New York is one of, if not THE, safest big city in the country, and anytime I go near a tourist-y area there are guys like these two doofuses in head to toe RealTree wearing money belts under their clothes just waiting to get mugged on their way in to see Wicked.
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tyler walk with me
“oh, you think conservative men are terrified of big cities? common mistake. we are actually all just self-taught jason bournes.”
Unless of course, and bear with me, the guy is lying, and in a restaurant he blithely chomps away.
Seriously, living with this level of anxiety isn't preparedness, it's hell.
I am however one of those guys who won't sit in a restaurant with my back to the door. Some kind of mouth of the cave instinct🤷🏼
I loved living there!
Dude must live in the shire.
Why would you actually want to survive that, just to suffer for years in the wasteland that remains?
Of course, living cooperatively in society, and developing relationships that go beyond the transactional - is the exact thing all these multi-billionaires have been fighting their entire lives.
I was amazed at how friendly people were. Every time I looked a little lost, someone helped me.
If anyone is scared in NYC, especially in Manhattan, they just a total coward.
If you go strolling through the wrong neighborhood, that fiction stuff won't impress anyone.
The women on Sex in the City had more street smarts in their stilettos than either of these “alpha males” could ever fathom.
I was living in the most sex&drugs neighborhood in Zürich, with junkies and prostitutes at every corner. Guess what, nobody bothered you, nobody wanted to rob you or sell you heroin or sex. Because you somehow convey the sentiment that you belong there.
The only time I ever put this much thought into restaurant positioning was in Kabul in 2007. Pretty sure that would give brother Wayne a full-blown panic attack.
But maybe I’m being too generous heh.
Dude, they teach kids to know where the fire exits are in school.
And NYC is even lower than the state as a whole.
It's a mix of paranoia and fantasy roleplay from a bunch of dudes who would be afraid to ride the subway in broad daylight.
Roleplayers usually have a very keen sense to discern fantasy from reality.
"My febrile neuroses are just masculine instincts."
So common nowadays. They think they are macho instead of utter weenies.