A new “European Movement Canada” is being built.
"Canada must not be a spectator to history. Strengthening our relationship with Europe now is an investment in the stability and prosperity of our shared future.”
"Canada must not be a spectator to history. Strengthening our relationship with Europe now is an investment in the stability and prosperity of our shared future.”
Don't be fooled.
We'll catch up later, I hope...
Mexico should consider forming the Central & South American Union - La Unión de Naciones de América Central y del Sur.
"As one door closes, another one opens."☕
And after the elections (that would need to be held immediately) change the name of the country from USA to USC?
Changing a name of an area is not without president.
We want NOTHING to do with joining the US.
They have already said invading us would make us a territory like Puerto Rico, with no voting rights. The other name is just catchier.
I am very much in favour of this Movement.
Do these people live in the real world or do they prefer the comfort of inventing execptionalist scenarios which will never, ever happen...b/c they're childish bullshit?
And obviously Americans "just don't get it", so they will never understand. Come on Canada - get your campest song action on!
*dons plaid sequinned shirt dress, laces platform Docs*
Sign the petition:
like someone who has turned blue because he is dying
They are hiding in their closet Because they think they are not going to get evicted and they have to eat roadkill.
of the EU. Same values, same interests. But to start with let’s work much more closely together.
I agree with TS though.
Strengthen ties with Europe.
Could be an intermediary step: CETA (🇨🇦🇪🇺 trade agreement) in 2016 just set the foundations to work on.
However, I also want Schengen mobility, like Greenlanders have. The dream.
We serve as a shining example for why free nations must unite.
Good thing the monarch supports Canada, as it's his role & title.
Nevertheless, other commonwealth countries in the EU (Cyprus and Malta) are clearly supporting Canada through the EU.
Now though, if they hit the airports, where would we go?
Even democrats in the US seem unwilling to do so.
/Asking for a friend's nation.
But EU squeezed in an island wedged inbetween Turkey and Syria as an European country due to 'cultural ties', so I'm sure we can find togheter🇨🇦🇪🇺 a loophole or sort.
EU have to rewrite some rules anyway, so we can work the details like an ocean around.
I'd welcome Canada with open arms. Let's just rename European Union into something else.
Ponds, too.
If there is a will, I'm sure something can be worked out.
"Vancouver to Tblisi" has a nice ring in it.
Our dear leader is so insane we expect him to give the order anytime. He’s already announced he wants invade Panama and Greenland! I pray the EU says yes, and quickly!
Builds up salt granules from the long storage.
Sour dough bread, butter, Västerbotten, home grown tomatoes, salt, pepper, a dash of olive oil, and some chopped parsley.
On the issue of Canada joining the EU that cannot happen without treaty change as art 49 TEU specifically limits membership to European states.
Also, Newfoundland, is just a ferry ride away from St Pierre & Miquelon, France). Hans Island is half CDN, and half DK.
The world's.
Form an alliance of like-mind countries that live by the rule of law, protect human rights, protect the planet and each other.
We could call it 𝗡o 𝗔ssholes 𝗧reaty 𝗢rganization.
Their sense of entitlement hasn’t gone away.
Other than that the UK has to fundamentally change.
The young far too often end up like the generation before them.
Hope is fine but they have to do the effort. No more special treatment.
As a brit I can't have a say who leads the eu. Neither can anyone else in any other eu country they decide for themselves between themselves. That's like a political party chosing a leader without the say of its members
Scotland voted for independence because they would instantly leave the eu which a lot wanted.......then they wanted to stay in the eu that was a very confusing time......the whole NI and Ireland deal is extremely contentious it isn't so simple
EU citizens directly elect representatives of EU Parliament, based partly on EU state population size.
As a Brit you had an indirect say as to who leads the EU, in a similar way to UK.
It is indeed the only representative on the World stage.
Britain 100% is part of Europe and it’s shown it with its support of Ukraine and willingness to embrace discussions at every level in Europe including at the very least joint by the customs union like Norway or Switzerland
Whatever hubris was there has been absolutely crushed.
So think about where and what you talk about because the hand of friendship is what will defeat the far right of Putin, Trump & lackeys
That’s their talking points. They don’t want the UK and EU united. They want NATO destroyed, they want Canada isolated. They want Ukraine on their own.
So talk of division is supporting them
For Europe, Canada has great natural resources that will strengthen the #EU against #USTariffs
We also share many values with Europe. I’m not saying there wouldn’t be a issues. But it’s doable.
US states no matter the colour…no way.
And military assistance & protection between member states.
Also, EU states have territories in America: Greenland, St Pierre & Miquelon (near Newfoundland), French Guiana, territories in the Caribbean.
Trump threatens everywhere.
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦
They can call it, “Western Independent Nations Nurturing Excellence and Respect.”
Unfortunately it is still early at the moment, in that you still have a chance to stop the freight train.
I'm sure things will change if the trajectory continues...
All people have to do is LOOK.
Its all there; verified, sourced, explained.
Unlike the magamorons episode.
And I say go big or go home or stay home and be big or build a big home and rent it out
Toronto and Vancouver are blessed with many Asians. I am guessing many of them could sell Nat Gas!
I can write the pitch, myself:
We have Nat Gas