Trump’s anti-trans Executive Order is bad BUT it technically defines everyone as female. It states:
“'Female' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell."
Since all fetuses "at conception" are female, Trump just defined EVERYONE as female.
“'Female' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell."
Since all fetuses "at conception" are female, Trump just defined EVERYONE as female.
I was asking about different types of twins & it was clear he had no idea what cell division was 🙃
It also means that Whitney Houston was not just every woman, but everybody on the planet....hell yes
Like XX is girl, XY is boy.
Then again, that would imply Trump paid attention or remembered anything from High School biology class.
Their traditional differentiation is jus that: a tradition. It isn’t a law of nature.
Oh my God, they don’even know what they mean!🙄
All men are intersex.
Not that the people who drafted this know or care, of course.
Judge annoyance is merely a side effect when syntax is being argued by people specifically geared towards arguing specifically about syntax.
They're just bigoted assholes playing on the ignorant prejudices of anti-scientific religious people who want to take away the basic human rights of the people they hate.
I didn't think it'd happen like this though... or it'd be... her (Trump).
Per her executive order, she is by law the first transfem President of the United States.
To determine sex, you need to use genetic testing. This is routinely done in PGT testing as part of IVF so it will be familiar to many people.
wired: all men are trans
If there were, we wouldn’t be laughing at the EO as written.
That, and they still can’t define what a woman is. #sad
It's a result of a certain sort of feminism. So I guess not completely horrible. Heart in the right place and all that.
Their inept use of: "lookit science werds" to justify it notwithstanding.
However, the same applies:
We are all undifferentiated at conception as to sexual preference also.
Gender identity, and likely sexuality, are complex sets of traits that develop in the womb and out of it.
Fo the gender side, may I recommend:
To be one or the other, sex, gender, or sexuality wise is an active process that has not happened yet.
At conception: We are undifferentiated. None of the things that lead to such definitions have happened yet.
An assertion I myself doubt highly, my non-status as an actual PhD carrying biologist notwithstanding. :)
"During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. After approximately 6 to 7 weeks ...
And, without androgen present, that fetus will develop with female anatomy.
They are building simple narratives for ignorant people.
We probably aren't far off from them attempting to replace teachers with Grok.
The female differenciation is as complex and elaborate as the male's, and women are not the default mode.
But, each cell is nevertheless sexed and while not observed in natural pregnancies, PGT testing is routinely performed as part of IVF cycles which reveals sex.
I guess that old joke about looking down to determine your gender is no longer a joke. A joke became law. What a joke.
I interpret it as defining someone as female if (essentially) they end up being able to make the large reproductive cell.
But yes it hinges on the word "belonging", which is arguable.
(This isn't my opinion. This is just how I interpret their statement.)
I guess with the size discrepancy with human reproductive cells, it does make the distinction between the two quite unambiguous.
It's sickening watching what the US is up to - love to our trans friends over there.
(But this is terrifying)
And also how the people who claim to be following the science aren't.
What the EO actually did was abolish sex altogether, because until the 9th week when the first hormone flush happens, none of us are *either*.
Whatever wording they use is likely to exclude intersex people and will almost certainly classify some
Trump has apparently remained that way.
Technically we don’t have a president right now.
Facts don’t lie.
Take care
Be well
Stay warm
Like dude, yeah. We know that's as far as you got.
especially with regards to gcs, who want to pay lip service to feminism
Did you pay attention in biology lessons?
Grok is writing these
We are undifferentiated until 7 weeks in utero.
There is nothing female about it until gonadal differentiation
Completely undifferentiated until 7 weeks in utero
What with the word having that meaning and all 🤷
Not my choice of wording 🤷
I can't understand the evidence/logic for saying all fetuses/embryos/zygotes start out as female. What's the evidence meant to be for that?