I have so much good faith in orangutans that if I saw one beating a man's ass with no prior context, I'm jumping in with the orangutan before I even have time to process what's happening.
With all my love, I ask for your support and help in spreading my campaign 🍉 so it reaches the largest possible number of people. By participating, you will be partners in goodness Don't let us down, at least share the pinned post on the home page.
There’s a legend that the Orangutang is as intelligent as human beings, and can even speak. But they keep their mouths shut because they know that if the white man ever found out, they’d put them to work! 😉
(That would be bonobo, with gorillas a close third)
They're chained down so they don't get loose and run amok!
It is a great ape.
"TF, man!?"