Every single member of the Columbia administration should step down.
Through their complicity and their cowardice, they've betrayed their faculty, their staff and most of all their students.
There's no way they can lead that university in any meaningful sense from this point on.
Through their complicity and their cowardice, they've betrayed their faculty, their staff and most of all their students.
There's no way they can lead that university in any meaningful sense from this point on.
Students, faculty, alumni will all take a reputational hit unless and until Columbia reverses course.
They would have been far better off fighting it.
Also, Trump called Columbia a “liberal, disgraceful institution” during his first term. This is a 25-year old grudge.
They have not only failed the students, which is unconscionable, but have failed all who trusted them w the responsibility & resources. They FAILED to uphold basic educational standards. Teach integrity.
This school serves the upper class.
The alumni are not going to do anything.
they don't care
But universities need to figure out their endowments. They could have given Trump the finger and funded that research themselves. Maybe.
Every single member of the Columbia faculty and graduate students needs to strike starting immediately.
Same with Paul Weiss.
Could it be fear and bowing to the dollar? Yes it could be. But given their resources, corruption makes more sense than cowardice.
Then do nothing
They threatened ALL federal fdg AND were ready to claw back funds. They were going to DESTROY Columbia.
Hoping the other instit on ED’s hit list incl Princeton are ready. Elbows up.
I’m more worried about the donors removing him.
True. We still have massive federal funding at stake.
I have no sympathy for the choices Columbia made but man their situation sucked