Here's an inside tip for a Scottish breakfast: Ask for a slice of "haggis stick". In Moffat, where we discovered it, it was an under-the-counter special.
Your loss.
The best beef in the world.
Lamb, the same.
Berries - soft fruit in abundance.
Tatties - many, many different ways.
Salmon - cured, smoked, fresh.
Arbroath Smokies
Langoustines - plus all sorts of shellfish.
etc, etc, etc
Is that a tattie scone i see on your plate? 😋 You can get some good veggie sausages to go along with it. Or turkey or chicken sausages (sorry don’t know if it’s just pork you don’t eat). Veggie haggis ain’t bad either. Some baked beans would set that off. Hope you enjoyed.
you gotta have a Warburton's crumpet with some jam and some earl gray tea w/ honey and milk!! We loved the Warburtons but can't get them here in the states :( so sad, must make the 14 hour flight back to Banchory!
10. It took me a fortnight to get out of the thistles
9. I didn't know you could also get wool from them!
8. It's not a bagpipe, but don't stop playing
7. What made you think I was talking about golf?
6. I've heard of comin' through the rye - but this is ridiculous!
5. Of course she's served millions - she's a McDonald
4. Oh, so YOU'RE Wade Boggs
3. Care to shake hands with the Loch Ness monster?
2. Who's burning argyles?
1. She's in the distillery making Johnnie Walker Red
1. That abomination, the triangle hash brown, has no place on a proper UK fry-up. Unfortunately, they're an invasive species from the USA which have taken hold in the past few years.
2. Not sure what you mean. We've got loads of tatties in Scotland. The Famine was 180 years ago!
Picture said Haggis, where? The presentation is just too clean and orderly looking. The tomato, a sad victim of refrigerator dehydration? I can hear it begging for water. What is the tablespoon of dark green lurking under that diminutive oddly shaped hasbrown?
Early morning snarkyness. 😬
My American eyes just keep snapping to the 'alf a Bloody Tomahtoe on the plate like "what? What are you doing here? This is breakfast, you don't have to be at work for hours yet!"
If you're not not undoing your belt and having the regular crusties gorping at you in disgust while you're forced to undo your belt due to indulgent overfilling...what's the point. 🙂
if you get a chance to try it: the veggie version of haggis is *excellent* - obviously not "authentic", but it's one of the few "fake meat" type things that genuinely tastes fantastic, the texture and spices are quite different to anything else, and I have never seen it outside of Scotland
Your lucky the plates not fried, try a pizza crunch from a chip shop, I was 14 before I found out Pizza's weren't actually meant to be battered and deep fat fried.
Treat the buttery (role thing) like a flattened salted croissant 🥐 and have it with black coffee. It's a real gem of Scottish cuisine. A toaster ready croissant for your cold grey morning. Though it is beautifully sunny today.
Ooh, if you get a chance, try kedgeree. An English/Scottish breakfast based on an Indian dish. Really lovely refreshingly light breakfast of smoked haddock or kippers, rice, boiled egg, lemon juice, a little cream, herbs. Kind of a warm rice salad.
Haggis is great, and if the ingredients squick you out, vegetarian haggis exists and tastes identical. There's a vegan Italian restaurant near me that does an amazing haggis pizza
You can get fried breakfasts anywhere and if you don't eat pork they're a bit pointless tbf. Loads of tastier Scottish produce to try - no point filling up on stuff you can make at home if you like!
For the best, British cuisine has improved a lot over the years, but they still tend to produce some of the most wretched, gray ass excuses for sausage on the planet
Once in Germany I was served strange white sausages floating in a tureen of warm water. I’m not saying it’s typical but I had to think of it when you mentioned the gray sausages
Most places have good vegetarian full breakfasts now! I'd definitely recommend it - they'll usually have veggie sausages, sometimes veggie bacon, and sometimes veggie haggis (which is, imo, even better than real haggis), plus eggs, beans, etc. So good!!
Lots of Scots saying they feel bad for me. Look, I’m going to go into the city to get good food! I was just eating at the hotel this morning. I’ve been to Scotland before and had amazing meals.
And yes, I had to start with a *tiny* bit of haggis, to see if I still liked it. And I did.
The stereotype is that English food is awful. Well, that must be *English* food, because when we were in Scotland last August for Worldcon the food was excellent! 😃
We have Amazing food, but we’re pretty self depricating
and were just bantering at our own expense. We love
having you here, I cry every time at the end of Miracle on
34th Street when you say …” a little brother. “
Wasn’t * Dickie * Attenborough the greatest? 🎥❤️
Further to the above: One year while watching Miracle,
when you said “ a little brother.” She said “ it’s not all it’s cracked up to be Susan” She was 9 and her brother was 6.
A couple of weeks ago I did a day of meetings in Edinburgh and didn't have anything more than a buffet lunch and a pint of lager in the airport on the way home, so you're beating me!
Haggis is absolutely terrific! I got caught on a hike in an absolute torrential downpour, walked 5km to the nearest pub and immediately had neeps and tatties and haggis and a scotch. The best first day in Scotland.
Enjoy your stay! For my next European trip, I'm planning to have fun visiting places linked to creatures of myth & legend, like the Loch Ness Monster & Dracula's castle.
I am popping out to the Highlands so will wave if I see you. (I really am popping out to the Highlands but on the western side, up a mountain, or at least a hill)
That's the saddest excuse for a Scottish breakfast I have ever seen! Hash browns are American, and a completely unacceptable substitution for the mightiest breakfast potato product, the Tatty Scone. It's a plate full of anti-Scottish propaganda. I just sung Scots Wha Hae to cancel that breakfast out a poor excuse for a Scottish breakfast. Someone short-changed you there, I would expect there be at least 2 of everything... but I'm an overweight old bloke who survives on carbs and grease!
What a sad little tomato what's being served to you Mara. The fried egg looks fine enough but the rest should be scaped to the side.
Hope you enjoy your stay in Scotland and buy lots of homemade woolies. They have the best scarfs and hats in Edinburg if you travel there.
True. Choose from sausage, Lorne sausage, hash browns, haggis, fried or scrambled eggs, bacon, black pudding, tomato and potato scone. Have I missed anything [not beans]?
Personally, hash browns were never a thing round my way. I prefer fried eggs, but scrambled eggs are good too. Haggis is optional, but always a nice addition.
As an American living in Scotland, it has taken me some getting used to when it comes to ‘The Full Scottish’. Must be tricky with your dietary needs. And hope this beautiful country treats you well here.
The best beef in the world.
Lamb, the same.
Berries - soft fruit in abundance.
Tatties - many, many different ways.
Salmon - cured, smoked, fresh.
Arbroath Smokies
Langoustines - plus all sorts of shellfish.
etc, etc, etc
Then you are not in Scotland (mentally)
meat, we’d hae oor eggs scrambled
My ancestry, but I have never been able to go. Next time, please take me with.😜👍
10. It took me a fortnight to get out of the thistles
9. I didn't know you could also get wool from them!
8. It's not a bagpipe, but don't stop playing
7. What made you think I was talking about golf?
5. Of course she's served millions - she's a McDonald
4. Oh, so YOU'RE Wade Boggs
3. Care to shake hands with the Loch Ness monster?
2. Who's burning argyles?
1. She's in the distillery making Johnnie Walker Red
But yeah, Scottish food was much better. They had losts of salmon, and I love salmon.
I would eat it literally every day
2. Not sure what you mean. We've got loads of tatties in Scotland. The Famine was 180 years ago!
Where’s ma deep fried mars bar ?
A roll n square-sausage is the traditional Scottish breakfast.
Early morning snarkyness. 😬
If you're not not undoing your belt and having the regular crusties gorping at you in disgust while you're forced to undo your belt due to indulgent overfilling...what's the point. 🙂
Trust, it's so much better with some extra sauce
I love a buttery at breakfast
Sweet or savoury, the choice depends on the region.
Good products everywhere and lots of variety.
Good luck in Britain!
It's usually a mix of beef and pork (Doesn't taste very porky if that helps) or sometimes just beef.
Also black pudding, a type of blood sausage. It's harder to recommend but it's good and worth a try.
And yes, I had to start with a *tiny* bit of haggis, to see if I still liked it. And I did.
and were just bantering at our own expense. We love
having you here, I cry every time at the end of Miracle on
34th Street when you say …” a little brother. “
Wasn’t * Dickie * Attenborough the greatest? 🎥❤️
when you said “ a little brother.” She said “ it’s not all it’s cracked up to be Susan” She was 9 and her brother was 6.
Next achievement awarded for getting the full “Haggis Neeps and Tatties” 😎
Tatty Scones will be flying in like shurikens!
I sung Scots Wha Hae again for good measure ;)
*tear rolls slowly down one cheek*
Hope you enjoy your stay in Scotland and buy lots of homemade woolies. They have the best scarfs and hats in Edinburg if you travel there.
Classic poverty food! Everywhere has it, unless they have plant based diets I imagine.
Scottish one is better than Catalan though, in my personal experience. Lisbon one was nice with pineapple