This is not a state actor. Moreover, what state actor would choose to attack Musk? He’s doing a wonderful job of destroying his own reputation and his investments, without outside help.
Am guessing that this will be a small group with something that Musk lacks ‘Morality'
Delivering a poorly funded service and it goes down? Scream “cyber attack” as a distraction from the impact of the cost takeout actions… if it’s a real cyber attack then a professional company will produce and share reports, logs, lessons…
No one, absolutely nobody wants to or needs to. musk is doing as much self harm to that platform as Trump is doing in the US and the UK did through brexit.
It's just another wee rabble rousing excercis to keep the manic maga mob in their place and on guard for all those nasty enemies.
I don't care that Twitter's down. I do care that a US military tanker was rammed off the coast of Yorkshire by another tanker carrying cyanide and alcohol among its cargo. The US ship is on fire and leaking jet fuel into the North Sea. I care more about my air quality & the environmental damage
Exactly, that's why I mentioned it yesterday - there's very little info here on Bluesky and it's odd. I really wish people wouldn't let Elno push the narrative on here. It they want to blather on about Twitter they should go to Twitter!
Indeed! I was wondering if I was using BlueSky incorrectly- missing a way to see more UK biased stories. Despite following and liking Liverpool FC I rarely see anything in my feed….
So I guess it's Twitter hit by BlueSky cyber attack, SpaceX hit by Virgin space laser, Tesla hit by BYD ad campaign and Starlink hit by Amazon Kyuper competition. Or, maybe the world just hates Musk.
I thought Elon and team were tech geniuses. Looks like their infosec is pretty crap. Hope they use something better for starlink / spaces / tesla.. if they can do this to Twitter imagine what could happen to FAA if they embrace his stuff.
I don't think it's false flag. Just simple scapegoating. They have undoubtedly experienced a big attack but I'd guess their "efficiencies" left them more exposed than they would be. Rather than accepting responsibility, better to blame someone Musk already wants to discredit.
Perhaps even his "Hardcore" engineers had second thoughts when they saw what a tw@ he really is?
It's "The enemy within",
It's a "Fifth Column",
It's the Je,.. err, Globalists!
I watched one of those ceo videos the algorithm churned up about how the twitter engineers said they need 6 months to shut one of the server farms down. He flew there and cut the cable in 6hrs. Supposed to paint him in a good light.
If it's true, Who knows what stupidity they have been hiding??
¹Unfortunately, the only tracing he knows how to do involves a pencil and a translucent sheet of paper.
And Trump just ordered all cyberattacks to stop against Russia.
Who will it be.
Why did it flop, sacking the staffers? How is the FAA de staffing going.
In other news :
"Internet improves drastically after X implodes" 🤣
“If you have 2, you only have 1.
If you have 1, you have 0”.
Which has become particularly believable since Jan 1st…
You cut off your own head and nobody notices the difference.
That's probably down to the over 40s looking at these AI guys in wonder because we don't understand the tech.
That needs to stop. They're fools.
Am guessing that this will be a small group with something that Musk lacks ‘Morality'
It's Bill Gates' nanobots!
It's the Je,... err, globalists!
Sales of tiny violins surges.
vive, la.
"The Tesla Chainsaw Massacre"
It's just another wee rabble rousing excercis to keep the manic maga mob in their place and on guard for all those nasty enemies.
They obviously all hate him.
Like the rest of the world.
But given how many staff he’s cut, it’s just falling apart until someone fixes it
Who really shut down Twitter? Just a thought.
But they have backups, right? They wouldn’t skimp on those would they?
It's "The enemy within",
It's a "Fifth Column",
It's the Je,.. err, Globalists!
If it's true, Who knows what stupidity they have been hiding??