I can be as critical as anyone of the government's occasionally muddled message on growth but Look! At! This! Chart!! Anything they've done pales next to this GIGANTIC UNFORCED ERROR COMMITTED IN 2016!
(fagpacket maths follows)
(fagpacket maths follows)
Don't underestimate ppl's ability to deny the evidence
Even recently the counter claim that there was no proof smoking causes cancer was still used at the highest levels of government, to suppress efforts to legislate against tobacco.
The government isn't even blaming #Brexit - let alone fixing it.
They won't be given back when we rejoin. We'll be expected to suck that up to show our commitment.
Firstly because of the obvious economic advantages.
Second because European Law gives UK citizens rights that we otherwise would not have and is continually progressive even when our own government isn't. For example the EUWTD.
Of course, there will be terms, but it will be fair.
All talk about punishment or penance is not serious. As long as there is a genuine commitment to the common EU spirit, we'd all be happy to have you rejoin.
Would for sure help that chart recover 📈
Clue - they own their own bank - and deficits are a normal way of operating the economy.
I wonder what the reason could be!??!!1
Auntie lost the plot and still thinks we should pay her to be useless!
(Yes I know he's a fictional character).
In particular, don't accept a word of criticism from any business figure who also supported Brexit. Just keep sending him hot dog man memes 3/
So, we can say, EU m'ship = lower taxes?
However, I can say that my European value ETF has out-performed the UK one which I ditched before the referendum result.
Reducing risk from US and UK lunacy is difficult. The best you can do is keep it to a minimum.
In other news, would you be at all interested in the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer?
However FDI winter probably began about when ref was announced in Jan 2016.
If you don’t know what the economic / regulatory regime is going to be, what barriers to trade / goods / capital / skills there will be, then you will invest elsewhere.