Only the corrupt Rs can impeach and remove him. They could have done that after he extorted Zelenskyy and plotted to overturn our lawful election and Constitution. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Not in court. And R Reps at their town halls are getting the drubbing they deserve. MAYBE YOU SHOULD HELP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HOW MANY DOORS DID YOU KNOCK ON TO GET OUT THE VOTE?
the problem here is that pieces of paper with stern words on them ARE NOT BULLET PROOF.
And I feel like every DV survivor who has ever tried to get a restraining order already knows this.
I am so disgusted with those who shit on Dems. The courts have been our only saviors and grateful for that. We need to work to flip whatever seats we can. The trumpism party is responsible for all this disaster. Point the finger where it belongs.
Chuck Schumer rolled over for Trump last week and voted for Cloture knowing DAMN WELL that it would let the GOP's spending bill pass. You know, the one where Congress surrenders the power of the purse to Trump and Elon and semi legitimizes the DOGE bullshit.
Yes- I fear the time is coming where a federal judge’s order will have to be enforced. And who exactly will do that to those in the administration not adhering to the rulings?
ActBlue has sent out a message from Hakeem Jeffries saying that the Dem candidates in FL special House election are THREE points ahead! Dear GAWD I hope that holds up…
Maga is destroying the country, but the democrat's incompetence and greed has enabled it. We need to acknowledge that the democrats, at large, have not looked out for us--red and blue. We need to demand better, and recognize that their crappy tactics come from a desire to protect the richest.
For those that don’t know it this is one of the three individuals involved in the Twitter files, it elevated his prominence and subscriber accounts to the tune of about 2 million per year in gross revenues. The other is Matt Taibbi. Barri Weiss was the third but she appeared to bail on the project.
Ran for governor as well. He has become pretty dogmatic about certain things. I am ambivalent as hell about the guy, but I do think that even at this point, he knows facism when he sees it.
"he returned to the Christian faith, seeing the religion as a solution to society's 'intense hatred and anger'"
This reminds me of when Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick said on Fox News that there will never be peace in the US until everyone converts to Christianity... yeahhhhh, no.
Oh that sounds like MJT who said “there will be no unity until the democrats start voting Republican and coughing up large sums of money” … wait.. WHAT? Fun Fact: that’s not what unity means.
Stephen Miller's mom needs to apologize to the entire USA for giving birth to such a wormy dude who hates Americans and does not have even a tiny eency weency compassionate chip in his entire body.
He hard-scrabble crawled his way out of Santa Monica (obvious sarcasm). From what I’ve heard about young Mr. Miller, he was an embarrassment and his family thinks he’s a dick.
So confusing. I saw Shellenberger speak at UC Berkeley about 20 years ago and IIRC his schtick was not far off from the latest from Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson.
Did not know Gestapo Steveo was capable of apologies, sincere one’s at least. Reminds me of family members who set 🔥 to the 🏠 every 🎄 and then “apologize” for being “rowdy”.
His grand parents are immigrants. Stephen Miller is 2nd generation American….not very deep roots. Which makes him even more disgusting than originally thought. Just gross!! Wonder if he killed his own parents.
for everyone not getting this, the worm being referred to by kara in this case is not miller, it's shellenberger. miller is his own type of horror, but shellenberger is a special breed of worm. a bespoke worm perhaps...
I don’t know why CNN continues to have him on just to scream and tell lies. Apparently he thinks that shows authority and does it to intimidate others. All it shows is weak and pathetic.
Miller Dead Beat Dad Who Refused To Pay Child Support-Was Paid By GOP Donor. Miller Who Presented The Stupidest Court Filing In History To Stop Trump’s Case Of Theft Of U.S. Documents-Laughed Out Court. Constitution Is Easy To Read And Understand -But Not For Miller Who Should Be Disbarred!!
I suspect Stephen Miller is producer of the “Deportation cosplay”. Each department is headed by a different cosplay villain, each acting out their own graphic novel scenarios at the same time. Literal chaos actors.
The problem with @karaswisher.bsky.social’s metaphor is that using the word “worm” and showing a picture of Miller obscures her true intention. Thanks for clarifying.
Reality: Miller is a worm but he doesn’t ever turn.
ha. I hear you that most people would assume Miller was the worm. It's probably due to my having connections to the Bay Area (like Swisher does) that I zoomed in on Shellenberger. He is truly awful. He's the one that wrote "Sanfran-sicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities."
But... But... Senior Democratic leadership assured me it's only a crisis if they disobey the Supreme Court they stacked by robbing them of two appointments.
Surely Schumer can't be lying to our face and smoothing the path for fascist dictatorship?
This deportation/rendition scheme was Miller's baby. You can bet there was no legal review or it was ignored. The judge wants an explanation. He needs to call in Miller. No one will shed a tear if he's jailed for contempt.
I don’t think he’s alive. I think Stephen Miller dug him up out of his grave, and probably put him in his bed and sleeps cuddled up to him every night.
I think I speak for all of us when I say every dude would prefer snuggling up to a dead, decomposed/decomposing corpse than having to be in the same room as you.
I still remain gobsmacked that he found a woman to not only marry him, but actually procreate with him. The idea that this waste of blood and organs has sired another generation makes me ill.
Those freaks will pay for ramming people into a demented prison in El Salvador! One way or another, all actors in this twisted saga - including Bondi, et al calling for judicial impeachment - will pay...Showdown tomorrow at noon and a ruling by Friday...
Since he stacked the SCOTUS, I have serious doubts they would rule against him. Plus, if they did, they risk rendering themselves useless once he defies them. Thus, they will side with him.
Yeah but Roberts carries deeply about his legacy and place in history. Not sure he wants to go down in history as the Chief Justice who ended American democracy, and ACB would probably go along with him.
I do not understand why we never bring in a constitutional expert or historian and question or force the Supreme Court out. Or the Bar Assoc. Their literal job is to apply the law … not re-interpret it. It’s not like we don’t have 250 years of examples. Why did we accept/allow them canceling RvW etc
Can something be "unconstitutional" when you live in an alternative reality where everything you want to believe is always true, even when it contradicts something you believed only 2 minutes ago?
I think these concepts are meaningless in the MAGAverse.
@karaswisher.bsky.social I call him the Nazi Twerp. Hoping that one will catch on🤣🤣
He legit is the worst person they could use to try and persuade moderates they’re in the right; being one of the least likable personalities in the White House
This man is not a man who wants peace and prosperity for our country. He wants the rich to get richer, DJT listens and trying to get his rich buddies to prosper but not the everyday man, you and me
The criminals saying they aren't guilty is proof they know what they are doing is illegal. Even their stupid base is starting to figure that out.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
This is a dictatorship in all but name. They have ripped up the American constitution and the rule of law. Public norms and values are just something the scrape of their Republican heels.
4 years of this. Where are the people of this great nation?
Why would the deep red states need so much voter suppression if Florida and Texas were solid red? Why would they fight us non stop. Or throw away so many votes. They says themselves if we don’t cheat we’ll never win again. It’s terrifying when the country has all but written off the “red” states.
Or 40 years. They are already ensuring our votes never count again in the red states even though they haven’t actually counted in 30 years. Women’s votes are already blocked if your license doesn’t match your birth certificate just like every married woman that takes her husbands name.
If you’re going to test the bounds or perhaps shatter the basic tenets of the Constitution it’s smart to start with likely albeit alleged criminals. If successful it’s much easier to deny the rights of anyone that you deem as the Others.
Trump, Putin’s puppet, proposed taking over Ukrainian power plants as "protection," claiming it would deter Russian attacks. Meanwhile, there’s a push for a partial ceasefire covering energy infrastructure. Who’s really calling the shots—Trump or Putin?
Wrong. It’s judicial overreach. It’s so interesting that the left keeps coming down on the side that wants thing that are detrimental to America. Stay tuned guys. The democrats are going to eat each other. I’m bringing popcorn.
I’m interested to understand this too—what makes you say it’s judicial overreach to insist on due process, or at least be shown evidence that due process should be suspended?
They are not citizens. They are hear illegally and they are members of the most dangerous gangs on the planet. They are not guaranteed the rights of citizens in the US. It’s interesting where your concern lies
So you don’t think due process applies to undocumented immigrants? It does. See: the constitution.
My concern lies with not further eroding the rights of Americans. If we ignore due process for some without strong justification, we are next. I thought men were terrified of false rape accusations?
When all these issues go to the Supreme Court, which is where they need to be addressed, not a low level fed district court, we will see who prevails. I’ll be right on this.
Without due process who gets to decide guilt and how? Could a future admin decide you personally need to go to prison? Without due process what would stop them from just making it up?
Guilt and innocence isn’t being determined here. These are aliens and they are being removed from the country. They have absolutely no right to be here. They are here at our pleasure. They can be removed at any time and should be
How do we ensure that citizens are not arrested and deported if there is no due process? Who gets to decide the enemies and where this stops? Do you trust the government enough to bet your freedom on it?
The next administration, if we can take this thing back, is going to have to come up with away to skirt a criminal presidents pardons. Cause right now Bondi, Miller, Rubio, Musk and the rest are operating like they’ve been given immunity from prosecution for their knowingly illegal acts.
Many know that miller and others in Trump orbit are corrupt liars. But MAGA-ites believe every word they say. And Trump orbit knows this and is relying on it. MAGA-ites are well armed and will come to the rescue when the people rise up. B
Please watch and rewatch this movie, in the U.S. Archives from the @usarmy.bsky.social #DontBeASucker a reminder of how the Nazis conned their country into becoming the cause of mass murder and all the other horrors that Nazis unleash. The lessons are true for the USA🇺🇸 , in 2025 https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4
Afraid yet America you should be! The free world is! America is being governed by a Russian asset who staged his assignation attempt and stole the 2024 election from the American people! (All things on Putins play book) America #HoldTheLine democracy depends on it!
They don't care. They don't care about the "law" and they don't care about breaking it. We have to stop pretending like they do. Nothing will change until someone actually holds them accountable but that isn't looking likely.
Yep, Mr. Miller needs to live on Mars with Elon and his shitton of burnt up Teslas. White nationalists are a pittance of this great country and we will send him where he can rule - all white, all subservient small-brained people: their dream-cult environment.
Never thought I had the capacity to hate like this, but these are truly evil individuals. Every day I hope to wake up to an obituary or two. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
All my life, I assumed the American constitution was considered sacrosanct. It was cited in the news constantly, from justifying guns to kill people with, to free speech, to freedom of religion. It took one fascist to eliminate America. America is dead. It is now simply, Armageddon.
Miller is wrong most of the time, he was last term as well.
Claiming the President will not be questioned about his actions comes to mind.
He is desperate to create a king out of a demented man who let's him institute cruel policies that harm people.
I believe I saw @artcandee.bsky.social in a skeet call him “Temu Goebbels.” Hilariously accurate and simultaneously shitty that we have a propaganda minister (even if a low budget version).
Yeeeah, I'm gonna need some verification that they don't lock the children in the basement with some juice and applesauce packets before going to work.
I couldn't help but read the clickbait description ofbthe video. "Schools" probably isn't an accurate description, but it is also a lot more tame than the inflamatory verbs ("Wrecks!" "Destroys!" "Torches!") you usually see.
Aah another university that needs to change some curriculum. Steven Miller, a Duke alumni needs some serious civics lessons with some constitutional law thrown in.
Old “dead-eyes” lying through his teeth knowing g’damn well he’s repeating full on bullshit. This soulless little man can’t even get through a three minute interview without yelling and screaming and having a meltdown-tantrum. Such a little bitch boi.
MAGAs had no problem with the Supreme Court stripping away women’s reproductive rights or by decreeing that Trump is not accountable for his criminal actions while President, or judges slow walking numerous criminal trials to run out the clock!Now MAGAs are literally losing their minds!Musk is mad!
"Miller was born...in Santa Monica, California...the second of three children in the Jewish family...His mother's ancestors...emigrated to the United States from the Russian Empire's Antopol...escaping the 1903–06 anti-Jewish pogroms in Belarus and other parts of the Russian Empire."
The actions of some of the Project 2025 people only make sense in the context of angsty teenagers rebelling against their parents, the pinnacle of evil greed, or utter stupidity and naivety that fails to see the other forces acting that will probably cut them loose eventually. That, or a cult.
*checks notes*
Sue to block them from being enacted and…
*double checks*
Pass legislation protecting vulnerable people.
And I feel like every DV survivor who has ever tried to get a restraining order already knows this.
Dems are cowards. Choke on your disgust
This reminds me of when Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick said on Fox News that there will never be peace in the US until everyone converts to Christianity... yeahhhhh, no.
Because everyone knows that those Jesus loving slave owners really loved their slaves...
This was a few months after Patrick told old people to sacrifice themselves for the good of the economy during COVID.
His karma is he looks 50 years older than he is.
Stephen Miller is Jewish
He works for the admin that ordered the erasure of the murder of 6,000,000 Jews
Bald nasty guys like this are pricks with ears
Think about it: Trump, Musk, Miller, Noem, Hegseth, Rubio, Vance, Leavitt…
They genuinely think we're all that dumb, because everyone in their echo chamber base actually is.
Reality: Miller is a worm but he doesn’t ever turn.
Surely Schumer can't be lying to our face and smoothing the path for fascist dictatorship?
It doesn’t make sense, but he doesn’t know and he keeps saying it
Courts: You violated the Constitution.
Trump Admin: We have not violated the Constitution.
Courts: Yes, you did.
Trump Admin: No we didn't.
Push will come to shove only IF SCOTUS rules against him.
This answer was given by Musks' own AI.
Feel free to ask it yourself
I think these concepts are meaningless in the MAGAverse.
He legit is the worst person they could use to try and persuade moderates they’re in the right; being one of the least likable personalities in the White House
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
They are becoming the enemy.
Unfortunately, this is the express, and you're on here to the end of the line.
Maybe try to brace yourself.
He threw trash on the ground at school, "so that the janitors would have a job to do"
And instead opt to claim the much more vague "We'll continue to deport people", without saying where to or how.
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
4 years of this. Where are the people of this great nation?
He does the formulating and Trump just parrots it out.
My concern lies with not further eroding the rights of Americans. If we ignore due process for some without strong justification, we are next. I thought men were terrified of false rape accusations?
The judge’s order to turn the planes around supports my understanding—due process applies to undocumented immigrants.
huge right turn!
None of them are going to be held accountable by normal legal processes.
Claiming the President will not be questioned about his actions comes to mind.
He is desperate to create a king out of a demented man who let's him institute cruel policies that harm people.