I just found out the proper name for doggo zoomies is Frenetic Random Activity Periods, or FRAPS.
I don’t know how to live with this knowledge.
I don’t know how to live with this knowledge.
Thank you for this new addition to my vocabulary! In a world of insanity, this has brought a smile to my mind.
A good Irish jigging
Later I discovered Ska & could skank for hours. Now I brace up between kitchen cabinets & jiggle away
frap poochie no
"Oh, ya know, just bein his frappy self"
"I heard you got a new kitten, hows that been?"
"He was zippin around and frapped himself into a wall"
I think I'm good with sticking with Zoomies.
(We’ve decided it’s cause the wind disturbs the dragons that live in those trees😂)
Any, that's my time, thanks for coming out, and please tip you waitress...
Frenetic Random Activity Periods with Puppy Energy
Note: I do not in any way endorse the creation of canine-flavored iced coffee beverages.
May your day be filled with FRAPS
It’s got a weird mouth feel that’s for sure…
(everyone is so sick of this joke that the cumulative exhales make a windmill in Iowa spin 0.001% faster)
Now I do.
... and then come the yaps...
My chickens routinely do zoomies, accompanied with wild cackling and wing flapping.
Yes, it's hilarious.😁
That’s kinda cool.
But I’ll stick to zoomies!
thanks! 🐕
Apropos: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=RDCLAK5uy_kKoEhkJCpDCXuqNUmP1m47vbqdsgxsTkg&playnext=1&si=UJA3gpnBUfi-TWyn
I first read that as "doggo ZOMBIES" and was very confused.