Matt Yglesias blog is always inane and stupid the day he posts it but to really appreciate how much he misses what's going on you gotta just read anything he posted 2 years ago
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I'd say he's the dumb dude's idea of a smart dude, but not entirely dumb people follow him as well, which is just weird given how little he knows about almost anything he chooses to write about.
I mean, he's not exactly wrong that Twitter suffers from being run by someone more invested in Posting than running a business or that in the abstract rockets and cars are more important pursuits. He's just found a way to say true things that leaves his audience less informed for having read them.
Musk is honestly the kind of a guy - if I'm allowed for the sake of a point an excess of Great Man Historicism - who will make sure we won't ever get to colonize Mars.
This would hold for his tweets too except he has a policy of periodically scrubbing his tweets to erase his bad takes. I'm a little surprised he hasn't done the same with Slow Boring
His blog is somehow worse than his tweets because any time he tries to go in depth with his thoughts he just reveals himself more. Thinking Elon has any secret knowledge on how to colonize Mars should have been embarrassing at least 5 years before he wrote this
I get it in that I love sci fi too and want to believe in something, but just learn very basic physics and it's childish to believe we're leaving this planet
Terraforming Mars involves warming it up, which we've been doing to Earth since the start of the industrial revolution. Cooling a planet down? If only we knew how to effectively do that.
We should move to Mars the same way we moved to Antarctica. Some scientists doing science stuff and eventually being attacked by a shape-shifting alien
Like, just in the past year we've seen several failed soft landings on the Moon, by serious government and private organizations. I don't see how the "put a submarine in the cave" guy has any advantage here
Every time someone brings up colonizing Mars, you need to ask them if they know that the average temperature there is -40.
How are you supposed to produce food at that temperature?
This and the fact that there’s less nitrogen there than anticipated is why Kim Stanley Robinson basically said Red Mars books isn’t possible. It’ll take thousands of years longer unless we smash a nitrogen rich asteroid into it then it’ll still take thousands of years.
I know the deliberate stupidity is the purpose of guys like him since they have to validate the ruling class with their Ideas but it's staggering how wrong he has to be every day to keep that up
It's not that some overplatformed imbecile's take two years ago was "the big problem with Elon Musk buying Twitter is that it will distract him from colonizing Mars."
It's that his drivel has a wide and eager audience in the Biden Administration.
He makes gobs of money catering to an audience who are ideologically committed to the idea that anyone left of Jake Tapper can't be seriously right about anything. His writing reflects that.
2. Welcome back!
rtvrn to voyager missions
How are you supposed to produce food at that temperature?
Less of a gravity penalty when you want to move and easier to make a living.
"Terraforming" Mars is a ridiculous fantasy used to justify polluting the Earth, the one world we know we can live on
although better mars than the global south
Please fuck all the way off.
He’s started a podcast with another journalist I quite like, and he interrupts constantly, literally raising his voice to speak over him. His co-host!
It's that his drivel has a wide and eager audience in the Biden Administration.