oh thats the place with the weed store thats exclusively designed to sell to people who are going to illegally transport it across state lines within 2 minutes of leaving the store
I was about to get tilted, but then I remember Beaulieu here in Britain (home of an *amazing* motor museum) is not "bo-lyuh" in the French way, but "byoo-lee".
"buh-LOYT" was how the guys from the machinery company of the same name (which was headquartered there) used to pronounce it, when they visited the paper mill where my father worked when I was a kid.
I'm from Minnesota and say BEll-oyt or BUH-loyt. The pronunciation discussion comes with a side of "what is the origin of the town anyway?" chat. French fur trader? Jesuit missionary? Other? Hard to say!
Depends. Beh-Buh-Bah, Interchanges for me.
Little kid me was always told that due to Beloit being at the lower end of Wisconsin, it the sound a turd makes when hitting the water.
For reals? That's just a hop, skip and jump from my old stomping grounds, Rockford Illinois!
We used to go to Beloit when we wanted to slum it a bit...
That when anywhere.
Wikipedia, otoh, has an audio sample!
The Journey lyrics work!
(not how any of it is pronounced).
I keep meaning to get a college sweatshirt made for myself with BELWAH on it. Maybe it's finally time.
Little kid me was always told that due to Beloit being at the lower end of Wisconsin, it the sound a turd makes when hitting the water.
We used to go to Beloit when we wanted to slum it a bit...
One of the best Smithwick's pours I've found.
Going erehwyna
Going to
I thought it was a Dukes of Hazzard reference at first
So the song says the City Boy was born in "South Detroit" yes? Observe the following map.
Note that "South Detroit" is: actually just Windsor, Ontario.
Though somehow I don't think "born and raised in Windsor" scans well, musically speaking.