Does “news analysis” now just mean “laundering rightwing dishonesty and malfeasance through an ostensibly objective reporting frame?” Because I have seen one of these pieces that does anything else in years.
Let's avoid telling the truth: Trump is a dictator and Putin ally for decades. So let's suggest that Zelensky might be to blame, even though he's a democratically elected president and a true hero.
His approach was to walk right the fuck out of the corner they tried to paint him into. The media needs to stop acting like this is politics as usual. The US promised to protect Ukraine when they got rid of their nukes in the 90s. The only headline should be "US breaks promise, blames Ukraine"
Trump was already angry at Zelenskyy because Z refused to concoct compromising data on Hunter Biden. Z is galvanizing support in Europe and the US population while laying bare the lies and hypocrisy of Trump and minions.
I saw that and just closed the window. What position could such an article possibly take? I don’t assume Zelenskyy is perfect or something but could he be ‘to blame’ for Trump’s decisions? He tried very hard to elicit Trump’s goodwill already. That clearly failed so he simply stated the reason why.
Wow. So a duly elected leader defends his people and resources from an unlawful aggressor and HE’s the one with tact issues. Trump is pro Putin and a stooge of Putin’s expansionism.
We all know MSM is controlled by advertisers and owners and they look like state media, demonstrated by this article. The resistance has been the indep. media like Meidas, Dollemore, Mockler etc. As long as we subscribe to the NY Times or Washington Post,, aren't we paying to be manipulated?
Maybe you want to point out the nuance here rather than the servile and fawning arguments. I’m missing it between the lines of text. Is it hidden in the white space?
The NYT readers would be better served by an article discussing the transatlantic alliance, its strengths & weaknesses, and what it means for US, European and global security so they can evaluate what's at stake. But NYT is all politics, no policy.
Yeah. We all know that they're written by different people. But I think it's an artifact of SEO or post-SEO era that headlines nowadays are often totally contrary to the article. And in our day and age often the headline accounts for 9/10ths of the influence.
if I ever wrote for them, something would be wrong because I should have quit writing for them over a year ago due to their issues with trans coverage. regardless, I feel like the NYT is a publication representing the worst america. the worse america actually gets, the more obvious it becomes
I'm sorry but the headline is more nuanced than the article itself. The article is a lot of words to say that Zelensky should take what American president gives and be grateful.
Even if you buy the argument that appeasing Trump is the pragmatic approach, how could Zelensky possibly show his face to his people if he didn't push back on such ridiculous claims? Seems like a great way to tank morale.
that's likely the point of the tactic. no matter what he does, he's squeezed. push back and trump can say he's being obstinate. fail to push back and fragile ukrainian morale takes a hit. it's intelligent enough for me to think trump didn't come up with it and someone's got his ear, advising him
Meanwhile, all of the bystanders to the mugging now loathe us and are banding together to give the victim assistance. Is mugging wrong? We've no right to ask, we're the stenographic Times.
Someone is trying out new talking points suggesting people who don’t placate abusers are hurting themselves and others. Over on the WaPo OpEd pages, Megan McArdle is saying academia deserves the violence and abuse Trump is pushing because they knew resisting lies and immoral acts would anger him.
Likewise Gov Mills supposedly "challenging" and "defying" Trump
Trump was the provoker
NYT framing only makes sense if you think Trump is the federal law and the government is his government+ that D governors are defying will of the people
Expected from the NYT at this point. If you don’t think they’re fascist coddlers who would all gladly do things for Trump in exchange for a possible book deal then you have not been paying attention to…their entire publication history. I’ve hated them since Valerie Plame.
It’s deliberate, they’re hedging their bets. Not sure where the country goes from here. Will we continue to be a democracy or an autocracy. To the MSM it’s still business as usual.
I'm sure that privately, Zelensky must hate America for how the fate of his country is tied to the whims of the most clueless and selfish swing voters imaginable
When is Isreal going to pay us back? If Ukraine has to pay for us helping then Isreal should pay us also. Isreal has gotten more money from us than any other country.
I was coming here to share the same screenshot. It’s bad enough to blame him for how he’s being abandoned, but what could possibly hurt his country more than placating this monster who is allied with Ukraine’s enemy?
The Krasnov administration had already its mind made up before even engaging with Zelensky. The rest have been provocations aimed at justifying their indecent posture.
Well, they’re the National Enquirer, that ship sailed with the Grey Lady steering the wheel 20 years ago. Lovely that people are catching on now though
No kidding. And another from today is “trumps frustration with generals leads to unconventional pick”. How about “former generals acting as guardrails to trumps often illegal leanings leads to unqualified pick”
Problem is there are still some reporting you get that you don’t nest see on Meidas and such. So it’s a catch 22. Editorially they haven’t fully collapsed - yet.
I agree! It’s not about Zelensky’s style at all. I wonder if the NYT used to have editors who could spend time thinking about how headlines could be better phrased. Now with late capitalism restructuring, there is not enough time to do the job as well as before.
Blaming Zelensky for not pussy-footing around his insane temperament of an 8 year old? These are serious issues, to be discussed like fucking serious grown-ups!!
If people have not canceled their subscription yet, it’s time, after their Moscow bureau chief Walter Duranty was a defacto mouthpiece for Stalin, denying the Holodomor, in 2025 they are doing the same 💩again. F****k these azzholes
They can’t be serious. The order of magnitude of issues facing Ukraine & its leaders is light years more difficult than the privilege Trump & Musk enjoy every day of their spoiled, pathetic lives.
Zelensky is a true hero, not some NFT depiction that glosses over Trump’s criminality.
Why do we evan need this? How about an article discussing the transatlantic alliance, its strengths and weaknesses, what its means for US, European and global security. Something to inform people about the stakes.
Do better Andrew Kramer, The public wants truth and facts - in meaningful context. What you wrote removes important facts from the article, that results in crafting a distortion of truth you likely did not intend.
The problems in Ukr are the mass murders still occurring, mass graves, lethal targets on civilians, concentration camps, torture, devastation of cities, towns & places people need to
live, buy food, the ability to move around to attend to daily needs, address health needs,provide for their families.
These crimes and human rights abuses persist because the war criminal committing these crimes is still committing these crimes - while being invited to sit to discuss how he can decimate Ukraine,
a talk being held with the war criminal’s debtor (a conflict of interest story linked to this story, that you fail to include in your reporting), all the while as Ukraine - the victimized nation, is excluded with all of EU from what are in truth: extortion meetings. Be honest.
At a bare minimum, consider expanding your opinion in holding yourself to ethical standards, by asking meaningful questions:
Why have you not called for the removal of Ru troops from all of Ukr and a complete cease fire - before Ru can be included in any talks?
Why not ask how peace could be constructed w/o the victimized (Ukr & EU)? Where is your call for the inclusion of the nation under attack, and EU allies at the “peace talks”? These are not peace talks & you know it. Report the truth, Mr Kramer. Inform the public.
Call it what it is: Extortion talks.
He has tip-toed around tRump the best anyone can do. He's being blackmailed about his country's land and natural resources, is he not supposed to stand up to the orange menace at this point? He has dealt tRump's criminal behavior before, remember the "perfect call"?
Not bonkers. It was planned all along. These people believe in King Donald Dump, and you can see it all over them. They don't even try to hide the fact that they sold us down the river.
The NYT = Trash News & Propaganda
Stop reading this rag, cancel your subscription
As a requirement for fascism.
Trump was the provoker
NYT framing only makes sense if you think Trump is the federal law and the government is his government+ that D governors are defying will of the people
And who can blame him?
These assholes massage any reporting into something looking like a pile of uncooked bread dough
They’ve been doing it for the better part of a few decades now
Just vowel
"Look, at this point, your refusal to pay for protection is just pissing the mafia off. Will being such a cheapskate hurt your business?"
They're complicit in the takeover as their owners benefit from Trump tax cuts.
Trump is a strongman. Yesterday a headline referred to “his” generals.
By Tony Soprano
Trump: “Nice country you have here. Shame if Putin has to occupy it.”
NY Times: “Zelensky is pissing off Dear Leader Trump.”
Sheesh 🙄
But I’m sure they would say “hey, we’re just ‘asking questions’”
Zelensky is a true hero, not some NFT depiction that glosses over Trump’s criminality.
I'd say it was unbelievable, but that concept left the building some time ago.
live, buy food, the ability to move around to attend to daily needs, address health needs,provide for their families.
Why have you not called for the removal of Ru troops from all of Ukr and a complete cease fire - before Ru can be included in any talks?
Call it what it is: Extortion talks.